How to use "unpleasant" in a sentence


They were shouting unpleasant things, and then somebody threw a tomato at Colonel Gooch and it hit him in the face

'Do you think I'm stupid?' Javert gave an unpleasant laugh

The old man gave a high, unpleasant laugh.

She started to tell de Winter all the unpleasant gossip of Monte Carlo.

'I know what I'm doing.' Mrs Van Hopper looked at me again with the same unpleasant smile.

'She may try to make things unpleasant for you,' Beatrice went on

'I beg your pardon,' the man said, looking down at me with a rather unpleasant smile

'What? He's left you all alone? That's not fair, is it?' The man gave an unpleasant laugh

Maxim still thought of me as a child - someone who must not hear unpleasant things

'This is most unpleasant for you and your husband,' Colonel Julyan said to me

But I can still make life unpleasant for you

'I'll tell you, Max,' said Favell with an unpleasant smile

She knew her for years,' Favell said, with his unpleasant smile.

She would be sufficiently tough on herself to stay in touch with reality - as unpleasant as reality might be

Now was the right time to begin the unpleasant chore

Laden with dust and with the powdery white sand that had been swept in from the desert, the air abraded their faces and had an unpleasant taste.

A not unpleasant shiver raced up his spine

She felt the unpleasant, inner pulling again

But Mary, who is a servant at the vicarage, just put a dish of unpleasant-looking cabbage on the table and left the room.

'It was an unpleasant voice,' said Mrs Price Ridley

'Well, this person began by saying, "You are a very unpleasant old woman who tells lies!" Me, Colonel Melchett! "And now the police are after you."'

'He writes very clever books, though in real life people are not nearly so unpleasant as he makes his characters

His books are about unpleasant people with very boring lives.

It is a very unpleasant thing that I have to tell you

So for the meantime it is going to be the local bus with its dirty seats, unpleasant passengers, and rude conductors..