How to use "swung" in a sentence


He sat up, swung his feet to the floor and slowly stood up

She put her shoulder against it, pushed gently, then harder, and finally the door swung inward.

One of the planes swung in tight circles, faster and faster, then in wider circles, steadily decreasing the angle between the line on which it was suspended and the bedroom ceiling

He swung one arm around, slamming his bent elbow into Vince's throat

Elliot swung toward the other intruder, pointing the confiscated pistol.

He grabbed her arm, swung her away from the burning house, the sight of which affected her as much as if it had been a hypnotist's slowly swinging pocket watch.

Tina glanced both ways along the street as Elliot swung the car out of the driveway

Elliot swung the car around and started back toward the lights of the city, which spread like a vast, glowing fungus on the black desert plain.

At the corner, he ignored the stop sign and swung the car hard to the left, only tapping the brakes once, severely testing the Chevy's suspension.

He swung right at the intersection and stopped in the middle of the new street.

Abruptly her hand swung across the map, then back, then described a series of circles; the pen made meaningless scrawls on the paper

When the Explorer reached this gap, Elliot swung into the turnoff and stopped

The road descended into a gully, swung hard to the left this time, and then headed up again.

"Not long," she said as the gate swung inward.

He sighed and drove through the gate, which swung shut behind the Explorer.

The guard swung the submachine gun into firing position as they swept past him.

As they swung into another curve, Elliot wrestled with the wheel, and Tina was acutely aware that a great dark void lay beyond the shoulder of the road

She swung the steel door shut

Zachariah swung toward him

He turned away from them, spun the wheel on the steel door, and swung that barrier inward.

It that death had swung round a full circle, it would have killed me

I swung the hammer and hit him on the back of the head