How to use "don" in a sentence


I don't feel like saying goodbye

'Why don't you come with us?' she asks

The movement is so easy I don't think about it

But there is something I don't know

If I don't get out of the way, I'm dead

I don't even notice landing on the canyon floor

If I don't appear, will they go to my truck to find me? I won't be there

Kristi and Megan don't know me very well

When I don't arrive for work, Brion After, my boss, will know that something is wrong

If I don't escape before then, I will die.

I don't want to break the knife, so I use a different part of the multi-tool

I don't want to look at myself as I speak.

When I don't arrive for work, he'll think something is wrong

In fact, I don't know what is real and what isn't anymore

I don't know if this is true, but I'm still alive when the sun rises

10.30 am I don't want to look at my watch

I am back in the canyon again, but now I don't feel the same as before

I don't feel anything

I don't want the arm to be a part of me anymore

It's full of dead mosquitoes but I don't care

I drink another and don't want to move

That won't be long if you don't start walking

'I don't know,' I reply.

"I don't understand, Captain

"Come Professor, you don't believe that, do you?"

"Ned, don't!"

If you don't speak to him, I'm going to do it myself."

"I don't know."

I don't want to be my friend Mabel, because she doesn't know very much

You're a mouse, so you don't like cats.'

Of course I don't like cats!'

'I never speak about cats! Our family hates cats! I don't want to hear any more about them.'

'I hope I don't meet Mary Ann

I don't like being small.'

'I hope I don't get taller!'

I don't really know, Sir,' Alice said

'I don't know,' Alice answered

'I don't understand,' said the Caterpillar.

'You don't know much,' said the Duchess.

'Oh, don't throw things at the baby!' cried Alice

'But I don't want to meet a strange man,' said Alice.

'But I told you, I don't want to meet strange animals.'

I don't like it?'

'I don't see any wine,' she answered.

'I don't really understand you,' she said politely

'No, we don't have time,' said the Mad Hatter.

And I don't have time for anything.'

'I don't think-' Alice began.

'Then don't speak,' the Mad Hatter said.

But this tree's got white flowers! We don't want the Queen to see it

'Don't ask me! I don't know,' answered Alice, not very politely.

'I don't,' said Alice

'I don't like it,' said the King.

'Well, I don't like you,' said the Cat.

He called to the Queen, 'My dear, I don't like this cat.'

I don't like bananas much

'I see other people playing, but I don't play and they never ask me to play with them.'

I don't think he was very pleased

Why don't you come and listen?'

How did it happen? I don't know

'I don't know what happened to Jenny

Why don't you wait at the side of the factory? It's almost lunch-time, and she'll probably come out.' So I did.

'Why don't you wait for me in that bar across the street? Then I'll take you to my place.'

'I don't know,' I said

I am crying while I write this, but please don't try to find me.

It was time for me to get back to the bus station, but when I started to leave, the old man said, 'Why don't you sit down and finish this game with me?'

'I don't hear from her very often,' she said

Why wasn't I ready for that news? I don't know, but I wasn't

A lot of people say that they married an idiot, but they don't know what it's like to marry a real one

'Why don't you tell everybody that you're taking a long holiday, Forrest?' he said

'I don't know,' I said.

'Why don't you go to Savannah?' she said

I don't know why

I don't claim any constitutionality for a rebellion successful or otherwise, so long as that rebellion means in the ordinary sense of the term, what it does mean, namely, wresting justice by violent means

I don't know whether he will lake out the policy

People often change their minds, don't you think, Mr Sampson?'

'I don't mean a financial loss,' he explained

'You don't even know my real name,' he said very quietly

And her father said, 'I don't think she had any enemies

Mr Lawende told the police later, 'I don't think I can recognise him again.'

'Why don't you go to an inn?'

'No, you don't understand,' he said

I don't believe it

'So I don't have to pay?'

'Oh, you're worried about the silver? I don't know where that is.'

'But what about the candlesticks? I gave you those as well, don't you remember? They're silver like the rest, and worth at least two hundred francs

'Why don't you sit down for a minute? You look tired

'Children make friends very easily, don't they?' Mme Thenardier smiled

If I don't pay, my little girl will lose her home and be thrown out on to the streets

Please don't send me to prison.'

Now I've become a bad woman, but what choice did I have? I'll never get my daughter back if I don't make money.'

You will, of course, dismiss me from my job, as I've shown that I don't deserve your trust.'

Madeleine, looking hard at Javert without expression, said quietly, 'I'm afraid I don't understand.'

'If you don't come with me now, I'll have to call my men.'

'I don't understand,' the old man said.

I don't know how we would manage without the occasional rich and generous traveller like yourself

'You don't recognize me, do you?' he said in a loud, clear voice.

'You still don't recognize me, do you?'

'I don't know what you're talking about,' M

'I don't know who you are, but I know what you are

I realize that you don't have the money with you now, but I want you to write a letter

Marius still said nothing, and after a moments pause she said, 'You don't seem very glad to see me, but I could make you look happy if I wanted to!'

'I don't want your money,' she said.

Forgive me for talking like this, I don't know what I'm saying - perhaps I'm annoying you? But the truth is, I can't live without you.'

He replied, in a voice so low that she could hardly hear it, 'I don't understand what you mean.'

'Where are you going tomorrow evening? I won't be able to sleep if you don't tell me.'

'I don't know.'

Have fun with the girl, but don't marry her

Now I don't feel any pain,'

When Javert stared at him, speechless with surprise, Valjean went on, I don't suppose I'll leave here alive

'I don't know,' the doctor replied

'I don't understand,' Marius said, almost speechless with amazement.

But why don't you say something? Why are you letting me do all the talking? Do you still love me? Oh, I'm so wild with happiness

I don't think I could bear it..

'I don't understand,' she said, becoming angry

You're upsetting me very much, and I don't know why you're being so cruel.'

'You don't need a father any more

I don't know whether the person who gave them to me is pleased as he looks down on me from above

The tall man is silent for a moment: "Who knows? I don't want to understand the mind of these psychopaths

"We don't want it

"No! I can't, I don't have that sort of money

"You don't understand," Hastings shouts, "it's more complicated than that!"

No! No, listen, don't go, listen to me, when I return to London, everything is going to be different

"I'm sorry, I don't understand

"I don't understand a thing he says."

You have that little red sports car, don't you?"

"No you don't

"You work in Leeds, but you don't drive? I think your sports car can get you there a lot faster than the bus to Keighley and then the train to Leeds."

"I told you: I don't drive it

"Oh no, no, you don't understand, Detective

You know, I don't think he believes us about the salties."

"You don't like it here, do you, kid?" he says

well, why don't we come at night? Isn't it better at night, Nick?"

In the day, when it's hot and sunny like today, they don't worry about anything

They don't even look at us twice."

"Then they don't worry

"You want to eat don't you, kid?"

But don't let the NYPD ones see you, or you're not coming back here, not with me." Jake nods again.

They are, in fact, writers, and I don't know which is worse."

"I don't want to know! Just be nice." And she smiles at Eleanor

"You know, the surprise at the end of the story, the thing you don't expect." Eleanor smiles and takes a drink

"I don't suppose you dance, Edward?"

And I'm afraid I just don't know

"No, you don't understand

I don't know what you heard, but I love my sister, and I used to love my husband."

You tell yourself this: don't move!

A bank, Father, and they have insurance and all that, so they don't need it

"But a kid? Greg, I don't want to hurt a kid."

You don't have a job

And listen, I don't hate them for that

I don't

I don't know

"We don't know

"I don't think so," she says quietly.

"Well, students normally don't like teachers, do they?"

Can there be a finer place in Wales? I don't think so."

"Wait a minute, Son, you don't need that today."

No, you don't need that today," he repeats, and he takes the mp3 player from the boy's hands, and he tries to avoid the angry look in the boy's dark eyes.

We don't want to carry a deer back to the car: someone might see us."

That's a crime, that's illegal, but you still do that, don't you? Well, this is just like that

And don't forget there are two shots and that I should empty the gun before I give it back to you."

You see, you don't take from Las Vegas: Vegas takes from you.

How he made the money to enter, I don't know

"I don't want you to say anything stupid, Jimmy, because this is your last chance." He looks across the pool to his assistant

I don't know how, but I know!"

"No, Mr Wynn! I didn't, I promise! I didn't, I don't cheat, I never cheat!"

They don't know if it's a man, a woman, some kid, you get me?"

They just, I don't know, let this guy stab them again and again."

But don't sleep.

I don't want to sleep."

So you don't need to move

wild roses don't grow in the city."

"You don't mean..

"Oh, I know it's silly, isn't it? I don't know where it came from

But I don't know how he can afford something like that."

"I don't understand it either."

You shouldn't have bought us such an expensive present - I mean, it's wonderful, but you don't have enough money

So I thought, hey, yes - that's a great idea, I don't have to actually do it-"

"Hey, don't look at me like that

"I wasn't! You don't understand -"

Honestly, I don't know what your problem is."

"Oh, don't listen to me."

"Sorry, I don't want to -"

"I don't want to argue again," said Sala

You don't just learn the ideas

But I don't want to leave you."

Think of all those energy units! Why don't you like the idea?"

I don't want to be left behind - do you?"

"I don't feel strange," said Cham

If you don't, that's it

"I don't think you can depend on that, Gran," she said

I don't have a choice."

"We don't know yet

"Like I said, I don't know what else to do." Then he turned to her

"Then don't say anything else

I don't know if yon will ever receive this

I'm sure Cham's parents are good people, but we don't know them well enough."

"We also don't know anything about the people who have brought this message," Gran pointed out

"We don't know yet," said Sala

"But don't you see? This changes everything

"I don't want to argue

And I don't want to hurt you."

"You don't plan to sign up?" The way Leti said it, it sounded like an accusation.

So the word 'passenger' describes you very well, don't you think?"

"I said don't look at me."

"We don't know enough about the pods yet

And we don't like it when the government develops new kinds of control."

You don't even know this woman and now she's filling your head with all these crazy stories..."

I don't mean to

"Please don't say that, Sala

"You should know better than anyone that jobs in this city don't last

But we don't know that what this woman says is true - and nothing can happen right now anyway."

"I don't think she'll change her mind."

"Wow, Sala, I don't know where to start!" He sounded happy and enthusiastic

"Sala, I don't think you should see her anymore

Well, please don't get involved with her."

"Oh, yes, don't mind me." But Gran was rubbing her back, where she'd been injured years ago

"I don't want you to take any risks," said Gran.

I don't have to go inside..

"I don't understand it." Sala spoke in a low voice

we don't have proof of anything."

"Sorry? You don't mean that, do you?"

please don't say that." Sala swallowed

"Please don't joke with me

"But - don't you think he seems..

"If you don't, I'll have to report all this

"You don't mean it?" she begged Cham.

"I just don't understand

And I don't know what to do."

"Anyway, we don't have a clue where the rebels are," said Gran

"You don't know how much this means to me."

But I don't suppose you remember an old woman like me?' And Mrs Van Hopper gave de Winter one of her biggest smiles.

You needn't talk if you don't want to.'

If you don't believe me, you can get out of the car now.'

'You are so young, I don't know how to speak to you

'No,' I said, 'I don't think so.' I tried not to look at her.

I don't want to go

'Please don't joke about it,' I said

I don't belong to your kind of world

I don't belong to a place like Manderley.'

'Men don't usually propose at breakfast

'I don't like young men.' I was still afraid that Maxim would change his mind.

'I don't want a lot of fuss.'

I don't want her to come to the wedding.'

'Of course,' she said, 'you know why he is marrying you, don't you? He's not in love with you

She may be rather strange at first, but don't worry about that

But you don't have to

Why don't you go into the garden

You don't mind being alone, do you?'

I think you know your way now, don't you?'

'I don't mind that, I love swimming

'Come back,' Maxim said sharply, 'we don't want to go that way.'

'I don't want you to look like that

Please don't let us quarrel.'

'If you don't think we're happy, you must tell me,' I went on

'I don't want you to lie to me.'

But don't go into the cottage again.'

You feel her too, don't you?'

'I don't know,' I said

'I don't know.'

'You don't look well,' Beatrice said

'No, I don't think so,' I said.

'No, I don't suppose that you did,' Beatrice answered.

I don't want that man at Manderley

'And I don't think anyone else has, either.'

'Well, I don't know,' said Maxim

'I don't mind the work,' said Frank, looking at me

'If you look pretty, I don't mind what you put on,' he told me.

'No, Mrs Danvers, I don't want it, thank you,' I said quickly.

'I don't know,' I said

'I don't know what she's doing,' I heard Maxim say

'I don't know,' I said

Once, Beatrice came up to me and said, 'Why don't you sit down? You look like death.'

'I don't know

What's the use of this, Mrs Danvers? I don't want to hear any more.'

'I don't want to know,' I said

'I don't want to know.'

'Why don't you go?' she said again

'It's easy, isn't it? Why don't you jump? It wouldn't hurt

Why don't you try it? Why don't you go?'

Why don't you jump now?'

'Go on, don't be afraid.'

I don't know how to tell him.'

'No,' he said, 'you don't understand

You don't love me now.'

'You hate me, don't you?' he said

'I don't know,' Maxim replied slowly

'I don't know.'

'I don't understand,' she said

'I am afraid I don't know anything about that,' I said.

I don't think it will take very long

'I don't care about anything else

Oh God, I thought, don't let Maxim lose his temper.

I don't trust them, Frank

'I don't mind waiting,' Favell replied

'I don't want to be rude, but I am very tired

You and I know it wasn't suicide, don't we?'

'I don't want you here.'

'I don't suppose your new bride wants to be known as the wife of a murderer.'

'You all help each other down here, don't you?' he said

'You know who I am, don't you?' he said

'I think Ben can go home now, don't you, Colonel Julyan?' Maxim said

'I don't know what she meant

'I don't think he would tell you anything,' Colonel Julyan answered

You think you've won, but don't be too sure, I haven't finished with you yet.'

I don't think the papers will bother you any more

Why don't you have a holiday, go abroad perhaps

'At first you don't see Bud, Nathan!' calls Zak

'Nathan is very good, but I don't need a stand-in.'

'I don't always need a stand-in.'

'I don't know,' says Sam

She certainly couldn't share with him her appraisal of the situation: Danny, sweetheart, don't worry about anything you might have heard through the wall

"Suddenly I don't feel so awkward anymore."

"Why don't we just go straight to the restaurant?"

"You don't want to pop in here?"

"I don't care what it costs," Tina said.

"Why don't you wait right where you are? You can watch these nice people beat me out of a lot of money."

Nah, I don't think it's his heart

"I still don't see any place where we can talk privately," Tina said.

"I don't want any ice cream, Michael."

"Well, if you don't want some pistachio, I certainly do

He'll cover for me if I don't get back in time."

You don't know how to begin

"You don't need an excuse to ask me what you've come here to ask

Honey, you don't need a story about someone breaking into the house

"Oh, I don't expect you to give it up," he said magnanimously.

"You don't, huh?"

You don't understand me one bit better now than you did when we divorced."

I don't want to be a producer merely because I need a sideline to dabble in

You don't-"

"I don't want to fight with you, Michael

I don't really want to hurt you

Oddly enough, I don't really hate you anymore

I don't feel anything for you

It'll be a great promotion, don't you think?" She raised her hands, as if framing her next words, "The Golden Pyramid - a Magyck! Place for lovers."

"I don't know where to begin

"I don't want to get drunk."

"Just don't ask for a mixed drink," he said

"But I don't see how he could make the terminal switch itself on."

"I don't doubt you

I just don't understand."

And I don't know of anyone but Michael who places any of the blame for Danny's death on me."

"I don't think the police would be much help

"I don't know..

But I don't buy it

I'll admit I don't know you all that well yet, but I think I know you well enough to say you wouldn't react that way

"I don't know."

"I don't know."

"I don't know that, either."

"I don't care," she said.

"But don't forget," Elliot said, "her daughter's body wasn't mutilated."

"But I don't wash windows."

"Obviously, you don't make humble pie."

As he dried his hands on the towel, he said, "Why don't we forget about going out to dinner? Let me cook for you instead."

"I don't need much time to plan a meal

Listen, why don't you mix us a couple of drinks while I change out of this suit

"Well, if you cook it very funny, I don't know if I want to eat it."

"Are you sure you don't want to go to McDonald's?"

We simply don't have enough judges or enough money

With all these attorneys, it's sort of a busman's holiday, don't you think?"

In freshly pressed slacks, a crisp blue shirt, a patterned tie, and a gray sports jacket, he might have been a professional hit man uncomfortably gotten up for the baptism of his Mafia don's grandchild

"I don't keep a lot of money here."

"I'll put a hole in you if you don't move."

I'm not gonna answer any more questions, but I am gonna put a bullet in your crotch if you don't move over to the table and sit down."

You don't have to be so hard-assed with me

Evidently sensing Vince's onrushing blowup and aware that it wouldn't help them accomplish their mission, Bob quickly said, "Listen, Stryker, we can't answer most of your questions because we don't know

But we don't know why this Danny Evans kid is so important

And we don't want to know all of it, either

But we don't have anything against you

"Cops don't scare us," Vince said arrogantly

"I don't think it's safe for you to stay here."

"I don't know yet."

She said, "My God, you don't think-"

"You don't think they'll actually start shooting at us?" Tina asked.

I don't know

"I don't own a twenty-footer."

"Lady," Tom said, "I don't have the foggiest

Pretending surprise, Tina said, "You don't mean Mr

I don't enjoy taking guns away from men half again as big as I am."

"I'm sure you don't

"The good old days of spies and counterspies? Sorry, but no, I don't long for that at all

"I don't know."

"I don't know..."

"You do feel it, don't you?" she asked.

I don't think anyone is."

"But you don't think so."

"I don't have anything worked out yet

"I don't know..

"I don't have any money with me

"What are you talking about? Did you see what I saw in there? Did you hear the jukebox? I don't see how that could have cheered you up

"What're you saying - that Danny reached out to you from the grave to cause that excitement in the restaurant? Tina, you really don't think his ghost was haunting a jukebox?"

I don't know why they didn't kill him

I don't know how long they think they can keep him bottled up like this

I don't know how..

And the people who're holding him don't know he's doing it! They're blaming the leak on one of their own, on someone from Project Pandora."

I don't know." A flood of unreasonable anger washed through her: "Christ, how could I know the answer to that?"

I don't think we do."

I know some pretty damn intelligent people believe in ESP, but I don't

He said, "I don't want to see your heart broken."

"You don't have enough manpower to follow up all those possibilities," the judge said

Oh, I know, I know, you don't think he'll show up

"You don't like my company?"

Look, they can't be going up to the mountains, because they don't know where the laboratories are

They don't know anything more about Project Pandora than what they picked up from that list of questions they took off Vince Immelman."

"I don't know," Alexander said uneasily

I don't think we'd better rely on that carrot any longer."

"Surely you don't want to take such drastic action until you're positive Stryker actually is headed for Reno

I don't think it's a good idea to hit Stryker and the woman in a public place like an airport."

"I don't even think we should put a tail on them as soon as they get there," Alexander said

But even if we don't get a beeper on the damn car, we're okay

We don't even know where Danny is or what shape he's in

"Anyway, I don't see what you're so riled up about

"I really don't think I want to hear your opinions on either subject," Dombey said

I don't have much to say about research policy around here."

"You don't have anything to say about it," Dombey told him bluntly

We don't have any choice but to maintain a strong defense

"They can't be waiting for us, can they? They don't know we're in Reno."

"Elliot, don't-"

I don't even want them to know what direction we went."

"I don't think you do need or want them," Tina said

"I don't think so."

"I don't know

"But even if Danny could somehow get us in," he said, "we don't know where they're keeping him

"I don't know

Except, I don't need a ghost to guide my hand

"I don't believe for a minute it's going to work

"And we don't have much time," Tina said

"You don't have time to tell me about it now

He looked at Elliot and said, "I don't think this spirit writing stuff is-"

Based on what you said happened in it, I don't see how you reach the conclusion that Danny's going to help us get into the installation

I also feel he's going to help us get into the place, and I don't see any reason why I should strike out on that one."

"There's a word I don't like

"We don't want to walk farther than necessary

We don't want to walk at all if we can help it

I don't open until the end of the month."

I don't care how much of a hurry you're in

We don't know what we'll walk into in those mountains

I don't think so

"I don't know."

"I don't know," Dombey said again.

Now what? You don't happen to have a key card, do you?"

After a minute of thought Tina said, "I don't know

I don't know what he is anymore

I don't know what's happened to him, and I don't understand what he's become."

"I don't see any reason to get too worked up about it

"I don't care if it's hailing iron basketballs," Alexander said

"Put the gun aside, sit down, and don't make any trouble."

"I don't know."

"I don't know."

"Well, if you don't think I can, just sit back and listen

The things done to Danny Evans don't constitute 'great work.' They won't earn anyone immortality

If the rotors don't ice up and cut out."

They don't see anything immoral about it

We don't need him for anything

But don't hurt the woman

"But after everything you said to Zachariah about this place being run by megalomaniacs, and after you've made it so clear you don't agree with everything that goes on here, why do you want to stay?"

"And if I don't stay here, if I walk away and get a job at a civilian research center, that'll be just one less rational voice in this place

"You don't want to rat on whoever it was

"I don't know," Tina said

They don't want us to get you out of this place."

I don't know what to do.'

"I don't know anyone in Pondicherry!" he said, but when he opened the envelope, five little orange pips fell on to his plate

Well, I don't know anything about pips or papers

'I don't know what to do

We don't know.'

'I'm afraid I don't understand, Commissaire.'

But I still don't understand.'

'I really don't know, but 1 shouldn't think so

'I don't know, Henri

But don't ask me why, because I cannot tell you.'

'I don't really know, Helene; but the fly you were looking for was in my study this morning.'

But if you don't, there'll be nothing more I can do, because Commissaire Charas will have the fly.'

But I still don't understand how it is possible.'

But don't ever transmit me

'I don't know what has happened, my love, but I promise to be brave.'

'Why don't you go to bed? I'll take you to the guest room

'Andre, don't despair

If you don't wish to be seen, I'll make you a mask until you get well again

'But why don't you tell the other professors about your discovery?' I said

'Well, don't expect me in for tea,' said Dennis

But I am the sort of woman you most dislike, and yet you adore me, don't you?'

'But you don't deserve me

You don't want him to kiss you, do you?'

Griselda paused, then said, 'You do believe me, don't you? When I say there's nothing between Lawrence and me.'

No, I don't think anyone can help me.'

I just don't know what to do

You don't know how Anne suffers

'I don't suppose there's anything worth stealing,' said Lawrence

Because when that clock said twenty past six it was really only five minutes past, and at five minutes past I don't suppose Colonel Protheroe had even arrived at the house.'

'You don't know, my dear,' I said

'Oh, but Vicar, you don't think that he is guilty?'

I don't know what to do

I don't want to talk about it anymore.'

'I don't want to frighten her.'

'Colonel Melchett,' Miss Marple said, 'why don't you tell Mr Redding what Mrs Protheroe has done and explain that you don't believe her

'Ah! Then they don't think Lawrence Redding did it

'I don't know.'

'I don't believe that it was Lawrence or Anne, or Lettice,' Griselda said

'I don't understand,' I said

So, why don't you tell us the truth?'

'I don't know.'

'You don't think it might be someone else wearing the gardener's boots?'

'No, I don't!'

'Just think of the call as a joke, and don't worry, Mrs Price Ridley,' I said.

'I don't understand you, Sir.'

'I don't think you are the best judge of that.'

And they don't need to come through the village

'So you don't know much about the world

'I don't know.'

Why would she take a suitcase into the woods at twelve o'clock at night? I don't expect it has anything to do with the murder

'He said, "I don't believe it

Whatever Dr Haydock says, I don't believe it."'

And then, before he's even been buried, his daughter comes here and says I don't do my work properly.'

"Well," I said, "There was no hat here when I cleaned the room on Thursday morning." And she said, "But I don't expect you would have seen it

You don't spend much time cleaning a room, do you?" And she pointed at some dust on the table

I don't think he has any idea that Lettice cares about him.'

'I don't understand,' I said.

'I don't want to go into the Navy.'

'You don't like her

'I don't know

'I don't know

'Oh, I'm going to live here for another six months! I don't want to

'You don't know how grateful I am to you

'I don't think it's rude at all

'You don't think it would be better to telephone?'

'I don't quite understand.' I said.

Of course, I don't know if he had made any actual arrangements, but if he had...'

But I don't want all those eyes looking at me

'I hope you don't take too many of those,' I said.

I don't know why.'

But what does he want to come and see me for? I don't like it! I never suggested that he was guilty

'No, I don't.'

'I don't

But I'm sorry for a lot of people I don't like

'I don't know, Clement.'

'The first is that Colonel Protheroe was dead already, but I don't think that's likely

'I don't know,' I said

'But I don't believe you can prove any of it.'

'But you do believe it is true, don't you?'

'I don't need to,' said Griselda

I don't want everyone telling me to lie down all the time

I don't like it

'We don't know what's in the Thing, you know.'

It ended with the words, 'Although they seem frightening, the Martians have not moved from the pit into which they have fallen, and don't seem able to do so.'

'I don't know,' I said.

And I don't intend to be caught, either, and caged and fattened

'You don't mean -'

'"Please, don't go in, Jack," she cried

'No, I don't think so.'

'For God's sake, don't Jack!' she cried

I don't remember the name now, but it was something terrible

I don't have housemaid's knee

He said, 'I don't have the things on the prescription.'

I don't have a shop and a hotel.'

Go to bed no later than II o'clock each night and don't read books about things you don't understand.

Harris said, 'You don't have any trouble sleeping, George

'You like the idea, but I don't,' his face said

I don't like looking at the trees

I certainly don't smoke

'You don't know how to put up a tent! We'll never put up this tent,' you say.

We don't want a paraffin oil stove.'

'I don't care about the soap,' I answered

I don't like visiting churches, but Harris loves it.

'I don't know, but she has a strange tomb.'

After a long time, we heard George shout, 'We can't breathe under here! Why don't you help us, you idiot!'

It's a good idea to shout, 'I don't want any tea

I don't like tea

'Why don't you come in?'

'I don't see anything to laugh at,' I said.

'You donkey! I Why can't you be careful with things? Why don't you go and get dressed on the river bank? People like you don't know how to live on a boat!'

Montmorency and I don't agree on cats

Are you sure you don't want anything now?

Then he'll look up at you, as if to say: 'Please don't!'

'I don't see it.'

'Well, sir, I don't think you look very healthy, after drinking all that river water

'Angels don't take meat pies to heaven,' George said.

'Oh, don't be an idiot!' Harris shouted

George said, 'Well, I don't want to try anything new

It's not because I don't like work

George said, 'Please don't talk about good food, until I finish this cold meat.'

'Sister, don't ask

Oh God, I don't know what to do.'

'Sissie, I don't like what you are doing

'Joe is - mm, fine - but, but I just don't like him.'

'Hmm, when don't I? With the baby coming in a couple of months and the government's new controls on pay

'The Globe, but I don't want to see a film.'

'Since every other girl she knows has ruined herself and made money out of it, why shouldn't she? Her friends don't earn any more than she does, but every day they wear new dresses, shoes, and so on, to work

'Honestly, Connie, don't you want me, your husband, to be successful and get rich?'

'Okay; now all is over, and don't let's argue about it.' 'Was it you who arranged the coup, I wonder? Just because of your sister? It wouldn't surprise me.'

'Because I hope that there's one you don't know - one who lives in Hampshire.'

'You don't know him!' she cried with relief.

'I like a quiet life, and recently I had such an adventure that I don't want another one for years.' As we ate breakfast side by side like two old friends, I told Miss Halcombe about the woman in white

I don't blame you; I feel sorry for you, because your love is hopeless

They learn to love them (if they don't learn to hate them!) after they're married

The Lord knows, I don't want to do so! I don't want that sad woman to be connected in any way with Miss Fairlie

'It's not fair to say I don't trust you,' said Laura

'I don't want to offend anybody,' he said

'After what Percival said to me this morning, I don't feel any obligation to him

'I don't want to sleep in London,' she said.

'I don't want to go alone!' she said

'But we don't know it.' 'Anne's mother, Mrs Catherick, knows it,' I said, 'and I'll find out what it is

But I prefer not to, because I don't want to cause you pain, Miss Halcombe." As soon as he left, I decided to take this new house.'

You say you don't recognise that man, but he recognises you, and he's afraid of you

This man recognises me, but I don't recognise him

Listen, Walter, I don't want to have to kill this man

'I don't believe you,' he said.

The driver asked, "Why don't you stand up?" Rosa replied, "I don't think I should have to stand up." The driver called the police, and Rosa was arrested

You don't understand, my friend

Sergeant Gonzales looks at the pistol and says, "Courageous men don't use pistols

"What! You want to marry me and you don't want to visit me! Is this your idea of love? I want to marry a strong, romantic man

"I don't love Don Diego! I don't want to marry him!" says Lolita.

Lolita pushes him away and says, "I don't want to kiss you

Fight me but don't hurt the Pulido family!" says Zorro.

I don't like friars because they are your friends, Zorro."

They don't help bandits," says Don Diego.

Zorro enters and says, "Don't move and don't make a noise