How to use "voice" in a sentence


I hear the voice in my head

I call it my first voice.

So I wait for the second voice

I wait, but tonight the second voice doesn't come

In the first days, the second voice always came

But, slowly, that voice disappeared

Now there is only the first voice

I listen to the voice in my head and look up the canyon

The voice in my head doesn't help

The voice in my head is right

The sound of my voice shouting for help frightened me.

What more can I do? No voice inside my head suggests anything useful

This time, my second voice tells me not to urinate on the ground.

The first voice is back

Now look what you've done! Says the first voice.

What have you done now? asks the first voice.

The voice is right

3.45 pm I suddenly hear another man's voice

And then, we heard a voice:

It was Ned Land's voice, but we couldn't see him

Suddenly I heard a voice shaking in that strange language

The voice came from another room

Suddenly, I heard a voice shout, 'Forrest!' I turned round - and saw Jenny!

'Jenny Curran?' a man's voice said

He was returning to the house when he heard a voice in the next yard say 'No'

One, Albert Cadosch, heard a voice in the yard and a sound like that of somebody falling against the fence between 5.20 to 5.30 a.m

At that moment she heard 'screams of "Murder!" two or three times in a female voice'

'You really mean it?' he asked, his voice trembling with childish excitement

The bishop walked up to him and said in a low voice, 'Don't forget that you've promised to use the money to make yourself an honest man.'

'You have two very pretty children, Madame,' a voice said from close beside her.

Mme Thenardier still said nothing, but a man's voice from inside the house called, 'We'll take seven francs a month, and six months in advance.'

While the policeman was trying to drag her to her feet, however, a voice from the shadows said, 'One moment please.'

The mayor turned to Inspector Javert and said, in a soft, firm voice, 'This woman must be released.'

Madeleine waited for the whispers to stop before announcing in a loud, clear voice that he was Jean Valjean

But before she could start her knitting, she heard Mme Thenardier's angry voice demanding, 'Where's the bread I told you to get?'

'He must be here!' He heard Javert's voice clearly on the other side of the wall

She was talking quietly to her father, and Marius could hear the soft, exciting murmur of her voice

Almost fainting, he asked in a weak voice, 'When did he leave?'

But the voice that answered, saying, 'I beg your pardon, Monsieur,' was not that of Mme Bougon

It was more like the voice of a sick old man.

But then he heard a loud voice from the next room.

'Her?' said the woman, her voice filled with sudden hatred

'You don't recognize me, do you?' he said in a loud, clear voice.

Then he turned to the prisoner and said in a slow, threatening voice, 'What did you hope to gain by giving me a false name and address?'

'Time!' cried the prisoner in a loud voice, jumping from the bed, having secretly cut the ropes that tied him

One afternoon he was sitting in a field, looking down at a small river, when his dreams of 'Ursula' were suddenly broken by the sound of a familiar voice

Still wearing the same rags, with the same bold look in her eyes and the same rough voice, she had somehow become more beautiful

The young lady, you know...' Her voice sank into a sigh.

'Of course,' she answered in a low voice

He replied, in a voice so low that she could hardly hear it, 'I don't understand what you mean.'

But the old man finally raised his head and said, in a low voice, 'Show him in.'

The tone of his grandfather's voice robbed Marius of all hope

Suddenly he heard a voice calling through the trees from the street.

He was just approaching the rue de Chanvrerie when he heard a loud voice calling from the shadows: 'Who's there?'

'The French Revolution!' he heard a distant voice reply - the voice of his friend, Enjolras.

The survivors were reloading their guns in silence, when suddenly a loud voice called, 'Get out now, or I'll blow up the barricade!'

All heads turned to stare in the direction of the voice

As he was walking by the smaller barricade, his thoughts were interrupted by a weak voice calling his name from the shadows.

Marius!' He heard the voice again.

'I'm at your feet,' the voice said.

A white face was turned towards him and the voice asked, 'Do you recognize me? It's Eponine.'

'A soldier was going to shoot you,' she said, her voice no more than a whisper

Just as Marius thought that her sad soul had finally left her body, she slowly opened her eyes, and said in a voice so sweet that it seemed already to come from another world, 'You know, M

'He's dead!' cried the old man in a terrible voice

I could not silence the voice that speaks to me when I am alone.'

Pontmercy is absolutely right,' he said, changing his voice

Jean Valjean looked up when he heard the knock on his door and called in a weak voice, 'Come in.'

Jean Valjean listened as she described the view from the room that would be his, the beauty of the garden, the singing of the birds, but he was listening more to the music of her voice than to the meaning of her words

"Your grandchild, Little Red Riding Hood," replied the wolf, counterfeiting her voice; "who has brought you a cake and a little pot of butter sent you by mother."

Little Red Riding Hood, hearing the big voice of the wolf, was at first afraid; but believing her grandmother had a cold and was hoarse, answered, "It is your grandchild Little Red Riding Hood, who has brought you a cake and a little pot of butter mother sends you."

The wolf cried out to her, softening his voice as much as he could, "Pull the bobbin, and the latch will go up."

"Catherine," I say quietly into the fog, and the sound of my voice seems strange and cold.

"Yes," a voice replies, "and this is where it ends." And a tall man steps from behind one of the silent giants.

"You got him, Detective?" a voice says behind me.

"Oliver! Here I am!" a loud, cheerful voice says

"I do," she says, and her voice is thin and tense.

"Well someone looks bloody happy!" a voice says, and Gerry jumps

"No," says a terrifyingly familiar voice, "but I can, Gerry

"That's mine," the man's voice says behind him

"How did you know, kid?" a voice says, but this time it is not Nick.

Tonight is a good night to go out for a few drinks, he thinks, and he is deciding whom to call, when he hears a female voice.

"Look," she says, her voice different now, "I saw you looking at me yesterday

For a second she is silent, but then she speaks again, though this time her voice is hard and angry

Or something closer? Something inside the house? The sound of breaking glass? The noise of the front door opening? A voice in the dark?

"Hello?" says a voice, and Barry wakes up and looks around in confusion and fear

"Is there someone there?" says the voice.

Finally the voice replies

my son," the voice says, and Barry thinks that it is a calm and honest voice.

"Any man can listen," says the quiet voice.

"I see," says the voice

"Well..." says the quiet voice, "I understand, my son

"Why? Because I need to know that you aren't going to hurt anyone to get it," the voice says seriously.

And before Barry Brennan begins to shout and scream to the empty church, he hears the soft voice one more time.

Yours?" And his voice is slow.

"You said it was easy!" Brandon calls out into the forest of silent trees that surround him, his voice full of emotion

"But it wasn't," a voice replies, and Brandon turns and sees the dark coat, only this time there is no black hat: just long, red hair

The headmaster tells them to sit in the same voice he uses for his students.

"It's my fault," a voice says, and a young man steps forward

Sarah jumps at the sound of the voice, and in the mirror she sees the reflection of the old woman

"Help me." she says in a weak voice.

This is Pod Adventures," said the woman, in a friendly voice.

I love it." But his voice sounded strange..

"Is that you, Sala?" called a voice from somewhere above

"It's a fruit of the wild rose," she said in a low voice, touching it carefully

Climbing is thirsty work." But there was something odd in his voice again, and a strange expression on his face

His voice was full of enthusiasm, and Sala began to feel uneasy

"Did your grandmother like it?" whispered a voice.

And then she heard a voice: "Your hour is almost over

"Hey, Sala," said Zee, her voice soft and calm

it was you in there, wasn't it? Your voice sounded a bit different, but apart from that..."

A bit too clever, said a voice in Sala's head: they'd been together, and yet not together; they were able to talk to each other, but sometimes experienced things separately

"It's my dad." Cham's voice broke.

"Let me go." The woman's voice was fierce.

Sala didn't look at her at first, but when the woman spoke, she recognized her voice at once.

She dropped her voice

"Ones that talk with your voice

Apat was busy on the jumping machine, and Sala was collecting a drink from the cafe, when she heard a voice in her ear.

Her." Cham's voice suddenly sounded urgent

"Sala! Are you there?" came (Iran's voice from the kitchen.

"Wena!" she called, her voice high with fear

"I don't understand it." Sala spoke in a low voice

"Oh, Sala!" said Dani, in a bright, sincere voice

"You're doubting what the government is doing." There was a warning in Tian's voice now

"We're so grateful to him," said Dani, in a dreamy voice

But to Sala, his voice seemed high and feverish

"Parents! Friends!" called a loud voice

The pods are a great invention," he said, in a strangely mechanical voice.

"We're ready for visitors!" called a cheerful voice

Then Dani's voice broke into her thoughts

Then, pretending to know them well, she asked her victims rude questions in her loud American voice.

'There isn't one well-known person here,' she said in her loud voice

'You are wrong, I could never forget you,' said de Winter in a cold, hard voice.

I looked down at the floor and tried not to hear Mrs Van Hopper's loud voice

I thought I could hear her voice calling him

'Manderley at last.' I could hear the excitement in his voice.

The woman began to speak in a cold, lifeless voice

I came here when the first Mrs de Winter was a bride.' Her voice was suddenly harsh

'Mrs de Winter?' said a hard, deep voice, 'Mrs de Winter?'

'It's Mrs Danvers, Madam,' said the voice

When Maxim spoke, his voice was gentle and low.

I began to understand why some people hated the low, angry voice of the sea

His face was dark with anger and his voice was hard.

'Hallo, Jasper, old boy,' said a man's voice and Jasper ran back into the morning-room

Her voice now was as soft and sweet as honey.

One voice was Maxim's, very loud and angry

'So you haven't decided what to wear, Madam,' Mrs Danvers said in a friendly voice.

When Maxim answered, his voice was cold and hard

If I ever heard her voice, I would know it

Her voice was loud and hard.

She went on speaking in a high, harsh voice.

I could not see him, but I could hear his voice

'We had better go down,' she said in her usual voice

I had heard his voice and he was down there in the bay

Maxim's voice was very low

I sat there, listening to the sound of Maxim's voice

Maxim's voice was hard and angry.

And then I heard Maxim's voice, clear and strong.

However, his features were large, square, and utterly without evidence of patrician blood, and even after the mellowing influences of elocution teachers, his naturally low, gravelly voice belied his origins in a rough Brooklyn neighborhood.

Then a voice blared from the speakers

It was a child's voice

The voice faded after a minute, but the bed began to bang up and down.

She heard his frightened voice calling to her, and she peered over the edge of the pit, and he was so far below her that his face was only a tiny, pale smudge

"I really do understand, Tina." His voice was reassuring, but his tone was condescending

Supposed to be." Her voice had grown thin and bitter

killed." The bitterness in her voice dismayed her because it revealed how little she had healed

She hesitated, trying to hear how it was going to sound before she said it, wondering if she really believed it enough even to give voice to it

"Who're you?" the pituitary-challenged behemoth asked in a soft, gentle voice that didn't equate with his appearance.

"Nice car," Tom said with an unmistakable trace of reverence in his voice

Pulling his covetous gaze from the car, Tom said, "What're you doing here?" There was still neither suspicion nor belligerence in his voice.

Elliot shook the machine harder than he had done the last time, then harder still, but it continued to repeat the two-word message in the voice of the country singer, as if an invisible hand were holding the pick-up stylus or laser-disc reader firmly in place.

He's more important because he's a human being, not because he's a source of data, Dombey thought angrily, but he didn't voice the thought because it would have identified him as a dissident and as a potential security risk.

"Keep your eyes on the ring and listen only to my voice."

All Sandstone did was move one hand slowly back and forth in front of Tina's face, simultaneously speaking to her in a quiet, rhythmic voice, frequently using her name.

He blinked his eyes and tuned out Sandstone's melodious voice when he realized that he was succumbing to it.

Tina had never heard Elliot speak in this tone of voice, and his furious expression was sufficient to chill even her

Her voice quivering, she said to Dombey, "I want to be with my boy

Tina could hardly recognize his weary, cracking voice.

Tina stiffened at the note of worry in Dombey's voice

Apparently afraid that she would voice her thoughts and alert Dombey to the incredible truth of the situation, Elliot consulted his wristwatch and said, "We ought to get out of here."

"And if I don't stay here, if I walk away and get a job at a civilian research center, that'll be just one less rational voice in this place

An edge of fear sharpened his voice, fear that hadn't been audible throughout the entire, nightmarish trip through the mountains

I received a death threat by phone the night before the arbitration - I can't say for certain that it was from the writer; the voice was so deep that it might have been his mother - and the next morning the law firm handling the studio's case assured me that they had taken extra security measures for the meeting

I only get back to a more normal state when I recognize the voice at the other end and when I know what is wanted of me.

She had answered very few, always in a calm quiet voice

'The professor is away until the end of the week,' a polite voice at the other end informed me.

Miss Cram is a healthy young woman, with pink cheeks and a loud voice

'You've never done one.' Before Griselda could reply, a shadow fell across the table, and a very gentle voice said, 'Please forgive me

'Was it a man's voice or a woman's?'

'It was an unpleasant voice,' said Mrs Price Ridley

A very strange voice.'

'"Unless you keep quiet, it will be very bad for you." I replied, "Who are you?" and the voice answered, "The Avenger"

'A man's voice or a woman's?'

When I reached the lane, I immediately heard a familiar voice, 'Oh! Mr Clement

'I want to confess,' a high, nervous voice screamed at me

I think I recognized that voice.'

I explained about the telephone call and how I had thought I recognized Hawes' voice

As I got nearer, I heard Stent's voice:

The fallen Martian used its voice, and immediately a second one answered it, appearing over the trees to the south

The captain swore at the top of his voice at his own delay, and the ship increased speed.

Through the eighth and ninth days his voice grew louder

'No!' he shouted, at the top of his voice

It seemed that all the empty houses had found a voice for their fear and loneliness.

The voice grew stronger and stronger, although I could see nothing above the roof-tops on the north side of the park except some smoke to the north-west.

'Ulla, ulla, ulla,' cried the voice, coming, it seemed to me, from the district around Regent's Park

Perhaps it was the last to die, and its voice had gone on and on until its machinery stopped

'The house is deserted,' said a voice

From the other room, Mercy's voice came and went as she undressed and then dressed again

But that was not the reason for the uncertainty in her voice.

I love James and I am not interested in any other man.' Her voice was full of tears.

'I am sorry.' Connie's voice is soft.

It was in his 'I-am-old-enough-to-be-your-father' voice

'And you promised you wouldn't tell her.' It was Father's voice now.

'Yes, there is someone,' she said in a trembling voice, and she burst into tears.

'Certainly!' said the Count's voice behind me

'Say what you've come to say and then leave,' she said in a cold, aggressive voice.

"I want to see you in prison!" says a man's voice

Why are you laughing?" asks a mysterious voice