How to use "tea" in a sentence


It is usually something cold and sweet like apple juice or ice tea

Alice looked round the table but there was only tea.

'We didn't invite you to tea, but you came

Then he put it in his tea

'And my watch doesn't tell the time because it's always tea-time.'

He took his teacup and put a little hot tea on the Mouse's nose

'Have some more tea,' the March Hare said to Alice.

'Thank you, but I haven't got any tea

'And then they'll be nice to me and give me some tea and bread-and-butter.'

'That was a stupid tea party!'

'Why did you call me? I wanted to finish my tea,' he said.

'When did you begin your tea?' asked the King.

'Let's go home to tea,' she said

'Oh yes! I'd like some tea!' cried Alice

I can get you a tea if you like," but she shakes her head and puts the bag at her feet

Let me make you that tea

A nice tea to calm you down; then we can start again and see if there are any other details."

She found Gran sitting with Mom, talking and drinking tea; for once, Mom had got home from work early.

"What?" said Mom, putting down her cup of tea

They gave her a big welcome, and Dani made green tea

"Mmmm," said Sala, looking down at her tea.

Completely hopeless, Sala thought as she sat finishing her green tea

She got up and found Gran in the kitchen, drinking fruit tea.

"Let me make you some tea."

Gran put Sala's tea in front of her

Sala drank some of the hot, fruity tea, and felt her idea growing stronger

Some of Mrs Van Hopper's friends were coming to tea

I went into the lounge and ordered tea.

The waiter brought me tea that was nearly cold

But we're tired from the drive and we want our tea

'It won't take long and then you can have your tea in peace.'

He thanked Mrs Danvers quickly and took me into the library for tea

But this was the tea served at Manderley every day.

I leant back in my chair, drinking my tea and trying to feel at home

'We want tea at once,' said Maxim

It was Frith and Robert with the tea

'Pour me a cup of tea, darling,' he said to me

One afternoon, I was having tea alone when the wife of the bishop called

We all had tea in the rose-garden

I had never seen it before and I hoped the visitor did not want to stay to tea.

'Will you stay to tea?'

People come to tea sometimes, of course.'

Beatrice stayed for tea and left soon afterwards

They all stayed to tea, of course

Now, if we've all finished tea, we'll go into the garden.'

Then suddenly, it was tea-time and Beatrice and her husband, Giles, had arrived.

Clarice had brought me some tea

I suddenly felt very hungry, and so I asked Robert to bring in the tea

As I sat drinking my tea, Robert came back into the room.

'Well, don't expect me in for tea,' said Dennis

'I wonder what we will talk about at tea,' said Griselda

Colonel and Mrs Protheroe had tea at four-thirty

I had a tea party the day before yesterday

As it was then about a quarter past five, I went home, had some tea and walked up to the station to meet him.

At about six in the evening, as I had tea with my wife in the garden, I heard an explosion from the common, and immediately after that the sound of gunfire

After tea we received a message from Mr Munro saying, 'There are people in the house.'

On Saturday you can finally drink a few teaspoons of tea

'We'll need tea, sugar, eggs, bacon, bread, butter and jam

After a moment, he said, 'It's better if I stay here and prepare tea

It's very difficult to prepare tea, and you look tired.'

We wanted some hot water to make tea

We put the tea kettle on the stove

It's a good idea to shout, 'I don't want any tea

I don't like tea