How to use "tie" in a sentence


Then I tie carabiners to one end of the rope and make a kind of ball

I tie the other end of the rope around the boulder

I tie the camera bag around my left arm

Then I tie webbing around my right arm and put rope around each of my legs

But what if I tie a sock around my hand to protect it? I do this and it works

I tie the tourniquet, take the knife and begin cutting.

Then I tie my climbing bag on my arm to hold it

I tie my rope to them and rappel down

He had a black tie and a big gold watch chain

'Then you can tie stones to the body and throw it in the river.'

Then I tie their hands, and I look at my watch

They cross the courtyard, and Smith stops to pick up a school tie on the floor by the new wall

"Politicians and doctors? They can't even dress themselves." And Smith puts the tie in his pocket.

Smith takes the tie from his pocket

"They're children, West: they can't even put a tie on

Let's get back to the city." And he throws the tie on the floor.

'I want something to tie the dog

Jasper was quiet now and let me tie the string.

He was wearing a beige suit, a dark brown shirt, and a beige-patterned tie

Two uniformed security men were performing first aid on the unconscious man, loosening his tie and collar, taking his pulse, while a third guard was keeping curious customers out of the way.

It'll tie up a hell of a lot of the court's time."

He wore a dark blue suit, white shirt, and blue tie, and he carried a physician's bag

In freshly pressed slacks, a crisp blue shirt, a patterned tie, and a gray sports jacket, he might have been a professional hit man uncomfortably gotten up for the baptism of his Mafia don's grandchild

"Yeah, well, that's ivory tower stuff," Bob said, nervously straightening his tie.

He didn't want to tie the wounded man's hands, so they carefully moved him to a supply closet and locked him in there.

"I'll have to tie and gag Dr

"You're not going to tie me," Zachariah said.

Then you tie me up and gag me, leave me in the outer room

As Elliot used the last of the rope to tie Dombey, the scientist said, "Satisfy my curiosity."