How to use "stranger" in a sentence


Mrs Cox saw the stranger in the light of the gas lamp opposite Mary's front door

'A meal and a bed,' said the stranger.

'I have money.' The stranger produced an old leather purse from his jacket.

The stranger smiled with relief and sat down by the fire

'When will the meal be ready?' the stranger asked.

'People say there's a stranger in town,' she said

'Something about a dangerous stranger walking the streets?' he asked with an amused smile.

The door opened and Jean Valjean, the stranger, walked in

'My name is Jean Valjean,' the stranger said before anybody could speak

Second, there was the mysterious stranger who had saved his life

He risked his life to save a dying man, and why? He was a total stranger

'What do you want?' Marius asked coldly, as the stranger bowed to him.

The stranger explained in great detail how he used to work for the government in foreign countries and that, now he was retired, he wanted to move to South America with his wife and daughter

Pontmercy,' the stranger said

The stranger narrowed his eyes, trying to hide his disappointment and anger at Marius's calmness

'You're a completely rotten man, but I'll give you this.' Marius took a banknote out of his pocket and threw it in the stranger's face.

De Winter looked at me as though I were a stranger

The mistress of the house would come in and find me, a stranger, sitting at her desk.

At six minutes past midnight, Tuesday morning, on the way home from a late rehearsal of her new stage show, Tina Evans saw her son, Danny, in a stranger's car

If some stranger wanted her to feel more pain over the loss of her child, however, that was definitely unsettling

A stranger? It must be

Why would a stranger harbor such passionate feelings about Danny's death?

Just a couple of hours ago she had concluded that the person behind this harassment had to be a stranger

But how could any stranger so easily gain entrance to both her house and the hotel computer? Didn't he, after all, have to be someone she knew?

What stranger could possibly hate her so much?

and it's apparently a personal loss to him, so it can hardly be a stranger."

"This afternoon I decided it has to be a stranger

And I'm positive it can't be a stranger, which rules out most of the world."

Then, when I had the money, I didn't want some stranger furnishing it for me

Elliot met the stranger's eyes and didn't look away.

Elliot had a pretty good idea of what it would feel like, and he was sweating under his arms and in the small of his back, but he didn't move, and he didn't respond to the stranger's taunting.

They aren't being sent by a total stranger or by Michael

The stranger had been lying in the snow, watching them, waiting; now he had a wet hole in his chest

But the truth is that I am fighting down the feeling that a stranger has broken into the house and is in my bedroom

Suddenly a barrier appeared between us, and she has become like a stranger to me