How to use "university" in a sentence


Next day, a letter arrived from a university

When we got to the university, Coach Bryant came to talk to us.

The only other important thing that happened to me at the university was the Big Game at the Orange Bowl in Miami that year

I couldn't stay at the university

The place where I had to live was just a bit better than the rooms at the university, but the food was not

His foot got too bad to play football, and he had to leave the university

There are no shouts or loud voices coming from university students returning home from the pubs and bars

In the distance the church towers, cathedral and university buildings of the city of Oxford are all visible

Oxford is a beautiful town with its old university

If she had one of those university boys for a boyfriend, wouldn't he come and take her home every evening? Certainly, Joe would love to do exactly that - with his taxi

She studied philosophy at the Sorbonne, the famous university in Paris

She was also the first woman to get a PhD from a French university, and she was the first woman to become a professor at the University of Paris.