How to use "tried" in a sentence


Some ships tried to find it and kill it, but they never returned.

It was very cold and I tried hard to get to the top and breathe

We tried to help each other swim

We tried to move onto this strange metal object to get close to him.

Then he tried to be friendly.

One tried to get in, but when his hand touched the ship, he screamed

Another tried the same thing, and he also screamed

Ned Land tried to call the ship over

She took the key and tried to open each door with it

She tried to walk through it, but she was too big

She tried to climb the table legs, but it was too difficult

She tried to put her feet on the ground but she couldn't

But then she tried to move and couldn't

He tried to open the door

I tried to play with girls, but they all ran away from me.

I tried to put my hands in front of her, because there were people looking at us

The enemy soldiers tried to blow us up for the next five nights, then it stopped

He tried to clean it off and not look angry, but I didn't want to wait for them to start throwing things at me! No sir! I started running.

I tried to walk to the Hodaddy Club from the train station, but I lost my way, so I took a taxi

Back at our hotel, the three of us sat in our room and tried to decide what to do.

True, they have tried

Later that night she tried to get a bed at Cooley's lodging house in Thrawl Street, but she had to leave because she had no money

He tried another inn, but the same thing happened

He even tried sleeping in a garden, but was chased away by a dog

Then she said, 'Have you tried everywhere?'

She tried to find work as a servant, but no one would employ her

We tried to catch him, but he disappeared

Madeleine tried to calm her

When the bucket was full, she gripped the handle with her tiny, frozen hands and tried to pull it back up the hill

Without telling his grandfather, Marius tried to contact his father and finally discovered where he was living

His grandfather often tried to send him money, but Marius always returned it

Enjolras and his other friends tried to cheer him up by taking him to exciting places, but these expeditions always ended in the same way: Marius would leave the group and walk around the streets of Paris unhappily on his own.

Leblanc and 'Ursula' tried to comfort her, Jondrette approached his wife and said in a whisper, 'Take a good look at that man.'

Now please leave me alone.' Marius tried again to shut the door, but she still held it open.

The crowd grew more and more excited, until finally they tried to take the coffin away from the soldiers and carry it across a bridge

Jean Valjean went back into the house and tried to make sense of the words that danced before his eyes: I shall die..

A long argument followed, during which each of the married men tried to persuade the others to go

Marius, meanwhile, tried to make sense of what had happened to him

I tried to persuade myself that it would be better not to admit the truth about my past, but it was no use

He had tried without success to find the man who had saved his father's lite at Waterloo, and now the man had come to him! He immediately asked the servant to show the man in.

He worked in the lumber yard, and he tried to do things right

He tried to be better than that.

He tried to escape from the truck that chased him, but he crashed on the highway

He tried desperately to shout, but he could not, and he tried to move, but he could not

"Yeah, but the weird thing is none of them tried to fight," says the tall kid.

They said none of the victims looked like they tried to fight

She tried to think of something else instead

Cautiously, she tried moving her arms and legs, and found that it came naturally

She tried to move her arms, but they were trapped

Sala tried to breathe more calmly

For the next twenty-four hours, Sala tried to think clearly

She had lost sight of the woman - where had she gone? She tried to message Cham, but nothing happened

Sala took a deep breath, and tried to think clearly

She tried to imagine a future with no wrist chips and no force field

Everyone tried to be happy and cheerful, but then it was all over

I tried to warn you before."

She tried to seem excited

I looked down at the floor and tried not to hear Mrs Van Hopper's loud voice

'No,' I said, 'I don't think so.' I tried not to look at her.

I tried to smile but suddenly I felt lonely and afraid

I tried to keep back my tears

I shut my eyes and tried to remember what it was.

She was a kind woman and tried hard to make me talk

She knew that I enjoyed sketching and she had really tried to please me.

I tried to smile, but I felt sick and ill.

I tried not to remember my visit to the west wing

I remember that Frank tried to make me drink a little champagne

'You tried to take Mrs de Winter's place,' she said.

I tried to stand up, but I could not

I tried to stand up but my legs were so weak that I had to lean against a chair

"I tried to phone you," Favell read, "but you were out

Without success, Tina had tried to break him of that bad habit.

She still had not adjusted to the loss of her only child, because she'd never wanted - or tried - to adjust to it

She tried to relax by closing her eyes and envisioning a gentle night tide lapping at a silvery beach.

In bed, again she snuggled in the covers and closed her eyes and tried not to think about the chalkboard

Anybody else tried to handle all this, they'd just end up with one goddamn big mishkadenze on their hands

For several seconds she was certain that she could feel the switch straining under her fingertip as it tried to pop on.

She smiled uneasily and tried to remember that she had come here to accuse him of cruelly harassing her

She had tried to encourage him to seek advances in his own career - from dealer to floor man to pit boss to higher casino management - but he had no interest in climbing that ladder

Again, she tried to feed in her questions

They plugged it in and tried to get it to repeat what it had done earlier, but they had no luck; the machine behaved exactly as it was meant to behave.

She tried to lift one of them, but it was too heavy

I took it off the guy who tried to kill me."

That's what I tried to tell myself

"Now," Tina said, "just like Death tried to stop the parents in the story, someone's trying to stop me from opening my son's grave."

If she tried to scream now, she would be able to do so, but she no longer wanted to scream.

tried to use the hotel computer to send his message to me

I even tried to justify some of his actions, because I didn't want Danny to hate him

He tried to appear intently interested in the outcome of this game, but in fact, he didn't care

The guard tried to find a pulse but wasn't able to do so

Pacing, Kennebeck said, "Now that we've tried to kill them, they know the story of the Sierra accident was entirely contrived

When they were nearly halfway across the graveyard, when Elliot was positive they weren't being pursued, he stopped, leaned against a tall monument, and tried not to take such huge, deep gulps of the painfully cold air

Tina stared at the map and tried to think of nothing but the appealing greens, blues, yellows, and pinks that the cartographers had used to indicate various types of terrain

She tried closing her eyes.

She turned the map over and tried the other side of it.

He tried."

She tried not to think about the chill

She tried to banish all thoughts.

"Billy," she said, "if I tried to explain, we would be here all afternoon."

He hung up and tried again, with the same result.

God knows, that's exactly what he tried to do

He wasn't scheduled for R and R, and on the spur of the moment he couldn't think of an excuse to sign out one of the Range Rovers, so he tried to escape on foot

When Bollinger discovered they had a vehicle, he tried to persuade them to drive him all the way into Reno

Bollinger tried to run from them

Then he tried to tear open one of the security men's decontamination suits

'But I've tried to forget, and I've lived alone in that house for nearly three years now

Have you ever tried to explain to a sleepy police officer that your sister-in-law has just phoned to say she has killed your brother with a steam hammer?

She never tried to defend herself and even got quite annoyed when she realized people thought she was mad

'Andre! You tried that experiment with Dandelo, didn't you?'

The morning Andre tried this terrible experiment, he did not come home for lunch

I have tried seven times already, but to please you I will try again

Getting up, I went to the door and tried to speak

Sadly, our dinner only proved Griselda had been right when she'd said that the more she tried, the worse things went

When he had gone, I tried to write my sermon, but at half past five, the telephone rang

'I tried to tell you several times,' I said

I tried to open it, but it was locked

I tried but could not tell them what I had seen

He returned and tried to concentrate on his examination notes, but without success

The man, who looked very well built, tried to move in closer, but my brother hit him in the face

This caused a terrible panic and all the ships and boats tried to leave at the same time

Many became stuck together under Tower Bridge, and the sailors had to fight against people who tried to get on from the riverside

I tried threatening him, and in the end I hit him

In the afternoon he tried to get some food

I shut the door and moved back into the hall and tried to hide myself in the corner

I tried to work out a plan of action

My hosts tried to change my mind but at last, promising faithfully to return to them, I went out again into the streets that had lately been so dark and strange and empty.

"I promise that I will tell you everything some day, but if you enter now, you will cause great sadness." Then she held me tightly, and I tried to push her off.

I tried to examine myself

I tried to feel my heart

I tried to look at my tongue

Uncle Podger tried again and again

When the rods were in their holes, we tried to put the canvas cover on the boat.

We tried again with a boat hook

I tried to tell him how funny it was, but he didn't understand

Harris tried to open the tin with a little knife, and he cut himself

George tried to open it with a pair of scissors

I tried to open it with a piece of metal

They slowly tried to get up

The swans attacked Harris and tried to pull him off the boat

We had tried to wash them in the river, as George told us

At first, just after we were married, I tried not to think of Walter

I tried to be a good wife, but Percival was so cruel! One day in Rome, a lady called Mrs Markland came to visit us

I tried to change the subject, but she went on

I tried to hide my disgust behind a false smile.

I've tried to find her, but I can't.'

We tried to follow him, but the corridors were crowded

At 7:42 a.m., the Itasca got the message, "We are flying at 1,000 feet." The ship tried to reply, but Amelia's aeroplane did not hear it

Women must try to do things as men have tried."