How to use "snow" in a sentence


Let freedom ring from the snow-capped Rockies of Colorado.

Jondrette, who had just come in, was shaking snow from his shoes.

'Keeping guard barefoot in the snow.'

Brandon tries not to think as he walks through the snow that reaches up to his waist

He tries to move faster through the snow, but it is so deep..

And then Brandon heard another gunshot, so he ran and left his brother in the snow to die alone.

Now, alone in the forest, he thinks he can hear the sound of feet in the snow behind him, and he tries to move faster.

And he pushes through the snow, and he thinks that maybe, if he can get to the sound, he can flee into the mountains and never come back.

Brandon watches the clear water tumble onto the rocks, through the snow and down to the frozen forest below.

He feels his legs shake and falls down onto the red and white snow by the waterfall.


Perfectly white snow

There was a special table and a snow-white cloth to cover it

They drove up a steep, abandoned logging trail, a deteriorated dirt road so treacherous, so choked with snow, so icy that only a fool would have attempted to negotiate it any way but on foot."

The land began to rise toward Mount Charleston where, less than an hour away, pine forests were mantled with snow

"But that's what I've been trying to tell you," Kennebeck said, pushing a lock of snow-white hair back from his forehead

He slammed the trunk lid and surveyed the snow-dusted cars in the parking lot

The headlights flashed on and off so rapidly that, they created a stroboscopic effect, repeatedly "freezing" the falling snow, so that it appeared as if the white flakes were descending to the ground in short, jerky steps.

Scattered flakes of snow collided softly with the windshield.

The long driveway curved up and to the right, like a width of black funeral bunting draped across the rising, snow-shrouded lawn

"There's eight or ten inches of snow on the ground

In the graveyard, the snow came up to the middle of Elliot's calves

It swept through the graveyard, fluting between the headstones and the larger monuments, whispering a promise of more snow, much more than the meager flurries it now carried.

It skimmed crystals of snow off the ground and spun the stinging cold flecks at their reddened faces.

The crunching and squeaking of the snow under their feet seemed horrendously loud to him, though they actually were making little noise

They had taken only two steps from the window when Elliot saw the snow move no more than twenty feet from them

Crouching low, trying to make as small a target of himself as possible, Elliot ran to where he had seen the snow move

The stranger had been lying in the snow, watching them, waiting; now he had a wet hole in his chest

Even in the dim, illusory light from the surrounding snow, Elliot could see that the sentry's eyes were fixed in the same unseeing gaze that Bellicosti was even now directing at the bathroom window.

At least one man had been waiting out here in the snow.

Tina was a pale apparition in the snow

Elliot and Tina rushed between the tombstones, kicking up clouds of snow

And we better get out of the neighborhood before they find that guy in the snow."

It spun across the street, jumped the curb, crashed through a hedge, destroyed a plaster birdbath, and came to rest in the middle of a snow-blanketed lawn.

The evergreens - pine, spruce, fir, tamarack - were flocked with snow

A brisk wind spilled over the jagged horizon under a low and menacing sky, snapping ice-hard flurries of snow against the windshield of the Explorer.

Plows had kept the blacktop clean, except for scattered patches of hard-packed snow that filled the potholes, and snow was piled five or six feet high on both sides.

Ahead, on the left, a break appeared in the bank of snow that had been heaped up by the plows

Branches scraped across the roof, and powdery snow cascaded over the windshield, onto the hood.

As the windshield wipers cast the snow aside, Tina leaned forward, squinting along the headlight beams

The Explorer, equipped with heavy chains on its big winter-tread tires, bit into the snow and chewed its way forward without hesitation.

It was overhung by huge rock formations and by wind-sculpted cowls of snow

As they ascended into the night, snow began to fall hard and fast in sheets of fine, dry flakes.

Windshield wipers beating away the snow, chain-wrapped tires clanking on the heated roadbed, the Explorer crested a final hill

He took his foot off the brake and drove forward, through sheeting snow stained red by the strange light.

Jeeps, Land Rovers, and other four-wheel drive vehicles - eight in all - were lined up in front of the low building, side-by-side in the falling snow.

On its breath were sprays of snow like icy spittle.

Five minutes west of Reno, the chopper encountered snow

"Just a little snow," Alexander said.

In the chopper's brilliant floodlights, there was little to see but driving snow

A particularly fierce blast of wind drove snow into the windscreen with such force that, to Kurt Hensen, it sounded like shotgun pellets.

The helicopter continued to follow the frozen river north, through the snow-swept valley.

Alexander peered anxiously through the sheeting snow into which the chopper moved like a blind man running full-steam into endless darkness

She squinted up into the snow-shipped night and saw the chopper coming over the rise at the west end of the plateau

If you haven't yet read The Eyes of Darkness, I am giving away nothing important in the story when I tell you that eventually, in a search for her lost son, Tina ventures into the High Sierras in winter, where she comes across a paved road, in the middle of the wilderness, that features heating coils under the pavement to prevent snow from sticking to it

The heating coils would probably have to maintain the road at about 38 to 40 degrees Fahrenheit to be sure that it remained free of snow and ice