How to use "survive" in a sentence


I wonder how long I'll be able to survive with the water I have left, only two-thirds of a litre

I feel strong enough to survive the fear of death, but not my body's need for water

I have no idea how long anyone can survive on urine alone

I feel sure I won't survive another night in the canyon

How much longer can I survive? Death could come at any moment

Now, even with the cold, pain, tiredness and thirst, I am sure I will survive.

I didn't think I'd survive beyond Wednesday

If I wanted to see them again, I had to survive

Both parties deprecated war; but one of them would make war rather than let the nation survive; and the other would accept war rather than let it perish

Vince would survive, although he might need hospitalization, and he wouldn't be able to swallow without pain for days to come.

But once more, incredibly, he was being hunted, and he wondered how long he could survive.

We're built to survive, even if we have to kill someone in order to do it."

But if we closed up shop, if we stopped doing this sort of research just because we were afraid of men like Tamaguchi winding up in charge of it, we'd be conceding so much ground to our enemies that we wouldn't survive for long

And like syphilis, Wuhan-400 can't survive outside a living human body for longer than a minute, which means it can't permanently contaminate objects or entire places the way anthrax and other virulent microorganisms can

No one is supposed to survive