How to use "this" in a sentence


I can now see the sign pointing to this end of the trail.

The hardest part is 180 metres before this

Before starting this trip, I forgot to leave a message telling anyone exactly where I was going

But this time, I just called a quick goodbye to my housemates - Brian, Joe, and Leona

'I'm Megan,' says the darker girl, 'and this is Kristi.'

For all of us, this is more important than earning a lot of money

Immediately I know this is trouble but it's too late to go back

From this point, everything seems to happen very slowly

2.45 pm All this happens in a couple of seconds

Very few people travel to the Great Gallery from this end of the trail

All of this means that I will have to get out of here alone

Perhaps I can remove this large piece before I stop for the night

I have decided to do this every ninety minutes

At this speed, it will take me 150 hours to free my trapped arm.

If I can throw the rope around this, it might hold everything in the right position.

Everything about this stupid adventure was a mistake

If anyone finds this, please give it to them

I know this could be a final goodbye to my parents and sister, Sonja.

I have to make this last as long as possible

I wonder if this is cloud

All I have for the time I've spent on this is a long red line across my right arm

And this video will be history.'

I can't believe I've done this

I don't know if this is true, but I'm still alive when the sun rises

When I did this last night, the time seemed to pass more slowly

Realising this makes me want to do something while it's still light.

But what if I tie a sock around my hand to protect it? I do this and it works

I finally accept this

I am so certain of this that I take the knife and write the dates of my life on the canyon wall

It's never been this late before

I am certain that this will be my last message to my family.

I can't accept this

With only one arm, this is not easy

I drink one more litre, slowly this time

It's the third time I've done this in two hours

'Look, do you want this for the pain or not?'

By this time, I had a prosthetic arm

The largest whale was only 180 feet long and if these men were right, this was even larger

I didn't like this idea, but I didn't say anything at the time.

The men wanted to find and kill the sea monster, but after all this time everyone on the ship started to believe that there was no monster

"My God! If a cannon can't kill this monster, what can?"

We tried to move onto this strange metal object to get close to him.

"I sure did and it was a good thing I landed on this

"They mustn't treat me like this

"You listen to me! You let us off this ship or..."

I can only say that I was very interested in this strange man

"Well, I enjoy this room, but what I really prefer is looking out there."

Ned Land had no time to answer this question

We were so excited by this new adventure that we forgot where we were walking

As I said this, the walls closed over the side windows and Captain Nemo walked in.

As he said this, a bright light appeared from behind the mountain of rocks in front of us.

Captain Nemo saw this, cut off the squid's tentacle and saved Ned Land.

I thought there was something more to this

Who was this woman? Was it his wife? My leg hit a table and Captain Nemo turned around.

"Captain, you can't expect us to stay on this ship for ever!"

The waters off the coast of Norway were famous for this

I am writing this now some months later: I am safe now

'Please, madam, is this Australia or New Zealand?' No, I can't do that

'Alice, stop it this minute! Don't cry!' she said.

But this time her tears were small tears - she was small again!

'Do you know the way out of this room?' The Mouse didn't answer.

When the Mouse heard this, it turned round

'Please take this beautiful box,' he said.

'Run home this minute and bring me a hat

I hope I get bigger this time

Perhaps somebody will write a book about this place - and about me! Perhaps I will, when I'm bigger.' Then she remembered

'I was Alice when I got up this morning

'Try this

'I'll have to take this child away from here, or they'll kill it!' she thought

They all get angry in this place,' thought Alice

It said, 'Walk this way and you'll find the March Hare

And this time it vanished quite slowly

But this tree's got white flowers! We don't want the Queen to see it

The Queen said to the Knave of Hearts, 'Who is this?'

The Knave did this very carefully, with one foot.

'Well, this cat has to go,' said the King

He called to the Queen, 'My dear, I don't like this cat.'

'Well, I'm not leaving this room,' said Alice.

But when I did this, people looked at me, and Jenny got down lower and lower in her place

'I knew this would happen, Forrest,' he said

But I have to say this: the people in the army shouted louder and longer than anybody!

'Nothing does in this place!' he said

'What about this?' I asked

And this meant that the enemy was able to come back and find us, so we had to get out fast.

He looked up at me, and said, 'Forrest, why did this happen?' What could I say? Then he said, 'Play me a song on the harmonica, will you?'

During all of this, somebody shot me in the back of the leg, but I can't remember when it happened

The President asked me a lot of questions about Vietnam and the army, but I just said, 'Yes, it's OK' or shook my head to say no, and after several minutes of this we were both silent.

Later, when we were back in the garden, the President said, 'You were hurt, weren't you, boy? Well, look at this...' And he pulled up his shirt and showed me the place on his stomach where he was hurt once

But all this time, I was thinking about Jenny Curran

'Rudolph, this is Forrest,' Jenny said

But the next minute we were kissing and making love! And when we finished, Jenny said, 'Forrest, where have you been all this time?'

It isn't honest, and I cannot go on with you like this

I am crying while I write this, but please don't try to find me.

It was time for me to get back to the bus station, but when I started to leave, the old man said, 'Why don't you sit down and finish this game with me?'

The business was doing well, but I asked myself, 'What are you doing all this for?' And I knew that I had to get away.

This note was a promise that all men, yes, black men as well as white men, would be guaranteed the "Unalienable Rights" of "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." It is obvious today that America has defaulted on this promissory note, insofar as her citizens of color are concerned

Instead of honoring this sacred obligation, America has given the Negro people a bad check, a check which has come back marked "insufficient funds."

We refuse to believe that there are insufficient funds in the great vaults of opportunity of this nation

And so, we've come to cash this check, a check that will give us upon demand the riches of freedom and the security of justice.

We have also come to this hallowed spot to remind America of the fierce urgency of Now

Go back to Mississippi, go back to Alabama, go back to South Carolina, go back to Georgia, go back to Louisiana, go back to the slums and ghettos of our northern cities, knowing that somehow this situation can and will be changed.

I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal."

This is our hope, and this is the faith that I go back to the South with.

With this faith, we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope

With this faith, we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood

With this faith, we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day.

And this will be the day - this will be the day when all of God's children will be able to sing with new meaning:

From every mountainside, let freedom ring! And if America is to be a great nation, this must become true

And when this happens, when we allow freedom to ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual:

Those who nominated and elected me did so with full knowledge that I had made this and many similar declarations, and had never recanted them

And, more than this, they placed in the platform for my acceptance, and as a law to themselves and to me, the clear and emphatic resolution which I now read:

It is scarcely questioned that this provision was intended by those who made it for the reclaiming of what we call fugitive slaves; and the intention of the lawgiver is the law

All members of Congress swear their support to the whole Constitution - to this provision as much as to any other

To the proposition, then, that slaves whose cases come within the terms of this clause "shall be delivered up", their oaths are unanimous

There is some difference of opinion whether this clause should be enforced by national or by State authority; but surely that difference is not a very material one

Again, in any law upon this subject, ought not all the safeguards of liberty known in civilized and humane jurisprudence to be introduced, so that a free man be not, in any case, surrendered as a slave? And might it not be well at the same time to provide by law for the enforcement of that clause in the Constitution which guarantees that "the citizen of each State shall be entitled to all privileged and immunities of citizens in the several States?"

Yet, with all this scope of precedent, I now enter upon the same task for the brief Constitutional term of four years under great and peculiar difficulty

Doing this I deem to be only a simple duty on my part; and I shall perform it so far as practicable, unless my rightful masters, the American people, shall withhold the requisite means, or in some authoritative manner direct the contrary

I trust this will not be regarded as a menace, but only as the declared purpose of the Union that it WILL Constitutionally defend and maintain itself.

In doing this, there needs to be no bloodshed or violence; and there shall be none, unless it be forced upon the national authority

Happily the human mind is so constituted that no party can reach to the audacity of doing this

From questions of this class spring all our constitutional controversies, and we divide upon them into majorities and minorities

For instance, why may not any portion of a new confederacy a year or two hence arbitrarily secede again, precisely as portions of the present Union now claim to secede from it? All who cherish disunion sentiments are now being educated to the exact temper of doing this."

Nor is there in this view any assault upon the court or the judges

A husband and wife may be divorced, and go out of the presence and beyond the reach of each other; but the different parts of our country cannot do this.

The people themselves can do this also if they choose; but the executive, as such, has nothing to do with it

Why should there not be a patient confidence in the ultimate justice of the people? Is there any better or equal hope in the world? In our present differences is either party without faith of being in the right? If the Almighty Ruler of Nations, with his eternal truth and justice, be on your side of the North, or on yours of the South, that truth and that justice will surely prevail, by the judgment of this great tribunal, the American people.

By the frame of the government under which we live, this same people have wisely given their public servants but little power for mischief; and have, with equal wisdom, provided for the return of that little to their own hands at very short intervals

My countrymen, one and all, think calmly and WELL upon this whole subject

Intelligence, patriotism, Christianity, and a firm reliance on Him who has never yet forsaken this favored land, are still competent to adjust in the best way all our present difficulty.

The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone all over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.

At this second appearing to take the oath of the presidential office, there is less occasion for an extended address than there was at the first

On the occasion corresponding to this four years ago

While the inaugural address was being delivered from this place, devoted altogether to saving the Union without war

All knew that this interest was, somehow, the cause of the war

To strengthen, perpetuate, and extend this interest was the object for which the insurgents would rend the Union, even by war; while the government claimed no right to do more than to restrict the territorial enlargement of it

He now wills to remove, and that He gives to both North and South, this terrible war, as the woe due to those by whom the offence came, shall we discern therein any departure from those divine attributes which the believers in a Living God always ascribe to Him? Fondly do we hope - fervently do we pray - that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away

What is this non-cooperation, about which you have heard much, and why do we want to offer this non-cooperation?

But I do venture to suggest that it will be highly unconstitutional in the midst of this unconstitutional Government, - in the midst of a nation which has built up its magnificent constitution, - for the people of India to become weak and to crawl on their belly - it will be highly unconstitutional for the people of India to pocket every insult that is offered to them; it is highly unconstitutional for the 70 millions of Mohammedans of India to submit to a violent wrong done to their religion; it is highly unconstitutional for the whole of India to sit still and cooperate with an unjust Government which has trodden under its feet the honour of the Punjab.

And I am certain that on this day my fellow Americans expect that on my induction into the Presidency, I will address them with a candor and a decision which the present situation of our people impels.

Primarily, this is because the rulers of the exchange of mankind's goods have failed, through their own stubbornness and their own incompetence, have admitted their failure, and have abdicated

It can be accomplished in part by direct recruiting by the Government itself, treating the task as we would treat the emergency of a war, but at the same time, through this employment, accomplishing great - greatly needed projects to stimulate and reorganize the use of our great natural resources.

Yes, the task can be helped by definite efforts to raise the values of agricultural products, and with this the power to purchase the output of our cities

Through this program of action we address ourselves to putting our own national house in order and making income balance outgo

In the field of world policy, I would dedicate this Nation to the policy of the good neighbor: the neighbor who resolutely respects himself and, because he does so, respects the rights of others; the neighbor who respects his obligations and respects the sanctity of his agreements in and with a world of neighbors.

With this pledge taken, I assume unhesitatingly the leadership of this great army of our people dedicated to a disciplined attack upon our common problems.

Action in this image, action to this end is feasible under the form of government which we have inherited from our ancestors

In this dedication - In this dedication of a Nation, we humbly ask the blessing of God.

Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans - born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage - and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world.

But this peaceful revolution of hope cannot become the prey of hostile powers

And let every other power know that this hemisphere intends to remain the master of its own house.

All this will not be finished in the first one hundred days

Nor will it be finished in the first one thousand days, nor in the life of this Administration, nor even perhaps in our lifetime on this planet

Since this country was founded, each generation of Americans has been summoned to give testimony to its national loyalty

I do not shrink from this responsibility - I welcome it

The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it - and the glow from that fire can truly light the world.

Despite his appearance, I disliked this man as soon as I saw him.

'He said that a friend of yours recommended this company.'

I wanted to find out more about this man.

It was November before I saw Mr Slinkton again, this time in London

'Julius, this is Mr Sampson!' Beckwith introduced us.

As he was doing this, another man came into the room - a man with grey hair who walked with a slight limp

Mr Slinkton looked at this man in surprise.

At this hour Charles Cross, a carman, was walking to work

'I passed this place at 3.15,' Constable Neil said, 'but there was nothing here.'

But he did not know that this killer was different - clever, efficient, and savage

Was this man the murderer's accomplice? Or was he an innocent witness who ran away like Schwartz?

If this is true, Louis Diemschutz's arrival at 1 a.m

But this time he got a terrible shock

When Constable Long reported this graffito, an Inspector McWilliam sent orders to photograph it

She later changed this to a quiet cry of 'Oh! Murder!' Mrs Prater said she went back to sleep; she often heard cries of murder in the court.

Mrs Lewis did nothing because cries like this were usual in Whitechapel

'On this bench, in this cold wind?'

And your sister agrees with me that this house isn't safe

I've been walking all day, and nobody in this town will give me food or a bed for the night

What is this place? Is it an inn? I've got money

'Mme Magloire,' said the bishop, 'will you please prepare another place at the table for this gentleman?'

'And this is where I live.'

'And the travellers in the inn eat better than this.' But then he looked at the table, and saw the beautiful silver candlesticks, knives and forks.

When he woke up, the cathedral clock was striking two, but he had not woken because of this

'Monseigneur,' said the sergeant, 'do I understand that this man was telling the truth? We found this silver in his bag, and

'So this man isn't a thief? 'The sergeant looked as surprised as Valjean.

'But this time, you mustn't forget your candlesticks.'

My husband and I manage this inn.'

'I left Paris this morning to look for work in Montreuil,' she continued

A woman like this deserves to be punished.'

'It was the man's fault, not this woman's

After being released from prison, this Valjean stole some silver from the Bishop of Digne and robbed a small boy on a public footpath

When you arrived in Montreuil, I felt sure that you were this man, but now I know I was wrong, and I'm sorry

'But after this conversation, you must dismiss me.'

Madeleine - as we shall continue to call him for this part of the story - knew that he could not let Champmathieu go to prison for crimes he had not committed

He knew - although he was not happy to admit this - that he would have to go to Arras and tell the truth

Three days to fetch this unfortunate woman's child

All the children in Montfermeil had gazed with wonder at this doll, but nobody in the village had enough money to buy it.

'Madame, I've just noticed this on the floor

'What kind of man is this?' they thought

How could I have thought such a thing? After speaking to him this evening, I can see that he doesn't look like the inspector at all.'

There was a full moon, and this pleased Valjean as he moved quickly along the narrow streets

He walked along this lane for a long time until, to his horror, he discovered his way blocked by a high wall

For many years, Marius believed this, but when he was seventeen years old, he learnt the truth

If you ever find this man, I want you to help him in any way you can.

In fact, they were attracted by his good looks, but he was not confident enough to realize this

Marius saw this couple frequently on his regular walks in the Gardens

He was sure, this time, that she had watched him as he passed

When this happened, Marius did not stay in the Gardens, which was another mistake.

Leblanc and had simply fallen out of his pocket, but Marius was unaware of this

'Ah, this is for the old man who goes to church every day

A broken window - in this weather! My wife ill in bed and our younger daughter injured.'

'But I'll take my daughter home and come back this evening with more money for you.'

'You aren't rich, but you were generous this morning

You've forgotten, that child was ugly, and this one's not bad-looking.'

We deserve a better life, and this is our chance.'

The conversation continued politely in this way for several minutes

'I love this picture as much as I love my two daughters

At this signal, which he had pre-arranged with his friends, three men armed with metal poles rushed into the room

The person who gives you this note will bring you to me

She had never read anything like this before, and it affected her deeply.

Forgive me for talking like this, I don't know what I'm saying - perhaps I'm annoying you? But the truth is, I can't live without you.'

'There are moments when I think this is a dream

In this way, bathed in happiness, they lived untroubled by the world.

'Father told me this morning that I have to pack everything and be ready to leave for England within a week.'

Although this made him very unpopular, he thought that his opponents would be too weak to prevent him from doing what he wanted

The day of his funeral was arranged for 5 June, and thousands of people saw this as a chance to make a public protest against the king and his government.

He could not believe this was happening to him

My dearest, We are leaving this house at once

When you read this, my soul will be very near and smiling at you.

'Well, Gavroche, will you do something for me? I want you to deliver this letter to the address written on the outside.'

My dearest, We are leaving this house at once

But there was no doubt that this was Cosette's handwriting

But this was the worst thing that had ever happened to him - someone was threatening to rob him of the only person he loved!

He remembered clearly the young man in the Luxembourg Gardens who had shown such great interest in Cosette, and he was certain that this was the man she had written to.

Seeing Valjean on his doorstep, the boy stopped and asked, 'Do you live in this street?'

When you read this, my soul will be very near...

'The last man to leave this place will blow your brains out.'

At this point, Jean Valjean spoke to Enjolras.

'Let me kill this man.'

'I find this embarrassing,' he said

He walked blindly downwards in this way for a long time, his clothes wet with the blood from Marius's wound, the faint whisper of the young man's breath in his ear

While in this state of despair, Valjean felt a hand on his shoulder

Despite the unexpectedness of this meeting, Valjean recognized the man at once

Give me half of what you found in this man's pockets, and I'll unlock the gate for you.' He produced a large key from his pocket, and a piece of rope

'I'll give you this as well,' he said

I gave you my address this morning, if you remember, so you would know where to find me anyway.'

He stared into Valjean's eyes for a long time, then, stepping back with a look of confusion in his eyes, asked dreamily, 'What are you doing here? Who is this man?'

'The fool! He did this to hurt me, the ungrateful boy

I try to be good to him, and this is how he rewards me!'

Having said this, the old man burst into tears

He could not believe that this was the same man he had seen at the barricade all those months ago - it seemed like a bad dream to him.

'Do you realize, Monsieur, how brave this man was? He rescued me from the field of battle and carried me through the sewers of Paris

Finally, in a state of shock and confusion, the young man said, 'Why have you told me all this? No one forced you to.'

He achieved this without cruelty, but without weakness

Cosette had not been happy about this

'I know this secret already,' Marius said, 'just as I knew the others.'

'You're a completely rotten man, but I'll give you this.' Marius took a banknote out of his pocket and threw it in the stranger's face.

The manager of the bank told me this himself

I know this because I was there at the time.'

'You have no need to say all this,' Valjean murmured.

'And you can't refuse this time,' Cosette agreed, sitting on Jean Valjean's lap and kissing his forehead

How sweet it is to die like this

There is nothing else that matters in this world except love.'

Take her a cake, and this little pot of butter."

I'll go this way and go you that, and we shall see who will be there first."

And, saying these words, this wicked wolf fell upon Little Red Riding Hood, and ate her all up.

I do not even know where this is because the fog is so thick that I can only see for a few metres in any direction.

There is nothing cruel about the face, but I know instantly that this is the man that has Catherine, and I hate that face with all of my heart.

It seems like the ground is moving slowly up, and I believe that this is right

In amazement, I think that I recognise this circle of ancient stones.

"Yes," a voice replies, "and this is where it ends." And a tall man steps from behind one of the silent giants.

His hair is blond, his eyes light, and I think that this is not the man who has Catherine

We think she's his third victim this year."

"Okay, this is it

"You're quick: the air conditioning only broke this morning."

Can we do this? Can we really do this? Then Robin leaves the office, and he has the manager, Mr Charles M

"What is this?" he says, and he looks nervous but not nervous enough.

And this is my part; I take the laptop from the bag and put it in front of him and open it, "Do you know what this is?"

"So we need you to enter your details and then transfer two hundred and forty thousand pounds to this account

"We understand that hundreds of local businesses are in serious trouble because of you and this bank," I say

Enter the details, or." I say, and I know that this is it

Unfortunately, this, I can never tell you.

"What sort of person wants to have a holiday in this remote, ugly part of the world?"

"Darling," he says, with a smile, "this good man wants to close

And so this is it.

Oh yes, this has to be it

Oliver thinks that this is going to be very easy indeed

The interview room is cold, the lights weak and grey, but he offers the woman a seat and hopes that this will be quick.

"Right," he says, and tries to smile to relax her, "what's all this about, then? The officer at the front desk says you need to speak to someone."

And Detective, you might think that I'm crazy, but I know what this man wants..."

"Does he speak to you, this man?"

"In Leeds? Then where does this man follow you from?"

"You think that this man enters your premises? That he enters your cottage during the night?"

Is she crazy or just terrified? "Miss Thornton, if this man enters your house, we can arrest him

"You mean," she continues, "that if I tell you his name, you can help me? You can stop this?" she says desperately.

The rest of his luggage is in the pickup truck, but not this bag

No, this one stays with him.

And this is the last thing he ever says

And all of this mixes with the sweat of the thousands of people in one place.

After we eat, you will think this place is the best in the world.

With a full belly you can sit and watch this all day."

Okay, you can do this, Jake tells himself.

Not this time.

"How did you know, kid?" a voice says, but this time it is not Nick.

"And what is this interesting conversation that I am interrupting?"

"Well, this is a tradition of ours

"He always says this," Edward informs Eleanor.

She always goes for a run in the evening, but this time she waits until he falls asleep in a chair in the lounge, and she puts a candle to the curtains

"No, not with this type of pill

Peter laughs this time

There are people there already, neighbours, and this is just what she wants

And at this point she screams and runs from the building and falls to the floor." Eleanor stops speaking, and for a moment there is silence at the table.

"My summary of this case is brief

The defence says that this is not murder, but manslaughter

They say this is the case because Miss Lee was not in a sane state of mind when she killed Mr Dawson; they say that this crime was in defence of her sister

The prosecution says this is not true

They say this is premeditated murder because for half an hour Miss Lee looked for Mr Dawson; they also say she made her intention clear on three different occasions

And then I get his money, and you and I can get the hell out of this city and out of this country."

She stands near to him, and he can see the tears in her eyes and the sad expression on her face, but this time he knows it is not real.

Maybe there is something we can do to make you forget this? Maybe you can take me for a drink." Then she smiles and takes his hand

For a second she is silent, but then she speaks again, though this time her voice is hard and angry

"I think the judge needs to listen to this first," he says, and he looks back at the beautiful Mrs Dawson and sees that she is not sad now, and that she is not victorious, and not angry.

And he smiles at her because he thinks this expression suits her best

You tell yourself this: don't move!

The blanket of your bed is covering all of you except for your head, and part of you thinks that this is good

But this is just your imagination, your fear, and you know that and try to stay calm and focussed.

You know now that the window to the spare room is open, and you know this is how the burglar entered.

But this is your house, and you know you must stay!

How long ago was his last visit to this cold stone building? More than twenty years? Well, that is not important at the moment

That's how this works, isn't it?"

"Well, God will judge you for this, my son

Then I can get this..

And I promise, Father, after this I will never commit another crime again

What is this thing you need?" Barry hesitates

And this time the silence is heavy and tense, and Barry can hear the voices of the women as they leave the church

Where exactly is this suitcase?"

No, this is his holiday, his escape from all those idiots back in California

And this one, he hopes, will have a little more respect for him and won't laugh at him.

"I suppose it's this road: the desert makes it easy to forget to watch your speed," he says, and he thinks he sees the cop look at his hand.

Jesus, is this it? Did he really do something to that girl? More than hit her once? Did he do what they said on the radio? Was she dead?

Maybe this is something else, a routine check, a formality

He feels warmer now, and this scares him

"But it wasn't," a voice replies, and Brandon turns and sees the dark coat, only this time there is no black hat: just long, red hair

"Look at this place," says Smith.

"God, what kind of kid goes to a school like this?"

But when he didn't come to breakfast this morning, we began to worry." Smith looks at the clock

"Detective, the young men at this school are very clever and come from very important families

Waste of bloody time this is, West

He's drunk somewhere; that's all this is

"Come on, Son, this is going to be great fun," he says, and Junior follows him but says nothing.

But not this time

No, this time the sun is high and hot, and this time Owen has his old guns over his shoulder, and he remembers the way that Junior's expressionless face changed when he saw them the night before.

"At this time of year, we want to look for rabbits, Son, but if we can get a hare, even better."

That's a crime, that's illegal, but you still do that, don't you? Well, this is just like that

Now, not many people come to this side of the forest at this time of the year, but if you see someone you just put the gun down gently in a bush or under some leaves

Sure, he likes films and television and not sports, but maybe this can be their thing

"Exactly!" says Owen, and he feels full of pride and thinks what a wonderful day this is: out in the beauty of the Welsh countryside with his son.

He never sees people up here at this time of year

But before he can do this, Junior, who does not know what is making the noise, remembers his dad's words:

I know all this to be true

I know it because I can read people, and I could see all this when I looked at Jimmy Lane.

A choice about what to do with this talent

But this city is cruel, Jimmy

"I don't want you to say anything stupid, Jimmy, because this is your last chance." He looks across the pool to his assistant

Did you hear that, Jimmy? So before I take this gag out of your mouth, and before you think about saying something stupid again, think about this

You need to stop reading this rubbish: you are losing your mind, she tells herself.

They just, I don't know, let this guy stab them again and again."

"Is this your stop, dear?" the old woman asks.

The platform at North Acton is quiet, but it always is at this time of the evening

She could say with her hand on her heart that this year - her eighteenth - had been the best so far

"I love this simulation."

With five of them sharing, an hour cost just one energy unit each, so they did this often

"Give this to your grandmother," she said, and then turned away.

Sala, where did you get this?" she whispered.

Until - this."

"And swimming with dolphins is wonderful - although this isn't quite the real thing, of course."

Was this the best life they could hope for?

"You might be this time." Cham hesitated

We can get what you paid for this back, I'm sure..."

"Is this the Pod Life that Ding was talking about? The one where you live in a pod for two years?" Cham looked uncomfortable

"And you said you were interested, to get this special offer?"

Maybe this Pod Life thing wouldn't be so bad, after all

And I want to know more about this Pod Life thing."

Sala needed to consider this, at least.

Gran was so excited; it would be awful if this was all a cruel joke

Maybe this was how it felt to go on a real journey, she thought

Drink this

When the dolphins started playing with us, it was out of this world."

I'll just finish this." Cham swallowed his drink hurriedly, and they waved goodbye to Zee.

They'd never had to make a big decision like this before, and she wished with all her heart that he wasn't making her choose

"Mom, I've been wondering what you think of this new thing, Pod Life

There's more to the world than this city, believe me

"But I thought you said he was helping fix this problem at the meat laboratory," said Sala.

Sala began to realize why this news was so awful

If this was happening at the meat laboratory, it would soon be happening everywhere, and he wouldn't get any work at all.

"Let me change this horrible illusion." He went to the screen on the wall, and changed the scenery to a sunny park

"The only thing I can ask is this: if I do Pod Life without you, will you still be here for me when I come out? Can you wait two years?"

But Sala wasn't going to let her disappear this time

"Does this have anything to do with his dad's work?"

I don't know if yon will ever receive this

If you received one of the fruits, you know that this is true, and that it came from me

We think we can trust them, but we know that this letter could put you in danger

"We need to think about this." Mom pointed to the letter

Uncle Eston is right - this could all be very dangerous."

"We can't spread this news any further

"We also don't know anything about the people who have brought this message," Gran pointed out

you're still going to do this?" she demanded, waving her hand toward the pod center.

Maybe this man is hoping I'll change my mind, Sala thought.

Only parents and close relations are allowed beyond this point, so Kaz here is going to take you back."

You will remain in the pod for this, so you will speak through your avatar."

That was all they had to make this separation less painful.

Surely, this wasn't really going to happen? But there was nothing she could do

But this was really important

I have to do this

Maybe this would be the only opportunity to investigate.

Was this a trap? Where were they going? But the woman didn't look back; she wasn't going to wait

"What's this all about?" said Sala

The government's story about contamination is all a big lie, but it's too dangerous to challenge it, or to talk about this."

For a moment, this felt as unreal as being in a pod

You don't even know this woman and now she's filling your head with all these crazy stories..."

I've been thinking about this

Promise me we'll investigate this more closely when you come out."

"It's been hard for her, all this business about Uncle Eston

"Who told you this?"

"You should know better than anyone that jobs in this city don't last

But we don't know that what this woman says is true - and nothing can happen right now anyway."

"I know you believe in something better than all this

Of course, Sala realized: this wasn't Cham

But it was still wonderful to see this copy of him.

But this long stream of words wouldn't stop flowing

"Yeah, it's just this deep, deep blue -"

She was about to knock, when she saw that this one wasn't closed either

"I think I could test this," she said

"Look, I know this will sound strange, but to me, he doesn't seem the same," she insisted

But I believe that this is best for all of us." He looked over at Dani, who nodded in agreement

"Please line up this way..."

"It's just like this."

"If you don't, I'll have to report all this

"Let's think about this reasonably

If he hadn't been so generous, buying her that pod experience, none of this would have happened.

"You don't know how much this means to me."

She closed her eyes, and let herself enjoy it, just for this moment

Everyone who left the restaurant had to walk past this seat.

'But I've enjoyed this hour so much,' de Winter said

But instead he said, 'Well, I suppose you have a holiday this afternoon

'Do you know this place?' I said

When he saw me, he would smile and say, 'Well, how is the companion this morning? Where would you like to go?'

Then I said quickly, 'I'd like to keep this moment and never forget it.'

'You would not be in this car now if you were like that,' he said.

'To hell with this,' he said and put his arm round my shoulders

'There's no time to dream this morning

'Mr de Winter is out this evening,' he told me

'We're going this morning

'Why didn't you tell me about this before?' he said.

When I said this, Maxim laughed and put his hand over mine.

'I haven't done this very well, have I?' Maxim said

'Where have you been? What have you been doing all this time?'

But this was the tea served at Manderley every day.

'No, not from this wing,' she answered, 'and you can't hear it either

Mrs Danvers spoke in a strange way, as though this was somehow important to her.

'But this is a very charming room

'Mr de Winter gave very careful orders in his letter about this room

'Then this was not his bedroom before?'

He has never used this room.'

'Mr de Winter said you would rather be on this side of the house

'There's something very quiet and peaceful about this room

It was new for us to sit together quietly like this

'I've so many things to do this morning

Someone had chosen everything in this room with the greatest care

'Where have you been hiding? Here is Beatrice and this is Giles

And this is Frank Crawley, our agent.'

At this moment I was not afraid.

Come on, Jasper, old boy, this way.'

There were no dark trees in this valley, no thick bushes

'He's gone over this way.' I began to climb up the wet rocks.

'Is this yours, Madam?' he said.

'Will your husband hold the Manderley Fancy Dress Ball this year? I remember the last one so well

'Maxim would be very unhappy to hear you talking like this, Mrs de Winter

Mrs Danvers noticed it was missing late this morning

But I'm not used to this kind of life

Rebecca would never come back to this room again

'You wanted to see this room, didn't you? Now you are here, let me show you everything.'

'Mr de Winter will be back at about six this evening,' Frith told me.

Are you having a Fancy Dress Ball at Manderley this year?'

'I found this, Madam,' Mrs Danvers said

'Help me take off this dress

She had planned this

'Here, this blue dress is very pretty

Put this on.'

She had planned all this to happen

'You wanted this to happen, didn't you? Are you pleased now? Are you happy?'

What's the use of this, Mrs Danvers? I don't want to hear any more.'

'You'd better stop this, Mrs Danvers,' I said

Maxim is always a great help at times like this

'I always knew this would happen,' Maxim said

'Rebecca has kept us apart all this time

She knew this would happen

He had never kissed me like this before.

Maxim and I were going to fight this together

'We found a body in the boat this morning

But I can't forget what this has done to you

'It's this, sir

So what I want to know is this

'Doesn't this seem very strange to you, Mr de Winter?'

I want you to read this note

'Can we get this man and question him?' asked Colonel Julyan.

'Well, de Winter,' said Colonel Julyan, 'do you mind us seeing this diary?'

'We must find out who this person was,' said Colonel Julyan

'What does all this matter?' said Favell

I was sure that this was the truth

'I need to get out of this car.'

She whispered her son's name, as if she would frighten off this beloved apparition if she spoke any louder.

Now, as she watched this boy, his resemblance to Danny seemed to be more than mere coincidence

Seizing on this boy's resemblance to her Danny, she was too easily able to fantasize that there had been no loss in the first place.

maybe this boy actually was Danny

At times like this, she wished that she and Michael were still together

Of course, if she and Michael were in bed right this minute, it wouldn't be like that at all

But for better or worse, this December 30 was the hinge, upon which her entire future would swing.

Gazing at the dead boy's toys and pathetic treasures, Tina realized, not for the first time, that it wasn't healthy for her to maintain this place as if it were a museum

If she was ever to stop dreaming about the boy, if she were to get control of her grief, she must begin her recovery here, in this room, by conquering her irrational need to preserve his possessions in situ.

She resolved to clean this place out on Thursday, New Year's Day

And it had been blank the last time she'd been in this room.

In one of her terrible seizures of grief, in a moment of crazy dark despair, had she come into this room and unknowingly printed those words on Danny's chalkboard?

If she had left this message, she must be having blackouts, temporary amnesia of which she was totally unaware

His printing was neat, like everything else about him, not sloppy like this scrawled message

Grimacing at the bitterness of the spirits, wondering why Michael had extolled this brand's smoothness, she hesitated, then poured another ounce

You earned every penny you're gonna make out of this baby, just like I knew you would

Anybody else tried to handle all this, they'd just end up with one goddamn big mishkadenze on their hands

He shifted from foot to foot as he talked about Magyck! Turned this way and that, gestured expansively with his quick, gem-speckled hands, virtually doing a jig.

As Tina stood in this beautiful theater, glancing down at the colorfully costumed people milling about on the stage, then looking at Joel's rubbery face, listening as her co-producer unblushingly raved about their handiwork, she was happier than she had been in a long time

If the audience at this evening's VIP premiere reacted enthusiastically, she might have to buy lead weights to keep herself from floating off the floor when she walked.

Tina supposed that some people would say this hotel was gross, crass, tasteless, ugly - but she loved the place because it was here that she had been given her big chance.

She wasn't the sort of person who would snap over a thing like this

Not even a thing like this

Vivienne had been scheduled to work this afternoon, but she'd canceled

Instead, she was coming in for a few hours this evening, while Tina was at the premiere.

Elliot, this lovely young lady is Christina Evans, the guiding hand behind Magyck!"

"Tina, if you need an attorney, this is the best in Las Vegas."

Or perhaps this was the first time in all those months that she had been aware of being the object of such interest

She thought: My God, I've been letting myself dry up! How could I have forgotten this!

This was the sound she had heard when she'd been in the kitchen - this clatter.

In this one, he was ten or eleven years old, a sweet brown-haired boy with dark eyes and a lovely smile.

After a moment the other two models ceased their erratic dancing and began to spin around and around, like the first plane, as if they were actually flying, and there was no mistaking this deliberate movement for the random effects of a draft.

Now this was only a young boy's bedroom, a room like countless thousands of others.

Although no second show was scheduled this evening, as would be the case every night henceforth, busboys and waitresses were busily clearing tables, resetting them with fresh linen and silverware for the following night's eight o'clock performance.

Knowing this feast had been laid on for the party, few of those present had eaten dinner, and most of the dancers had eaten nothing since a light lunch

And it's been a long time since I've been this awkward about it."

an infinity of new opportunities made available to her because of this first smashing success..

Vivienne Neddler had been in to clean last evening, but this wasn't the kind of thing that Vivienne would be capable of doing

"But if you just put your name on our work list, we'll most likely have a man there by four o'clock this afternoon, tomorrow morning at the latest

What possible excuse could he have? What twisted logic could justify this sort of sick behavior? It was crazy, hateful.

Bally's, formerly the MGM Grand, was getting to be one of the older establishments on the continuously rejuvenating Las Vegas Strip, but it was still one of the most popular hotels in town, and on this last day of the year it was packed

She wasn't prepared for this pleasantness, nonplussed by the warmth of his greeting.

Every player at the table groaned, and they all had comments to make about the unlikely possibility that they might win anything from this dealer.

"When did this happen?"

I shouldn't have bothered you with this

So you come to me with this story."

Standing before her in the sunshine, his white shirt shimmering with squiggles of reflected light that bounced off the parked cars, he favored her with that self-satisfied, superior smile that made her feel as cold as this winter day ought to have been.

Let's not throw away this chance."

We'll sell it this way: 'Spend the magic night of your anniversary in the magic world of Magyck!' Something like that

"The casino bosses will like it too, 'cause a lot of our high rollers will probably make an extra trip this year

Although the hotel collected this data with, for the most part, the customers' happiness in mind, Tina wondered how pleased these people would be to learn that the Golden Pyramid maintained fat dossiers on them.

Who was doing this to her?

She wasn't capable of anything as vicious as this

Angela hadn't noticed this interruption in the printout because she hadn't had time to scan it.

Because so much material in the hotel's files was extremely confidential information about high rollers, and because the Pyramid's list of favored customers would be of enormous value to competitors, only approved people could obtain this data, and a record was kept of everyone who accessed it

She canceled this data request and closed out the file

Just a couple of hours ago she had concluded that the person behind this harassment had to be a stranger

She had an almost psychic sense that the perpetrator of this viciousness was in the building now, perhaps on the third floor with her

"Someone could have programmed it to spew out this stuff about Danny," Elliot said

I can't think of anyone I know who'd be capable of this sort of thing even if they did hate me enough to contemplate it

But this isn't Michael's dirty work."

"There's an implicit threat in all of this."

"Then what did you mean when you said I'd probably need professional help to catch this creep?"

I always have this powerful feeling that Danny isn't really dead

"Tina, you know this theory doesn't make sense

"And where would he have been all this time if not..

They wouldn't be this mysterious about it, would they?"

If Danny were alive, and if someone were trying to get that news to you, it wouldn't be done like this, not with all these dramatic hints

Crowds streamed along the sidewalks, on their way from this casino to that casino, from one lounge to another, from one show to the next.

"I'll need an attorney to handle this, won't I?"

But even so, this shouldn't be terribly difficult

"Have you ever handled anything like this before?"

"God knows, I'm not happy about this, but I'm convinced it's something I've got to do."

And there's another advantage in doing it this weekend

Finally I took a few mementos, a dozen pieces by which I'll always remember her, and I moved out, sold the house, bought this one, and started decorating all over again."

Owen West and I opened for business in a cheap storefront office twelve years ago, right at the start of the biggest boom this town has ever seen

Listen, why don't you mix us a couple of drinks while I change out of this suit

He could not remember ever having been half so clumsy in the kitchen as he was this evening

I wouldn't want to have to mix this damn stuff three times."

She felt as if the two of them had been here, like this, locked in an embrace, many times before.

He'd had other women in this bed during the past two years, and a few had stayed the night, but not one of those other lovers had made him feel content merely by the fact of her presence, as Tina did

He walked her to her Honda in the driveway and leaned in the window after she was behind the wheel, delaying her for another fifteen minutes while he planned, to her satisfaction, every dish of this evening's dinner.

On Sunrise Mountain most of the big, expensive houses featured natural landscaping - which meant rocks, colored stones, and artfully arranged cacti instead of grass, shrubs, and trees - in acknowledgment that man's grip on this portion of the desert was new and perhaps tenuous

"As long as there aren't any religious objections, the law requires the permission of only one parent in a case like this," Elliot said.

"Then I'll call you at home this evening."

I'll call you this evening, after I've had a chance to think about it."

The judge's hesitation in this relatively simple matter struck Elliot as odd, but he said nothing more

"What is this?" Elliot demanded.

"What the hell is this about?"

"Let's keep this happy," Bob agreed.

"Not until you tell me what this is all about."

Let's get this over with and split."

"I'm supposed to ask you every question on this list," Vince said, shaking the folded paper at Elliot

"We haven't heard anything about this."

They appeared to be genuinely surprised by this news, and Elliot was pretty sure they weren't the people who had been trying to scare Tina

"Now," Vince said, "counselor, are you going to walk over to the table and sit your ass down, or am I going to have to motivate you with this?" He gestured with his pistol again.

But we don't know why this Danny Evans kid is so important

Christ, we're not big shots in this outfit

At this indication of imminent surrender, the tall man relaxed slightly, although his lumpish face was still flushed with anger

"And this is real life

"No," he said again, louder this time

She'd never been able to understand this morbid streak in him

If this was what Danny had read before going to bed at night, how had he been able to sleep so well? He'd always been a deep, unmoving sleeper, never troubled by bad dreams.

How could she have dreamed about this hideous creature just last night and then find it waiting for her here, today, only hours later?

She must have seen this lurid cover illustration when Danny had first brought the magazine into the house

She had never seen this drawing before

I think all the houses in this area have gas furnaces

"The garage is this way," she said.

"It's best to be thorough in a situation like this."

"Let me handle this bastard."

You know what this fist is going to feel like when it hits, little man?"

As far as Elliot was concerned, the absence of ID was more sinister than a collection of patently false papers would have been, because this absolute anonymity smacked of a secret police organization.

strange parallels existed between this gruesome tale and the recent ugliness in her own life.

The lead story in this issue was about a boy, approximately Danny's age, mistakenly pronounced dead, then buried alive, and then exhumed.

Furthermore, this was not the mid-nineteenth century; these days, doctors could detect even the vaguest heartbeat, the shallowest respiration, the dimmest traces of brain-wave activity.

Rule out all of this nonsense about the dream having been sent by some outside force

If there's a gas leak in this neighborhood, it's not anywhere on your property."

At first, she half believed that he was trying to be funny, playing a game to amuse her, and she was going to tell him that none of this struck her as funny

But we ought to lie low until we can figure this out."

"Has anyone been around here this afternoon?"

They think there might be a leak in this neighborhood."

"What did this workman need to see you for?"

"When was this?"

A door stood at the far end of this narrow, rectangular work area

In this residential neighborhood, the speed limit was twenty-five miles an hour

First Vince and now this specimen

Elliot had the awful feeling that this guy would reach for the button Tina had pushed less than a minute ago, and that the garage door would lift just as the black van was rolling slowly by in the street.

My name's Elliot and this is Tina."

Nice car! They pulled into this guy's garage, parked, closed the door bold as you please, and all he had to say was Nice car!

"Who's this guy you're supposed to see?" Tom asked, frowning.

"But this is the address he gave us

"Well," Elliot said, "the way we understood it, this was where he lived."

"Well, why would he tell us this was his address?" Tina asked, scowling.

"If you gave him a deposit, and if he gave you this address and claimed he lived here, then it's not very likely this Sol Fitzpatrick even owns any boat in the first place."

Or you can think of it as an important lesson this here Fitzpatrick fella taught you."

He wasn't accustomed to this tension

No matter who was searching for them, no matter how large the organization pitted against them, this city was too big to harbor danger for them in every nook and crevice

"Let's ride out this way for a few miles and talk

If this Vince is still there, we should use those drugs on him

As they continued west on Charleston Boulevard, Tina said, "Earlier you told me we couldn't go to the police with this."

"If you want to launder dirty money, this is by far the easiest place to do it

If you want to purchase a false passport, a counterfeit driver's license, or anything of that nature, you can pick and choose from several of the best document-forgery artists in the world, because this is where a lot of them live

"What kind of government agency would have the authority to circumvent the law like this? What kind of agency would be empowered to kill innocent civilians who got in its way?"

"That we'll have to handle this all by ourselves?"

We'll get to the bottom of this."

you're actually enjoying this."

a new kind of energy you didn't have this morning."

"The only thing new about me is that I wasn't scared stiff this morning, and now I am."

"And then there's this damn thing."

"The monster in my dreams is on the cover of this magazine

"But that's the only difference between the basic plot of this story and what we're going through

"I've got this..

Where did she obtain this evidence?

"At a time like this."

Even after all this time, when she thought about Danny's last moments on earth - the terror he must have known, the excruciating pain he must have endured, even if it was of brief duration - she began to choke with sorrow and pity

I can't see what else would have brought an organization like Vince's so deeply into this

I think it would be wise for us to stay up there for a couple of days, even after we've talked to Bellicosti, until we can figure a way out of this mess

Neither one of us has a coat, and it's damn cold in Reno at this time of year."

"And this is Las Vegas," Elliot said

The sooner we're out of this town, the safer I'll feel."

She felt as if a vast unbridgeable gap separated her from people like these, and she wondered if she ever again would be as relaxed and free from care as these diners were at this moment.

At the same time, she knew this wasn't a rational thought; the explanation, whatever it might be, was not that simple

Elliot shook the jukebox again, but this time to no avail.

The two words blasted out of the speakers in all corners of the diner with such incredible, bone-jarring force that it was difficult to believe that the machine had been built with the capability of pouring out sound with this excessive, unnerving power.

In that instant Tina realized she had nothing to fear from the presence that lay behind this eerie manifestation

"We've been looking at this all wrong-"

"We've already been through this argument, and we rejected it," he reminded her.

"The government had to hide it, and so this organization that Kennebeck works for was given responsibility for the cover-up."

I don't know how long they think they can keep him bottled up like this

"The only proof of this is what you say you feel..

this vision you've had."

"Tina, this is a very imaginative theory, but-"

He seemed to find this new statement more outrageous than what she'd said before

That explains why I dreamed about the hideous figure of Death in this comic book

And this is one of them."

Elliot said, "If Danny has this incredible power, why is he sending messages just to you? Why doesn't he at least contact Michael too?"

I can't bring myself to accept this psychic crap

He tried to appear intently interested in the outcome of this game, but in fact, he didn't care

He was determined not to fail on this assignment

Evans turned, and Bruckster said, "I think maybe you dropped this back there."

A thin film of moisture covered the victim's nose and lips and chin, but this was only the harmless medium in which the toxin had been suspended

Part of this antagonism between them rose because they had been born into utterly different worlds and were equally proud of their origins - as well as disdainful of all others

Right here in this house

"I'm sorry I got you mixed up in this."

For the first time in his experience, the sight of this bottled fleet didn't calm him.

What about this Bellicosti? Will he keep his mouth shut?"

"You really think we should confront Bellicosti at this hour?" she asked.

The sound of her laughter startled Elliot, but then he had to admit to himself that he did not feel menaced by the work of this poltergeist

Apparently, this was the same astonishing awareness of being buffeted by waves of love that had caused Tina's laughter.

Deep inside the secret Sierra complex, three stories below ground level, this room measured forty feet by twenty

In the middle of the west wall - one of the two shorter walls - opposite the entrance to the room, was a six-foot-long, three-foot-high window that provided a view of another space, which was only half as large as this outer chamber

"When this started a month ago, it wasn't that bad

That's why we're stuck with night-shift, baby-sitting duty like this."

Hell, he had to pursue this research

If there's any government on earth capable of using a weapon like this, it's them - or the North Koreans or the Iraqis

They underestimated me and you, which is why we've gotten this far

Sitting in a bathtub full of bloody water, staring at something fearsome beyond the veil between this world and the next

On this holiday weekend the hotel was officially booked to capacity; however, Elliot knew accommodations were always available

He considered the requisitioning of this executive jet to be one of his most important accomplishments in the three years that he had been chief of the Nevada bureau of the Network

After long and arduous lobbying of the director, Alexander had at last been awarded this small jet; and immediately he put two full-time pilots, ex-military men, on the payroll of the Nevada bureau.

An executive jet for the chief of the vital Nevada bureau was not an extravagance, and Alexander believed his improved performance over the past year had convinced the old man in Washington that this was money well spent.

But in this unknown organization, in this secret and incomparably cozy place, he thrived.

"He's going to use this power of his to help us get in there."

"Let's say this secret installation exists

But I have this feeling that if we just find some way..

At least we know this is the right map

Then maybe I'll be relaxed enough to make this automatic writing work."

An entire battalion of nitpickers and fussbudgets would be hard-pressed to find a speck of dust in this room.

If you'd tell me what this is all about, maybe I could help you better."

Elliot said, "I'm sure this seems ridiculous, Billy

And this is a matter of life and death."

Elliot was not sure when Tina slipped under the hypnotist's spell, and he had no idea how this smooth mesmerism was accomplished

"You aren't really involved in this

He looked at Elliot and said, "I don't think this spirit writing stuff is-"

It didn't swoop and dart uncontrollably this time; it crept carefully, hesitantly across the paper, leaving a thin red line of ink like a thread of blood.

We might get to this place and find we can't slip around its defenses."

Tina said, "Elliot, it wasn't only what happened in the dream that led me to this conclusion

"We've gotten this far because we've kept moving and we've been aggressive," Tina said

"You know what it's like down there this time of year

So I worked up this act built around hypnotism

Earlier this morning it had occurred to Elliot that he and Tina were the only people who knew that the official story of the Sierras accident was a lie

We'll give you a condensed version of the story behind all of this, and we'll record it as we go

We're still up against this bunch of cutthroats

The deciduous trees, stripped of every leaf, appeared to be charred, as if this particular winter had been more severe than others and as cataclysmic as a fire

This wasn't insurance against the unforeseen; this was simply prudent planning for the trouble they could foresee all too well.

When the Explorer reached this gap, Elliot swung into the turnoff and stopped

"I guess this is it."

After a while he said, "Did you see the pictures they took of the kid's brain this morning?"

"They did that this afternoon," Dombey said, tapping a pile of printouts that lay on the table

Still poring through the test results, stroking his mustache with one hand, Dombey said, "Listen to this..

"Could this secret installation be disguised as a wildlife research center?" Elliot wondered.

"According to the map, that's nine miles into the forest on this track

Danny's instructions are to take a turn north, off this lane, after about five miles."

"Hold it! I think this is what we're looking for."

When they came out of this curve, the trees fell back from the verge, and open sky lay above for the first time since they had departed the county blacktop.

The road descended into a gully, swung hard to the left this time, and then headed up again.

"He's never seen us or the Explorer, and this isn't the sort of place where there's a lot of new or unexpected traffic."

What is this kid of yours?"

"Not only did someone on Project Pandora tell this Evans woman about her son

That same traitorous bastard is also up there in the labs right this minute, ready to open the gates and doors to them

Tall lampposts were arrayed across this featureless plain, casting dim, reddish light that was severely directed downward to attract as little attention as possible from aircraft that strayed out of the usual flight patterns and from anyone backpacking elsewhere in these remote mountains

"The government wouldn't go to all the trouble of hiding this joint out here just to house a handful of researchers or whatever

But if this is a military operation, then most of the staff is probably assigned here under the same conditions submariners have to live with

They're allowed to go into Reno for shore leave between cruises, but for long stretches of time, they're confined to this 'ship.'"

The fact that they had gotten this far unhurt didn't make Elliot feel any better about what lay ahead of them

"Let's make this as easy as we can."

Let's find Danny and get him out of this place."

"You think Danny is on this floor?"

Tina had never heard Elliot speak in this tone of voice, and his furious expression was sufficient to chill even her

I knew this whole business was too dirty to end any way but disaster." He sighed, as if a great weight had been lifted from him

If you tell them anything about this..

"I'll be a traitor to this installation

I'm going to cut up this next valley and then swing back around toward the installation and try to avoid some of these crosscurrents

He has a natural antibody in his blood that helps him fight off this particular virus, even though it's an artificial bug

He's the head of this installation

You see, there's no permanent immunity to this disease

"What goes on in this place? Military research?"

they're now supposed to be our new friends, but they keep developing bacteriological weapons, new and more virulent strains of viruses, because they're broke, and this is a lot cheaper than other weapons systems

The problem is that some flaky people are attracted to this kind of work because of the secrecy and because you really do get a sense of power from designing weapons that can kill millions of people

But if we closed up shop, if we stopped doing this sort of research just because we were afraid of men like Tamaguchi winding up in charge of it, we'd be conceding so much ground to our enemies that we wouldn't survive for long

"Right now I just want to know how the hell Danny wound up in this place."

Do you see the advantage of all this?"

Almost thirteen months ago, when Danny and the other boys in his troop were on their winter survival outing, one of our scientists, a quirky son of a bitch named Larry Bollinger, accidentally contaminated himself while he was working alone one morning in this lab."

"Except this Larry Bollinger didn't see it that way," Tina said bitterly

It's good exercise, and it gets you out of this hole in the ground for a while

Each time that he personally killed someone, he felt as if he were establishing another link to the world beyond this one; and he hoped, once he had made enough of those linkages, that he would be rewarded with a vision from the other side

Could this spot on Danny's brain have anything to do with the boy's psychic power? Were his latent psychic abilities brought to the surface as a direct result of the man-made virus with which he had been repeatedly infected? Crazy - but it didn't seem any more unlikely than that he had fallen victim to Project Pandora in the first place

"But after everything you said to Zachariah about this place being run by megalomaniacs, and after you've made it so clear you don't agree with everything that goes on here, why do you want to stay?"

"And if I don't stay here, if I walk away and get a job at a civilian research center, that'll be just one less rational voice in this place

There are a lot of people here who have some sense of social responsibility about this work

"But once our story breaks in the papers," Tina said, "they'll probably just shut this place down."

And for sure, if the people in this installation got the idea that Danny's newfound psychic abilities were a result of the parietal spot caused by his repeated exposure to Wuhan-400, they would want to test him, poke and probe at him

What madman would take a helicopter out in this weather?

They don't want us to get you out of this place."

Therefore, I will devote what space I am given here to this novel itself and to the savage, brutal, cruel, maddening, insane, inane, nonsensical, stupid, bewildering, toxic, bloodcurdling, lip-chafing, toenail-curling experience of working with a major television network to adapt this novel, and three others, as part of a program that would have been called The Dean Koontz Theater or Dean Koontz Presents or possibly Here's Dean! or even Koontzapalooza

Imagine if surgery worked this way

A second writer, a surly fellow, believed that he would soon be a famous director and informed us of this at every opportunity

As relationships go with screenwriters in a development process, this was basically a fine experience

At first, I thought the writers had put lampposts on this road, which would make no sense, as it is a secret route through restricted government property

When I wondered aloud how any vehicle could negotiate this surface, my question was not understood

By this time, we had passed the one-year mark in the development process, and I knew we were not going to wind up with a usable script, so I didn't insist on discussing whether the rubber tires would melt off the vehicle within two hundred yards or three, or ponder at what point the gasoline tank might explode

The second was my script of another book which, in a fit of frustration at this entire process, I wrote in three days after the assigned writer's final - and umpteenth - draft was deemed inadequate

By this time, the head of the network got the boot, and a new head of network came aboard

'Who can this be?' I asked.

'If he comes on business in this weather, it's important,' said Sherlock Holmes

Nobody could go into this room.

"What does this mean, John?" he asked

"Yes, and this time it says 'Put the papers in the garden'."

"And where has this letter come from?" my father said

Then yesterday I got this.'

'Well, I found this in the locked room,' said John Openshaw

Put this paper into your uncle's box, put in a letter which says that your uncle burnt all the other papers, and put the box outside in the garden

'Who is this man?'

But in 1869 Uncle Elias, who belonged to this secret group, suddenly left America with all their papers, and so the group could not go on

Only one ship, the Star, was in the three ports at the right times, and this morning the Star left London to sail back to Georgia

However, I had become expert at overcoming this fear and had trained myself to speak calmly, no matter what said to me

One thing I am sure of: my brother's wife certainly did not know how to set and operate this hammer.'

But this seemed to be just another proof of her madness.

The day after this, Commissaire Charas came to see me.

'I have a strange feeling that this business with the flies holds the answer to the whole mystery, Monsieur Delambre,' he said.

'Where did you see this fly, Henri, and..

'And when did you see this fly for the first time?'

Henri had just proved that Charas seemed to be getting close to some kind of clue in this business with the flies.

'I don't really know, Helene; but the fly you were looking for was in my study this morning.'

'Protect my boy from what? Don't you understand? I'm here so that Henri won't be the son of a woman who went to the guillotine for having murdered his father! Don't you understand that I would much prefer the guillotine to the living death of this asylum?'

'All I ask is that you read this alone,' she said

I then disconnected the telephone - I always did this now at night - and turned out all the lights except the lamp on my desk.

'Drink this and I'll show you something much more amazing.'

'If this little animal is still alive and well in a month, we can then consider the experiment a success.'

The morning Andre tried this terrible experiment, he did not come home for lunch

Women know things that can't be explained by reason; this kind of knowledge is rarely understood by men

And then I said, 'Henri caught a fly this morning, but I made him release it

If it is not found, I shall have to find a way to put an end to all this.

But there must be no talk of "putting an end to all this"

Several furious knocks shook the door, and I knew then that he would never accept this solution

From this hung something long and black and wet at the end.

'Yes, soon after you telephoned me this morning,' he said

'I would like you to read this, Charas,' I said

'A strange thing happened to me this morning, Charas

I had found it early this morning, caught in a spider's web in the garden.'

"And I like this hat."

"I love this hat!" she thinks

Maybe this is a lucky hat!"

"Look at this money, Sunny!" Cal says

"It's this hat," he thinks

"I can wear this hat." The taxi arrives at Los Angeles airport.

It is difficult to know where to begin this story, but I have chosen a particular Wednesday at the vicarage

What are you doing this afternoon, Griselda?'

'I saw her walking round her garden this afternoon.'

'Of course, if this were a book, the old man would die - and no one would be sorry.'

So, I'll come to the vicarage this evening, as we arranged, at a quarter past six.' And he walked away.

Who knew that Protheroe was coming here this evening?'

'He mentioned it this morning in the village, very loudly as usual.'

At this moment, Inspector Slack arrived

'Hello - what's this?' He held up a piece of notepaper.

'He sits down to write this, an enemy comes in through the glass door and shoots him.'

'Is Dennis not with you this morning?' said Miss Marple

Inspector Slack said he was coming to see me this morning, but has just phoned to say it won't be necessary.'

I noticed that Dr Haydock was looking very cheerful this morning

We were very surprised by this

'What time was this?'

'Why didn't you tell Slack this last night?'

And if a third person claims to have done this murder, I shall go mad.'

'Isn't the news awful? A murder! In this quiet village.'

'He's not very well this morning

I could think of no answer to this.

'I'll call the station,' said Slack, 'and then we'll get to work on this room.'

And I thought that if Anne had done this awful thing, I was responsible, so I went and confessed.'

To find this out, I came along the back road to the study

'But this man hadn't even heard of it till I told him!' she cried

'You promise to tell no one outside this room?'

'Well, this person began by saying, "You are a very unpleasant old woman who tells lies!" Me, Colonel Melchett! "And now the police are after you."'

'What time was this?'

All this trouble made me forget.'

I would be very grateful if you could come and see me this afternoon

In this house.'

Clement, I'm going to solve this crime

'I'll go and try this evening,' said Lawrence

We turned and walked this way, but after a short distance, there were no more broken bushes

'Whoever murdered Colonel Protheroe did not come this way! There's no sign that anyone climbed over this wall

Then, years later, she hears that he is living in this village, so comes down here and tries it again

But perhaps this time he says he will go to the police

'That means that the murderer must have been inside this house - perhaps even had a drink with me.'

She said, "By this time tomorrow night, you may be dead." So when I heard about the murder, I said to Rose, "It's her who did it!"'

Was this the same situation? I also wondered about Haydock

'Do you mean that Miss Protheroe came to this house?'

She is free this weekend because Dr Stone is not working on the barrow.'

'In fact we bumped into you at the station this afternoon.'

'Now this really is interesting,' said Raymond West.

And now look at this!' She held out a newspaper.

'I am sleeping very badly just now, and at about three o'clock this morning I thought I heard someone moving about the house

And I found this!'

'I believe this is yours.'

'Lettice,' I said, and held out the earring, 'Why did you drop this in my study?'

'Where did you find this?'

Because the last time I saw, this earring was on Friday morning when I came to Old Hall with Colonel Melchett

'But this is the only place where Miss Cram could have hidden it

She was seen walking into the woods, and that path goes only to Old Hall, and to this barrow.'

'Sir, if you thought you knew where this suitcase was hidden, why did you not tell the police?'

'I must investigate this,' said the inspector

He was afraid that because of the murder we might search his rooms and find this silver

Well, this proves he had nothing to do with the murder.'

'But isn't this silver very valuable?'

'Well, it seems to me that the only way this silver could be sold would be if it had been replaced by copies

Perhaps you could come and see me this afternoon?

Please, dear Vicar, could you come to my house this afternoon and help me?

Will you call in and see me this afternoon?'

But this is about duty.' I could see that she was enjoying herself

'What time was this, Miss Hartnell?'

You must understand that I heard this from someone who knows the truth.'

Well, this person said they saw a certain lady walk up the road that goes to the vicarage

But before that, this lady looked around in a very strange way, to see if anyone had noticed her

And on the evening of the murder she was here, in this house.'

That evening, as I sat down to dinner, Griselda said, 'Oh, I forgot to tell you, Len, this note arrived for you when you were out.'

'I think that you are wondering why I am so interested in this murder

It has been good to have this little talk.'

Your servant should water this plant every day

'Really? Miss Marple said this evening that the note was all wrong.'

'Where did you find this letter, Clement?'

But why didn't the stupid fellow destroy this one? It just proves he's guilty! Listen, that sounds like a car.' He went to the window

'I think you should read this,' I said, and gave her Protheroe's unfinished letter

'Mr Clement, why did you come here this evening?'

Oh, he's very clever! Keeping the letter and using it this way was very clever indeed.'

He did this to make it seem that someone was trying to make Mrs Protheroe look guilty

Then, when Mr Hawes was unconscious, he put this letter into his pocket

And they thought that this would make her stop

'If this is true,' he said

In the last years of the nineteenth century, no one believed that this world was being watched closely by intelligences greater than our own

With great confidence, people travelled around this world and believed that they were in control of their lives

But across the great emptiness of space, more intelligent minds than ours looked at this Earth with jealous eyes, and slowly and surely made their plans against us

The planet Mars, I need not remind the reader, goes around the sun at an average distance of 224,000,000 kilometres, and receives from the sun half of the light and heat that is received by this world

It must be, if scientific thinking is correct, older than our world, and life on its surface began a long time before this Earth cooled down

We, the people who live on this Earth, must seem to them at least as different and less developed as monkeys are to us

And before we criticize them for thinking in this way, we must remember how badly we have treated not only the animals of this planet, but also other people

I now believe that this was a fire built to make an enormous gun in a very deep pit

From this gun, their shots were fired at us.

No one on Earth has attempted to explain why the shots ended after this

He could hear movement from inside but thought this was due to it cooling down

For a minute he hardly realized what this meant, and although the heat was great, he climbed down into the pit to see the cylinder more closely

They were too far away for me to recognize anyone there, but I learned afterwards that Ogilvy, Stent and Henderson were with others in this attempt at communication

This flaming death, this invisible sword of heat, was sweeping round quickly and steadily

All this happened so quickly that I stood without moving, shocked by the flashes of light

I realized that I was helpless and alone on this dark common

Both The Times and the Daily Telegraph, for example, said this very confidently the next morning

Both ignored, as I did, two obvious problems with this theory.

An engineer told me that this was done by a man crawling forwards with a flag on a long pole

I ran because I realized that soon everyone on this side of the hill would be moving

While I was doing this, a soldier ran past

Just after this came the first lightning of the storm, and the thunder burst like a gun overhead

There is a gentle slope towards the foot of Maybury Hill, and down this we went

Then there was a great flash like daylight and this strange object could be seen clearly.

How can I describe this Thing that I saw? It was an enormous tripod, higher than many houses, stepping over the young trees

At the sight of this second machine I panicked completely

I have no doubt that this was the third of the cylinders they had fired at us from Mars.

Were they intelligent machines? I felt this was impossible

He saw this one go after a man, catch him in one of its steel arms and knock his head against a tree

'You are the first people I've seen coming this way this morning,' the officer said

You'll come in sight of the Martians, I expect, about a kilometer along this road.'

There was no great fear at this time, but already there were more people than all the boats could carry across the Thames

The cases that produced the Heat-Rays were waved high and the beams flashed this way and that.

'Only this morning I was in charge of the church service -'

'Yes, a lot of hope, despite all this destruction

'We had better follow this path,' I said

I have read, in another description of these events, that on Sunday morning 'all London was panicked by the news from Woking.' In fact, this is simply not true

Besides this, Londoners are very used to feeling safe, and exciting news is so normal in the papers that they could read reports like this without great fear:

And from this paper my brother read that terrible report from the commander of the army:

It was this howling and the firing of the guns at Ripley and Weybridge that we heard at Walton

After this it seemed that the three Martians spoke together, and those who were watching them report that they stayed absolutely quiet for the next half-hour

I was so excited by all this that I completely forgot about my persona safety and raised my head out of the bushes

It was heavy, this smoke, so when it began to sink down it behaved like a liquid, running down hills and into the valleys

They did this to the black clouds near us, as we saw in the starlight from the upper window of an empty house

So, doing it methodically, as a man might kill insects, the Martians spread this strange killing smoke over the country towards London

After that no group of men would stand against them, because this would mean almost certain death.

My brother had some friends in Chelmsford, and this perhaps made him take the road that ran to the east

'Take this!' the younger lady said, and she gave my brother the gun.

'Good heavens! What is this you are driving us into'"

'We cannot cross this.'

But this did not change their plans, and they continued travelling east

They heard no more about the bread than this notice, and nobody else did either.

He was so interested in this that he did not look out to sea

It seemed to him that they were surprised by this new enemy

All this time the steamboat was moving steadily out to sea and away from the fight, and when at last the steam cleared, the black cloud got in the way and they could see nothing of either the Thunder Child or the third Martian

All through this time I and the curate had been hiding in the empty house where we went to escape the Black Smoke

Four or five little black figures hurried in front of it, and in a moment it became obvious that this Martian was hunting them

I am listing these exactly because we lived on this food for the next fortnight.

Through this we saw the body of a Martian, watching a cylinder which was still red with heat

'It's hit this house and buried us under the ruins!'

Through this I was able to see into what had been, only the previous night, a quiet road

It was doing this so quickly and perfectly that I did not see it as a machine at first

The fighting-machines were extraordinary, but could not compare to this building-machine

As I watched the Martians, they seemed to be trying to raise themselves on the hands, but with their increased weight on Earth this was impossible

Besides this they had a heart, but they had no stomach because they did not eat

We were very different people with different habits of thought and action, and those differences increased because we were living together in this dangerous place

The curate talked endlessly, and this prevented me from forming a plan of action.

The Martians might only stay in this pit for a short time, then move on

He threatened me, begged me, and this was mixed with a great deal of talk about his service to God

When I had last seen this part of Sheen, it had been a street of comfortable white and red houses

But as soon as this feeling came, it left me, and my main problem became hunger

All this time I saw no human beings and no signs of the Martians

I had no regrets about this, but in the stillness of the night, with a sense that God was near, I thought again of every part of our conversation from the time we had first met

'This is my country: all this hill down to the river and up to the edge of the common

Strange as it may seem, I had not thought of things this way, although it was perfectly obvious

We talked like this through the early morning, and later came out of the bushes

For the first time I began to think that there was some distance between his dreams and his powers, because I could dig a hole like this in a day

I began to feel that I had failed my wife, and decided to leave this dreamer of great things and to go on into London

Why was I walking alone in this city of the dead? I thought of old friends that I had forgotten for years

And as I came out of the top of Baker Street, I saw far away over the trees, in the clearness of the sunset, the top of the Martian fighting-machine from winch this howling came

Certainly I was more curious to know the reason for this howling

I turned and went into Park Road, intending to go round the edge of the park, with houses between us to keep me safe, and get a view of this unmoving, howling Martian from the direction of St John's Wood.

At first I thought a house had fallen across the road, but when I climbed up on the ruins I saw, with a shock, this great machine lying, with its tentacles bent and twisted, among the ruins that it had made

I turned down St John's Wood Road and ran away from this terrible stillness.

I marched on without fear towards this great machine, and then, as I came nearer and the light grew, I saw that a number of black birds were circling and gathering around the top of it

And all around it, some in their overturned war-machines and some in building-machines, and ten of them lying in a row, were the Martians - dead! They had been killed by germs against which their systems could not fight; killed, after all man's machines had failed, by the smallest things that God has put on this Earth.

It had happened in this way, and I and many others did not see that it would happen because terror and disaster had blinded our minds

And as I looked at it, and realized that the shadows had been rolled back, and that people might still live in its streets, and that this dear city of mine might be once more alive and powerful again, I felt such emotion that I was very close to tears.

But I have no memory of all of this

I did not believe this at the time.

Besides this, we still know very little about the Black Smoke, and the way that the Heat-Ray worked remains a puzzle.

I do not think that nearly enough attention is being paid to this

It should be possible to find the position of the gun from which the shots came, to watch this part of the planet carefully and be ready.

Possibly they also believe this.

We have learned that we cannot think of this planet as a safe home for humans

Perhaps this attack from Mars will be helpful to us in the end

If the Martians can reach Venus, there is no reason to think that this is impossible for us

And it is strange, too, to stand on Primrose Hill, as I did only a day before writing this last chapter

'You see,' Holmes said to me, 'I needed a case, and now I have lost this one because we went for a walk in the park.'

It is obvious that he likes this particular pipe very much.'

'Well,' explained Holmes, 'I think this pipe costs around seven-and-sixpence

So, this man must like his pipe very much if he prefers to mend it instead of buying a new one with the same money.'

'Anyway, my friend and I have heard many strange secrets in this room, and we have had the fortune to help many people

After this tragedy, she decided to leave America, and come back to England to live with her aunt.

Until this recent incident my wife and I lived very happily there.

I did not think this was a good idea, but she insisted

'I was not happy about this because this was the first time that there was a secret between us

'"So," I said, "this is where you went during the night?"

After hearing this strange story, Holmes sat silent for a few minutes, thinking

It will be easy to solve this mystery.'

'I am afraid that this is a case of blackmail,' said Holmes.

Upon my word, Watson, there is something very attractive about that yellow face at the window, and I would not miss this case for worlds.'

This is what I think happened: this woman was married in America

She decides to go again, and this time she brings a photograph, which they probably asked her for

'Let go of me! My friends and I are going to solve this mystery.'

'My God!' he cried, 'what does this mean?'

I sent the servant a hundred pounds, and told her to come to this cottage

I have suffered from this illness ever since I was a boy

How wonderful this is! We go to bed, and then we dream under the stars! We dream that the world is young again.'

'You don't know how to put up a tent! We'll never put up this tent,' you say.

At this point, the third man has pulled the boat out of the water

Montmorency agreed with this decision

Harris is always like this

Aunt Podger asked, 'Where can we put this picture?'

We discovered later that this wasn't true.

And, this was just the beginning! George is the worst packer in the world

In the middle of all of this, there was Montmorency, of course

Harris said, 'George! Why can't George be here to do some work? Why doesn't he help us with this heavy boat? What does he do at the bank? He sits behind a piece of glass all day and does nothing

When George saw this, he took the rope out of the water

I didn't think this was dangerous work, but it was

We saw the cover moving violently, but we thought this was the correct method.

At this point, the water will boil!

Harris said, 'I'm cooking scrambled eggs for breakfast this morning

George and I thought that this was an important part of his cooking method.

It was interesting and exciting to watch this show

In this area, King Henry VIII met with his sweetheart, I Anne Boleyn

As they did this, they cursed us

Neither spoke, but the conversation was probably like this:

To this day, if you say the word 'Cats!' to Montmorency, he'll stop walking

After this, we did our shopping, returned to the boat and continued our trip up the river.

'I think you made this happen

But when we peeled our first potato, we understood that this was not exciting - it was hard work

Do it like this.'

I didn't like this idea, and I said, 'No, Harris

I was doing too much work on this trip

Harris said, 'On this boat, I'm the only one who works.'

After this discussion, I said to Harris, 'You and George row the boat up to Reading

'Well, this is a nice change

George said, 'Please don't talk about good food, until I finish this cold meat.'

'With this weather, we can have dinner and take a walk in the rain

'But we have decided to stay and die on this boat,' said George

After ten days of eating cold meat, we were thankful for this supper

Is typing the only job there is in this world? You are a teacher, are you not?' said Mercy.

Handsome, maybe not rich like this man here, but with enough money to afford a fast car

'Then it's my duty, a sister's duty, to tell her about something like this

'I see,' she said, and for the first time in the one month since she agreed to be this man's lover, the tears which suddenly rose into her eyes came there naturally.

Find out something she wants very much but cannot get in this country.'

oh,' she said, pleased for the first time since this awful day had begun.

'Connie, I have warned you about this

She had wanted this thing for a long time, and yet one side of her said that accepting it was wrong

If there is anything people in this country have, it is a big mouth.'

'Is this the road to London?' she asked.

'Has this gentleman treated you badly? Is he the reason you're here alone at this hour?'

I walked on, thinking about this strange adventure

'If you see her, stop her and take her to this address.'

'After the story you told me this morning, I've been reading my mother's old letters,' said Miss Halcombe

'She wrote this to her second husband, Mr Philip Fairlie, when he was in London on business

There stood Miss Fairlie, alone outside in the moonlight, looking exactly like the woman in white! I suddenly realised that the 'something missing' was this: my realisation of the disturbing similarity between the fugitive from the asylum and my student at Limmeridge House.

I had always known this, and I had never before felt anything more than a teacher's interest in my students

Years later, when Anne discovered this, she considered him responsible and developed a passionate hatred for him.

The man was too lazy to look after the interests of his own niece! I went to Limmeridge the next day and told him that no one should sign a marriage settlement like this - it gave the husband a large financial interest in the death of his wife! But Mr Fairlie did not want to listen

The date of the wedding is the twenty-second of December of this year

This morning he spoke to me, and this afternoon I told Laura what he had said: 'He was very generous

I cannot even blame him for not breaking his engagement this evening

I am very glad he is not my enemy, but is this because I like him or because I am afraid of him?

After lunch, Sir Percival said, 'Will you sign this, Laura? It's just a formality

'You're just a guest in this house!'

'After what Percival said to me this morning, I don't feel any obligation to him

His heart is broken, and so is Laura's! I did this, and I did it for Sir Percival Glyde!

On it, Anne Catherick had written this:

I am afraid to come back this afternoon, so I am leaving you this note at six in the morning

I can't stay in a house where women are treated like this.'

'You dropped this downstairs,' she said

Because of this, Madame Fosco had always disliked Laura

The illness of the excellent Miss Halcombe has given me the opportunity to read this interesting diary

'Please can I see the register of marriages in this church for the years just before 1804?' I asked.

I will not sign this letter, and I will not name the gentleman in question - let's just call him Sir P...

How I hated him! He forced me to stay here in this village, where they all talked about me but no one spoke to me! Finally, now, after all these years, I have earned their respect

But I prefer not to, because I don't want to cause you pain, Miss Halcombe." As soon as he left, I decided to take this new house.'

I hope this helps your investigations.

I thought of those famous words from the Bible: 'The sins of the fathers will be visited upon the children.' The fatal similarity between two daughters of one father had caused all this suffering.

You told me long ago that you couldn't explain them to me, but this is an emergency

Each member of the Brotherhood has a scar like this one on his arm.' Pesca rolled up his sleeve and showed me a small red scar

I haven't changed much over the years, but perhaps this man has

Listen, Walter, I don't want to have to kill this man

When I got home, I wrote this letter to Pesca:

I am sure of this

By the time you read this, I will be dead

'Read this first,' I replied, handing him the note from Pesca.

When I've given you the confession and the proof you ask for, the Countess and I will leave this house without any interference from you.'

The letter said, 'Lady Glyde will arrive in London this evening

My story begins with this simple fact: Percival and I needed money

Immense necessity! Universal want! We discovered this common problem when we met in Europe after Percival's marriage

One day she'll come back to the lake, but this time I'll be there!'

One of the most important people of this time was Mary Wollstonecraft

Let's have a statue of this famous woman!" they said.

Harriet was born a slave in Maryland - this means that she and her family were not free

At this time, there were slaves in the south of the USA, but not in the north

On this day in December, the bus began to fill with white people

this hardest of all fights, then..

She did this because the government would not give women the right to vote

She was very brave, and she knew that women had to win this fight

Maybe this was because his wife, Clementine, agreed with it.

During this time, women fought for equality in the law and in society

One of the greatest European women at this time was a French philosopher, thinker and writer called Simone de Beauvoir.

In it, she said, "One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman." With this famous sentence, Simone was the first thinker to write about sex and gender

Women, said Simone, are always described as "The Other" - she means that women do not act like men, and, because of this, men believe that women are not as important as them.

During this time, women also became teachers or nurses

But people thought that this work was not important, and women had to leave their jobs when they married.

Factories were making lots of new things, and this meant there were new jobs for women

Who was this great woman?

She was the first woman to achieve big things in this world

Marie was very good at this important and dangerous work.

James Watson, Francis Crick and Maurice Wilkins got the Nobel Prize for this work in 1962.

In the 20th century, women made some progress in this fight.

Jacinda Ardern has said, "I hope that one day this will not be interesting anymore." She wants it to be normal for women to be in politics and to be mothers.

Was this because of sexism? Maybe the men became afraid that the women were equal, or sometimes better, than them.

Wimbledon, the oldest tennis tournament in the sport's history, was the last big tournament to do this, in 2007

All the women in this book have felt empowered to achieve great things, and they have helped to empower other women.

Because of this, everyone learned that there is a lot of sexual assault in the film business

But thanks to the women in this book - and others - women are now much more equal in society than they have ever been before.

Where is Zorro on this stormy night?" asks one soldier.

Why are you out on this rainy night?"

"Everyone talks about this mysterious man with a mask

"This pistol is necessary because you have many friends in this tavern

"What! You want to marry me and you don't want to visit me! Is this your idea of love? I want to marry a strong, romantic man

Zorro goes to Lolita and whispers, "I cannot forget this afternoon in the patio."

"Lolita! Marry Don Diego and this beautiful home is yours!" says Doha Catalina.

Don't touch Lolita! Leave this house immediately!"

"I cannot forget this terrible insult," says the Captain

He calls two soldiers and says, "Whip this friar 15 times."

Zorro gives a whip to the magistrate's friend and says, "Now whip this corrupt magistrate 15 times."

"But I cannot do this," says the friend.

"Sit down! Eat these cakes and this wine."

I want to change this

When Don Diego hears about this, he goes to the Governor

"I cannot believe this

"Look at this letter

Lolita looks at him and says, "Is this true or is it a dream? Are you really Don Diego?"