How to use "track" in a sentence


After their fourth encounter, she lost track of how long they were together

"The guy sits down to play cards and gets so involved he loses track of time, which is, of course, exactly what the management wants him to do

But once in a while, a guy really loses track, doesn't get up for hours and hours, just keeps on playing like a zombie

They go to bed at dawn, get up in the afternoon, and they lose track of what day it is

Elliot didn't tell the judge about the malicious prankster, for that seemed like an unnecessary complication; he still believed that once the fact of Danny's death was established by the exhumation, the quickest and surest way of dealing with the harassment was to hire a first-rate firm of private investigators to track down the perpetrator

They might track us when we use the cards, but not for a couple of days."

A narrow and forbidding track led into the woods, recently plowed but still treacherous

They drove onto the track, under the roof of heavy evergreen boughs, into the heart of the forest.

It was remarkably free of ruts and chuckholes for most of its length, although the Explorer scraped bottom a few times when the track took sudden, sharp dips.

"According to the map, that's nine miles into the forest on this track

The new track ran a hundred yards before rising and turning sharply to the right, around the blunt face of a ridge