How to use "wait" in a sentence


So I wait for the second voice

I wait, but tonight the second voice doesn't come

I can't wait for adventure

All I can do now is wait for someone to find me.

'I'll wait until nine o'clock tomorrow morning

Aron's housemates decided not to wait any longer

They'll wait forty-eight hours before searching

It would have to wait until the morning.

Now I can only wait

I sit down and wait as a man jumps to the ground and walks towards me.

We'll wait

We had to wait six days for the water to rise before the ship could leave

Captain Nemo did not wait for the answer

Ned Land could not wait any longer.

He tried to clean it off and not look angry, but I didn't want to wait for them to start throwing things at me! No sir! I started running.

'Can I wait?' I asked.

Why don't you wait at the side of the factory? It's almost lunch-time, and she'll probably come out.' So I did.

'Why don't you wait for me in that bar across the street? Then I'll take you to my place.'

I shall spare no effort to restore world trade by international economic readjustment; but the emergency at home cannot wait on that accomplishment.

He had to wait for some bloodhound dogs to arrive

'No, Marius, wait

They did not have long to wait.

'I'll wait for you here.'

And I remember that after I eat, I wait for her in the car park until she finishes work, and she is surprised to see me there

"So why didn't he run? Why wait here for us?"

High and hot, and looking down on the crowds of people which wait on both sides of the empty road.

I just need to wait for her like a good husband, he thinks.

I think we must wait until tomorrow now."

"Wait, Mr Grey, William, wait..

The judge leaves, the jury returns to its room to make a verdict, and the Lee family exit to wait in the lobby.

"Please wait: I need to explain."

To hide, to be completely silent and to wait.

And so you wait, and you listen, and you look, and you tell yourself one more time..

I need to wait for a few days until they think I'm miles from the city

You wait here

If you ask for more, you have to wait, and then there is the risk that they contact the police

So we watch, and we wait

"Mr Bowen, normally we need to wait forty-eight hours until we can start a missing-person investigation."

He couldn't wait

But for a moment Clive and Kenny wait, stepping backwards so that the waves caused by the feeding frenzy do not get at them.

And for a little while more they wait, until the surface of the pool is calm again

"I've had a great time, and I can't wait to go swimming with dolphins."

I'll see you again, the woman had said: well, then, there was really nothing to do but wait.

They didn't have long to wait

"The only thing I can ask is this: if I do Pod Life without you, will you still be here for me when I come out? Can you wait two years?"

And of course I'll wait."

Sala couldn't wait

"We have to wait for the woman to contact us again."

She arrived early and didn't have to wait in line, so in a few minutes, she was stretching her legs and then running mechanically, left-foot right-foot, on the machine.

Was this a trap? Where were they going? But the woman didn't look back; she wasn't going to wait

We can wait, can't we? If everything you say is true, we can do something about it then."

"Wait, wait!" said Mom

"She wants to wait," she said

She'd just have to wait for Wena to appear again.

I can just wait for Wena or Oban to appear.

'It is my duty to wait for you, Madam,' Mrs Danvers said

'Ask Captain Searle to come up and wait.'

'Aren't you Mrs de Winter? You can wait inside if you like.'

'I want to wait for Maxim.'

'Now, wait a minute, Max,' Favell answered

I'll wait for you in the cottage

"Why don't you wait right where you are? You can watch these nice people beat me out of a lot of money."

Of course, we'll wait a year or so

We'll wait until it's running smoothly, until it doesn't need much of your time

"Tina, wait!"

"Now, wait a minute," he said, beginning to get angry

"Now, wait-"

"Ordinarily I'd say we'd have to wait until Monday

As he showed her through the house, he was eager to hear her reaction to it, and she didn't make him wait long.

He had no choice but to wait for Kennebeck's call.

"We have to wait for the fire company."

Polumby, wait

"Wait, wait, wait

"But if I wait, I'm just giving him a chance to keep one step ahead." Worried, he continued to hesitate, anxiously chewing his lip.

"You'll wait here," he insisted.

"I'll fade back into the shrubbery and wait for them to come around the corner after us

"How long do we wait here?"

Tina realized what the boy was going to do, and she said, "Danny, wait!"

After what seemed a very long wait, but was probably only a minute or two, I saw a bright light through my fingers.

He said he'd wait too

'Dear Clement, it began 'Sorry, I cannot wait any longer, but I must...' Here the writing ended.

'Colonel Protheroe just wrote that he couldn't wait any longer

'Mary had told him that you wouldn't be in till half-past six, and he was willing to wait until then

And yet at twenty past six he sits down and says he "can't wait any longer".'

'Imagine,' I said, 'that at about 6.30 Colonel Protheroe sat down to write that he couldn't wait any longer

So I said I'd wait, too.' He stopped.

'Could I wait here with you for a while?'

He wouldn't have needed to tell you that he couldn't wait any longer until after half-past six

We could only wait and be bored during those two days.

Yes - wait a bit, and I'll make it clearer what I think ought to be done

'Now we can do nothing except wait for Mr Munro to call us, and then we will see if my theory is correct.'

We did not have to wait long

'Ah, I can't wait!' I said.

anyway, she will have to wait a little while for that and it is just her bad luck.

I feel free already and I can't wait to get out and enjoy it.'

You see, Mr Hartright, she's the perfect student: she can't wait to begin her studies.'

'Then let's wait until tomorrow.'

'You must wait till tomorrow,' said Sir Percival