How to use "thousand" in a sentence


Some of them are more than five thousand years old

Five hundred thousand people were there to say goodbye

There were about two thousand people waiting for us at San Francisco airport when we got off the plane! What a surprise! A lot of them had beards and long hair

The people ran after me - all two thousand of them! - but they couldn't catch me

'Forrest,' said Mr Tribble, 'You're a wonderful chess player, but I never know what's going to happen next! Here's half of the money that you've won - it's almost five thousand dollars

At the end of that year, we had thirty thousand dollars!

And at the end of that year we had seventy-five thousand dollars.

Yet, if God wills that it continue, until all the wealth piled by the bondman's two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash, shall be paid by another drawn with the sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said "the judgments of the Lord, are true and righteous altogether."

Nor will it be finished in the first one thousand days, nor in the life of this Administration, nor even perhaps in our lifetime on this planet

He wants a policy for two thousand pounds and he has asked Mr Slinkton to write a reference for him.

You thought you could kill me for the two thousand pounds of the insurance policy, didn't you? You wanted to kill me with brandy, didn't you? But you wanted me to die quickly

'I'll accept a thousand,' Jondrette softly replied.

While the fifty men behind the barricade waited impatiently for the arrival of sixty thousand soldiers, Enjolras approached the tall, grey-haired man.

He was even more surprised when, instead of chasing him out of the room, Marius ran towards him and pressed several thousand-franc notes into his hand.

"That's okay," Robin says, and he picks up one of the bags and puts it on the table, "we brought our own money: twenty thousand pounds in small notes

"So we need you to enter your details and then transfer two hundred and forty thousand pounds to this account

Bank manager receives two hundred and forty thousand pound salary despite bank failure." He stops and tries to turn to look at us, but Robin pulls the trigger back on the gun

Twenty thousand pounds

They do not look for sixty thousand pounds of uncut diamonds.

And of sixty thousand pounds of uncut diamonds.

In its place there are a thousand adverts on a hundred television screens, a sea of lights that constantly move and change.

Three thousand maybe? What do you think?" But there is no answer.

I mean twenty thousand

They can get twenty thousand from the bank at Banff

If I had two or three thousand pounds, I could live quite well

After all, as fantastic as it was, the show was only a come-on, a draw, with the sole purpose of putting a few thousand people into the hotel every night

Almost a year ago, shortly after Danny had died, Tina had been offered a directing and co-producing job on a huge ten-million-dollar extravaganza to be staged in the two-thousand-seat main showroom of the Golden Pyramid, one of the largest and plushest hotels on the Strip

At ten o'clock in the morning, she was scheduled to meet with two tour-booking agents who were considering reserving eight thousand tickets to Magyck! During the first three months of its run

He wore blue jeans, a cheap blue work shirt - and about two hundred thousand dollars' worth of rings

The Pyramid, with almost three thousand rooms, was booked to capacity, as was every hotel in the city

At least two or three thousand people were in the casino, which was larger than a football field

"We did give him two thousand on deposit," Elliot said.

So far, I'm batting a thousand

Forty thousand or fifty thousand square feet to search

All I know is that during the fourteen or sixteen - or seven thousand - months that we worked together, through countless story meetings in the development executive's office, I was never sure that any of my writing confreres had read the complete novel that he or she was adapting - or understood what had been read

'A tazza sold the other day for over a thousand pounds.'

My imagination heard a thousand noiseless enemies moving

From there the happy news had flashed all over the world; a thousand cities, living in great fear, suddenly- turned on all their lights.

A doctor really must have practice! This time, I thought, he will get more practice with me than with a thousand normal patients

'Next March, on your twenty-first birthday, you'll inherit thirty thousand pounds

If you die before your aunt Eleanor - Madame Fosco - she'll inherit ten thousand pounds of that money

You must now write a will saying who you wish to leave the other twenty thousand pounds to when you die.'

I wanted to make the best marriage settlement I could in order to protect her interests, if Laura Fairlie dies, I wrote, 'the twenty thousand pounds will be left according to her will.' That evening, I sent the settlement to Sir Percival's lawyer.

In the margin, by my statement about the twenty thousand pounds, the lawyer had written, 'No - if Laura Fairlie dies, Sir Percival will inherit the twenty thousand pounds.

I told him not to sign the settlement unless the part about the twenty thousand pounds remained as I had first written it

And then, instead of leaving ten thousand pounds to his sister directly, he left the money to Laura

While my wife lives, I get three thousand pounds a year, but that's not enough to pay my debts.'

'If she dies without children, I'll get twenty thousand pounds.'

'If she dies, you get twenty thousand pounds.'

'Yes, and your wife gets ten thousand pounds!' cried Sir Percival