How to use "sun" in a sentence


Right now, with the sun on my back and the wind in my hair, I agree.

The sun is shining into the canyon and a raven has just flown across the blue sky above my head

Clouds at night are good because they trap the day's heat in the canyon, but clouds during the day are bad because the sun doesn't warm the air

I don't know if this is true, but I'm still alive when the sun rises

The sun is shining and I feel free, happy, and alive.

That moment is like the sun coming out

Her hair was all the way down her back, and she was wearing sun-glasses - at night! She was wearing blue jeans and a shirt with lots of colours on it

On that morning the sun rose at 5.23

'The sun's come out at last!' she cried, eagerly accepting the coin

The only thing he was sure of was that the light through the grilles far above his head was growing weaker, which meant that the sun was setting

The sun is high above Canary Wharf

The sun is almost down behind the green, snowy mountains now, and it is colder than before

And the sun is almost gone

He takes a cigarette from his packet, lights it and lets the hot evening sun shine down on his bald head.

And he smiles and looks up at the hot sun.

And the brothers laugh as they watch Gerry and the truck drive up the road to Hobbs Creek while the great Australian sun begins to fall behind the horizon.

The sun is somewhere up there, above the skyscrapers of Times Square

Today he just wants to get out of the hot courtroom, away from the serious lawyers in their black gowns and white wigs and go and enjoy the sun.

The feeling of the sun on his face is good, and the taste of the smoke is even better

And there is no birdsong to let you know that the sun and the new day are nearly here.

The backstreets of Dublin are quiet, and the sun is slowly setting on the old city

The car is big and old, but it is a classic, and it moves along the road like a shark, the evening sun reflecting off the red paint.

The sun is lower in the sky now, it's a little less hot, and the radio keeps him company with old songs about love and women, rock and roll and country music

The sun is almost down now, the sky a deep orange and red

But the sun is gone now, and darkness is all around him

No, this time the sun is high and hot, and this time Owen has his old guns over his shoulder, and he remembers the way that Junior's expressionless face changed when he saw them the night before.

The sun was setting now and the air was cold and clear.

The sun will be shining for you when we come to Manderley.'

I was glad to see the sun

The sun shone again

As we reached the car, the sun went behind a cloud and a little rain began to fall

The sun was shining today and the cottage did not look frightening any more

The sun shone on something metal in the drive

It was very hot, but the sun was hidden behind the wall of fog

One wall was covered by heavy drapes that blocked out the fierce desert sun

During the day, however, the merciless sun was unkind to the Strip

After so much talk about death, she needed a glimpse of movement, action, life; and although the Strip sometimes was grubby in the flat glare of the desert sun, the boulevard was always, day or night, bustling and filled with life.

As he and Elliot ambled along the sun-splashed street, Kennebeck mulled over the problem in silence for almost a minute

Kennebeck stood with his eyes closed and his face turned up to the warm winter sun.

"Sure as the sun will come up tomorrow," Tom said.

Several blocks to the north, an ugly column of smoke rose into the twilight sky from what was left of Tina's house, roiling, night-black, the upper reaches tinted around the edges by the last pinkish rays of the setting sun.

Having carefully closed the door, he took me to the other end of the room and gave me a pair of very dark sun glasses

The planet Mars, I need not remind the reader, goes around the sun at an average distance of 224,000,000 kilometres, and receives from the sun half of the light and heat that is received by this world

It was also not generally understood that because Mars is older and smaller than our Earth, and further from the sun, it is nearer life's end as well as further from its beginning.

When I returned to the common, the sun was setting

The sun went down before anything else happened

The sun, shining through the smoke that rose up from the tops of the trees, seemed blood-red and threw an unfamiliar bright light on everything.

Their metal bodies shone in the sun as they moved forwards to the guns

The sun was just setting and the Houses of Parliament stood against a peaceful sky

For a day and a half he stayed up there, tired, hungry and burnt by the sun before it was safe to come down

A great cloud of dust, white under the strong sun, made everything within five metres of the ground grey and unclear

To the watchers on the steamboat, low in the water and with the sun in their eyes, it seemed that the warship was already among the Martians.

Everyone moved to the side of the steamboat and looked to the west, but smoke rose and blocked the sun

The sun sank into grey clouds, the sky darkened and an evening star came into sight

Through the hole I could see the top of a tree, turned to gold by the evening sun

I got onto the grass before the sun rose

I stood staring into the pit, and my heart grew wonderfully happy as the rising sun lit up the world around me

They stood now, harmless tripods of shining metal, against the brightness of the rising sun.

So when the slow cooling of the sun means that we cannot continue to live on Earth, it may be that life which began here can reach out and continue there.

People like the river and the sun

When we finished breakfast, the sun was up and it was a warm morning

The sun was going down, and there was a red light on the water