How to use "stories" in a sentence


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Many people like to tell stories about giant squid, but no one knows if they are true

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Come back to to find more fascinating and exciting stories!

Come back to to find more fascinating and exciting stories!

Come back to to find more fascinating and exciting stories!

'I have only heard stories about it,' he said

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There were stories of a mysterious man known as 'Leather Apron', who demanded money from prostitutes and beat them if they resisted

Meanwhile, the newspapers continued to report sensational stories and rumours

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Come back to to find more fascinating and exciting stories!

Come back to to find more fascinating and exciting stories!

She does not need to hear any of your horrible stories or strange ideas."

And sometimes the cases are interesting, and he likes having some good stories to tell the guys in the pub

She does not want to think about the stories in the newspapers

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"The one you tell stories about? The one who..."

You don't even know this woman and now she's filling your head with all these crazy stories..."

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Come back to to find more fascinating and exciting stories!

Come back to to find more fascinating and exciting stories!

That was possible, wasn't it? She had seen similar stories in the movies

He had a variety of interests; among other things, he was a skier and a pilot, and he was full of funny stories about learning to ski and fly

Hundred-foot-long signs-five - hundred-foot-long signs - towered five or even ten stories above the street, glittering, winking, thousands of miles of bright glass tubing filled with glowing gas, blinking, swirling, hundreds of thousands of bulbs, spelling out hotel names, forming pictures with light

Scary stories of every kind, in every medium

The magazine contained half a dozen illustrated horror stories

If they had seen something, they'd have come back with at least a dozen different stories about it, none of them accurate

Killing all those people and trying to fake an accident - that was a whole lot riskier than letting the kids come back with their half-baked stories about seeing something peculiar in the mountains."

Deep inside the secret Sierra complex, three stories below ground level, this room measured forty feet by twenty

In the rectangular room, three stories underground, computers hummed and murmured.

And it probably goes down several stories too."

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Come back to to find more fascinating and exciting stories!

Come back to to find more fascinating and exciting stories!

Come back to to find more fascinating and exciting stories!

'You read too many detective stories,' I said

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They printed stories like:

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Come back to to find more fascinating and exciting stories!

Come back to to find more fascinating and exciting stories!

More stories about the ex-politicians.'

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Come back to to find more fascinating and exciting stories!

One of the biggest stories of women's empowerment has come with the MeToo movement, which started in 2017

Buzzfeed Japan, which is a news website, has started a MeToo page with stories about the movement in Japan

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Come back to to find more fascinating and exciting stories!