How to use "taught" in a sentence


This is one of the things my mother taught me

She taught me to read

'They never taught me to catch a ball at high school,' I said

'Forrest,' he said, 'all year we have secretly taught you to catch the ball and run with it

They taught me how to shoot guns, throw hand grenades, and move along the ground on my stomach.

And it was in the jungle that I met Big Sam - a man who taught me to play chess

Like I said before, Big Sam taught me how to play chess when I was in the jungle

That's how you've been taught to think."

they taught you how to protect your mind

This, Gran had taught her, was what she must think of.

Or you can think of it as an important lesson this here Fitzpatrick fella taught you."

'Don't you think it would be a good idea if Mary was taught how to cook?'

The soldier had taught me well and I looked for food and drink and a spare shirt to take with me

I named three gentlemen in whose houses I had taught drawing.

She taught at a school and also worked as a private teacher - she taught children in someone's house

She worked for the International Red Cross and taught doctors how to use X-rays.

Today, Wally Funk has thousands of flight hours, and she has taught over 3,000 students how to fly

This taught her that being a tennis player was more difficult for girls.