How to use "crime" in a sentence


This time Jack the Ripper had time to finish his crime without interruption

The Ripper murders were the first of a new kind of crime: serial killings, savage, without an obvious motive, no clues, and very difficult to solve.

The Star reported the crime in very sensational language: the killer was 'half beast, half man', a 'demon', or 'vampire'

"About a crime." Branwell pulls his notepad from his pocket and places it in front of him on the table

They say this is the case because Miss Lee was not in a sane state of mind when she killed Mr Dawson; they say that this crime was in defence of her sister

And I promise, Father, after this I will never commit another crime again

"You mean it's a crime? It's illegal?"

That's a crime, that's illegal, but you still do that, don't you? Well, this is just like that

Is that a crime? Is that wrong?"

For ten minutes she reads her crime novel

'My marriage to Mr de Winter isn't a crime

After a hard day of crime fighting, you can get stinking drunk and throw up on yourself, and it doesn't matter

What could be the reason for such a terrible crime? What had led up to it? Just exactly what had happened?

That will give us the time of the crime

'So Dennis thinks he knows who committed the crime

'Did you know, Mrs Protheroe that Lawrence Redding has already confessed to the crime?'

Then Miss Marple gave us both a shock as she said, 'Has Mrs Protheroe confessed to the crime now?'

'I wish you could solve the crime, Miss Marple,' Griselda said

'Because only the day before the crime he said that anyone who murdered Colonel Protheroe would be doing the world a favour.'

I will only say that nothing which was discussed had anything to do with the crime.'

Clement, I'm going to solve this crime

Perhaps he suspected her of the crime and was trying to protect her

'He asked me if I wanted to find my husband's murderer, and I said, "Yes." And then he asked me whether I suspected anyone, and I said, "No." And then he said, did I think the person who committed the crime knew the village, and I said they certainly seemed to

Nothing about a crime is ever ordinary

'You once said that you would go mad if anyone else confessed to the crime.'

But I know who is guilty of the crime

You remember, Mr Clement that I was quite shocked when I heard Mr Redding had confessed to the crime

'But by Thursday afternoon the crime had been very carefully planned

Then he got rid of the silencer and marched into the police station with the pistol and confessed to the crime.'

'He has confessed to the crime.'

'You may think differently,' said Melchett, 'when you have heard what we now know.' And he quickly told him about Miss Marple's explanation of the crime

Nothing at all was said about Miss Marple's part in solving the crime

Miss Cram, though, had been cleared of any crime

This is the story of a crime committed against a woman

'Sir Percival Glyde was involved in your daughter's death and has committed a crime against someone I love

He then told me what he had done to the register and he explained what the law does to people who commit that crime