How to use "terrible" in a sentence


A terrible pain travels up my arm

This terrible, growing thirst will drive me crazy.

The only thing on my mind is escape, but the pain is terrible.

Blood is now coming from my arm really fast and I'm in terrible pain from the amputation

I felt terrible

After the terrible battle with the enemy ship, everything on the Nautilus was quiet

Then Curtis ran after me, and called me all kinds of terrible names.

It was terrible.

It was terrible! People on fire, and nothing that we could do

The rest of the night was terrible

He now wills to remove, and that He gives to both North and South, this terrible war, as the woe due to those by whom the offence came, shall we discern therein any departure from those divine attributes which the believers in a Living God always ascribe to Him? Fondly do we hope - fervently do we pray - that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away

'That's terrible - poor Mr Meltham

I can see that, Mr Sampson, but I, too, have suffered a terrible loss recently

But this time he got a terrible shock

Why had the Ripper burnt them? When Abbeline discovered only one small piece of candle in the room, he thought that the killer had made a fire with the clothes because he needed more light to do his terrible work.

The killer's terrible mutilation of Mary Kelly's face suggests that he knew her well

Everybody in the town agrees that something terrible will happen tonight

An unmarried woman with a child was a terrible thing in those days, and Fantine lost her job

Madeleine was, in fact, a dangerous criminal with a terrible past.

He felt sad that Fantine had not lived to see her child again, but happy that he had been able to rescue her child from the terrible Thenardiers

The man had a terrible wound in his head, but he was still alive.

The brave man was in terrible danger, but Marius still could not fire the gun

Jean Valjean, at that moment, was in a state of terrible shock

His anger and misery of minutes before had been replaced by a terrible calmness

He went out into the night and sat on the doorstep, his heart filled with a terrible hatred for the man who was trying to steal Cosette from him

A terrible heap of dead bodies lay not far away, among them the blood-stained body of a young girl in man's clothes - Eponine.

The situation was terrible

His feet slipped all the time in the water on the ground, and he felt sick and faint with the terrible, airless smell

'He's dead!' cried the old man in a terrible voice

I must look terrible

'You're a terrible man,' Marius said

'But it is terrible not to live.'

They have a terrible reputation in Bristol, and there is not one of them that does not scare Nick.

They are savage, terrible people, who love violence

I'm just saying - maybe the world out there is not as terrible as the government would like us to believe."

Everyone knew that the government had cruel and terrible ways of forcing people to speak

It can sometimes be like a terrible illness.

The thought of leaving Monte Carlo and Maxim de Winter was a terrible one

He had a terrible time,' Beatrice said

I had been thinking about that terrible night for so long.

I was sure that Maxim would have a terrible accident or even be killed

It was a look of strange, terrible excitement.

I shall never forget the terrible look on her face

It was a look of joy - of joy and the most terrible hate

As you stood on the stairs, I thought for one terrible moment...'

'But it was a terrible shock to Maxim

'The fog is terrible out there

I felt that I was waiting for something - something terrible.

Then he got a terrible fright

Do you remember? She sat there in the car and told me terrible, evil things about herself

I would never tell people all the terrible things she had told me.'

I can't tell you about those terrible years with Rebecca

That terrible word - murder - would be on every front page.

In one of her terrible seizures of grief, in a moment of crazy dark despair, had she come into this room and unknowingly printed those words on Danny's chalkboard?

She had to get down to him and push the earth away from his face before he suffocated, so in blind panic she threw herself over the edge of the pit, into the terrible abyss, falling and falling-

"The coroner and undertaker said it was in terrible condition, horribly mutilated

She had told him about the dreams, but he hadn't realized, until now, how terrible they were

"Something so terrible that some powerful people want to hush it up

Briefly, he stood in terrible indecision, incapacitated by the prospect of losing Tina

The truth is going to be something really terrible."

What had happened to Danny might still prove to be terrible, shattering, but she didn't think it would be as hard to accept as his "death" had been

She couldn't pinpoint what else about his eyes made him so different from any eyes she had ever seen, but as she met Danny's gaze, a shiver passed through her, and she felt a profound and terrible pity for him.

Danny became excited when he saw her drawing near, and in spite of his terrible condition, he shakily thrust himself into a sitting position, clutching at the bed rails with one frail, trembling hand, eagerly extending his other hand toward her.

What could be the reason for such a terrible crime? What had led up to it? Just exactly what had happened?

Either he had gone mad, or else he had a reason for letting his wife kill him in such a strange and terrible way.

The morning Andre tried this terrible experiment, he did not come home for lunch

Oh, it's terrible!'

He pointed to the control switch as he went past, and I watched him stop in front of that terrible instrument.

'Mrs Price Ridley, Miss Wetherby, Miss Hartnell, and that terrible Miss Marple.'

And all the time he was keeping a second family - a former servant, and five children! What a terrible shock to his wife and daughter.'

The thought of the creature trapped inside was so terrible to him that he forgot the heat, and went forwards to the cylinder to help

I did not know it, but that was the last proper dinner I would eat for many strange and terrible days.

One on the left, the furthest away, held a large case high in the air, and the terrible Heat-Ray shone towards Chertsey and struck the town.

At the sight of these strange, quick and terrible creatures, the crowd near the water's edge seemed for a moment to be totally shocked

And from this paper my brother read that terrible report from the commander of the army:

This caused a terrible panic and all the ships and boats tried to leave at the same time

I began to think that, although our position was terrible, there was no reason yet to give up hope

I turned down St John's Wood Road and ran away from this terrible stillness.

The stair carpet was discolored where I had sat, wet to the skin from the thunderstorm on that first terrible night

Her husband got a terrible disease

I don't remember the name now, but it was something terrible

I knew I had that terrible illness, too.

'What a terrible idea!' I said

'Tea is terrible

Harris had a terrible fight with these two swans

'James, you are terrible.'

Then she would get married and these terrible times would be forgotten

Mrs Michelson told me that Laura had gone to London, where she'd become ill and died! This terrible news made me ill again, and I was unable to leave that house for another three weeks

My narrative must therefore begin with Marian's terrible illness.

It was very, very terrible."

Tonight there is a terrible storm and it is raining

"I cannot forget this terrible insult," says the Captain

"This is terrible!" says the Governor