How to use "tennis" in a sentence


'The Protheroes have invited me to play tennis today

'Dennis said he was going to play tennis at your place

Just after she left, Dennis returned from a tennis party

'She was out playing tennis somewhere

Miss Lettice went out to a tennis party

They know Dennis is at a tennis party

Even the Napiers are saying awful things about her! Just because she left their tennis, party a bit early

'But mother sent a note to me, and I arranged to leave the tennis party early and meet her near the vicarage at a quarter past six

Tell her I've gone to play tennis

'Griselda', I said, 'has gone to play tennis.'

At that time, golf and tennis were two of the sports that women played

Women were in only five sports: sailing, golf, equestrian, tennis and croquet.

Later, there were other great sportswomen, like American tennis player Billie Jean King.

And she used tennis to do that.

Her father talked about tennis.

A few months later, Billie Jean's friend took her to play tennis for the first time

As soon as she hit the ball, Billie Jean knew that she wanted to be a tennis player

But she soon knew that tennis was different for women than for men.

When she was twelve years old, she played at a tournament at the Los Angeles Tennis Club, but Billie Jean could not be in the group picture of young tennis players

She did not wear the usual tennis dress worn by female athletes

This taught her that being a tennis player was more difficult for girls.

When she got older, Billie Jean began winning big tennis tournaments, and in 1966, she achieved her dream

She was number one in the world in women's tennis

But Billie Jean saw that women tennis players did not win as much money as men

Wimbledon, the oldest tennis tournament in the sport's history, was the last big tournament to do this, in 2007

Today, tennis is one of the few sports that pays its men and women the same in big tournaments

Bobby Riggs was a top men's tennis player in the 1930s and 1940s

He won the Wimbledon men's tournament in 1939, and he was the world number one tennis player in 1941, 1946 and 1947

In her tennis career, Billie Jean won thirty-nine big tournament titles

She was one of the greatest tennis players ever

But she did not just play tennis; she also made great progress for women's equality and for women's pay in sport