How to use "velvet" in a sentence


A lavish use of blue velvet, dark leather, crystal chandeliers, and thick blue carpet, plus an excellent sense of dramatic lighting, gave the mammoth chamber some of the feeling of a cozy cabaret in spite of its size.

The place was relatively quiet, except for the muffled oceanic roar of the VIP crowd that waited in the main showroom, beyond the velvet curtains.

Others wore velvet and rhinestones - or feathers or sequins or furs, and a few were topless

The police laboratory at Lyons reported that Andre's head had been wrapped in a piece of velvet when it was smashed by the hammer

It was the brown velvet cloth I had seen on a table in my brother's laboratory.

Andre had his head and shoulders covered by the brown velvet cloth from the table.

His head and shoulders still covered with the velvet cloth, Andre stepped carefully out of the booth.

As he fell, the velvet cloth slowly dropped off his head and shoulders.