How to use "ultranet" in a sentence


He loved the same ultranet games and story-streams as her, and the same illusions in the simulator

"Take a look at your ultranet."

Now Gran believed in encouraging people to enjoy the real world, instead of constantly escaping to the simulators or the ultranet

I'll see you on the ultranet later, OK?"

Back inside the apartment, Sala found her nine-year-old brother Apat playing games on the ultranet in his room.

Sala went to her own tiny room, and played her ultranet messages

Don't mention that on the ultranet, she told herself

She began watching an ultranet story-stream

There was so much you could see on the ultranet or at the simulator center

A call came in on Sala's ultranet connection, and her heart jumped.

When she came back to their table, Cham was watching something on the ultranet.

They only attended one day a week; on the other days, they studied virtually, on the ultranet

She was asleep when her ultranet began to beep

Don't mention it on the ultranet, Sala

The ultranet was completely dead

"Am I? Why isn't my ultranet working?"

"You can just stop people's ultranet connections? How? Who are you?"

"We checked your ultranet history before giving you the rose fruit

She was over an hour late for meeting him at the simulator center, and because her ultranet connection didn't come back on until she was almost there, she couldn't even call him or send him a message

"Maybe on the ultranet..." began Cham

I really miss you, though." Sala wanted to tell him about seeing Wena, but she knew that she needed to be careful over the ultranet

She set off along the busy walkway, checking her ultranet connection as she went

Sala's ultranet stayed on

Sala checked her ultranet connection for the millionth time

When the ultranet interface went dead, she sat quietly for a moment