How to use "voices" in a sentence


I've stopped because I can hear voices

Suddenly, I hear voices.

Suddenly, he heard voices

Do I hear voices in the fog behind me? I try to turn to look, but the fog behind me is too thick, and I only see the occasional light in the distance.

And the voices

So many voices

There are no shouts or loud voices coming from university students returning home from the pubs and bars

There are no voices

And this time the silence is heavy and tense, and Barry can hear the voices of the women as they leave the church

There are loud voices on the platform and Sarah knows why.

The voices of the people in the hologram were strange and slow, like voices in a dream

Sala forced her mind to go still; the voices seemed to come from far away

I could hear the sound of voices from the morning-room

Then I heard voices and, without thinking, I hid behind the door

As I walked towards the library, I heard the sound of voices

Then I heard the sound of voices

She and Michael hadn't yet begun to raise their voices to each other; their disagreements had been conducted in normal tones, sometimes even in whispers, yet Danny probably had heard enough to know they were having problems.

The choreography was complex, and the two lead singers had strong, clear voices.

Snippets of music and shards of voices crackled in an eerie audio-montage that echoed and re-echoed off the walls of the frigid room.

If that many voices were raised, then Vince's bosses couldn't risk silencing all of them, and we'd be safe

The old man had to shout to be heard above the explosive voices on the jukebox

Split-second blasts of music, commercials, and disc jockeys' voices blared senselessly out of the speakers.

Men's and women's voices

As I entered the vicarage, I could hear voices

There were raised voices, and some sort of struggle appeared to be going on around the pit

Towards Maybury Bridge there were voices and the sound of feet, but I did not have the courage to shout or go to them

'Black Smoke!' the voices shouted

'Go on! Go on!' the voices said

Then, through the noise of the machinery, came the faint sound of human voices.

There I could hear the voices of Sir Percival and the Count through the open windows.