How to use "waited" in a sentence


Brion had waited long enough.

'What will happen to me?' She waited for some time, but she didn't get bigger

She waited and listened

She waited for two minutes, and the Cat came back again.

Alice waited

We began to move back to the hill, but Doyle suddenly saw more enemy soldiers who were going towards our men! We waited until they got to the top, then Bones began shooting with the machine gun

I waited in there for almost an hour before I came out again.

So I sat down and waited for five or six hours.

I waited outside for most of the day

So I waited in the bar.

When they went into the court, he waited around for about 45 minutes

After the Hanbury Street murder people waited in queues outside newsagents

Madeleine waited for the whispers to stop before announcing in a loud, clear voice that he was Jean Valjean

They waited nervously while the man studied the bill carefully, expecting him to complain or cause trouble

Marius waited, his heart aching with pain, until finally going home

Finally, she kissed the book, held it to her heart and waited for the evening, when she knew that something special was going to occur.

While the fifty men behind the barricade waited impatiently for the arrival of sixty thousand soldiers, Enjolras approached the tall, grey-haired man.

While the soldiers waited at the far end of the street for further orders, and the rebels removed dead bodies from the barricade and took care of the wounded, Marius walked around the stronghold in a kind of dream

On the other side was the low barricade, behind which hundreds of soldiers waited for rebels trying to escape

He was being followed! He pressed himself against the wall, held his breath and waited

He waited in the small, damp room for an hour before sadly returning home

He waited for a few seconds to see Marius's reaction.

Miss Lee waited until the police came and was arrested

Then they waited

The three of them laughed and talked as they waited for the doors to open

Then she waited for his reply

At Cham's door, she stood by the recognition screen and waited.

She waited there on the edge of her seat, anxious and impatient, as time passed

Sala watched and waited in the shadows

Sala stood by the recognition screen and waited until Cham's mom Dani came to the door.

Sala waited in the pod as they made the final checks, bright lights blinding her from above.

I waited for her to ask more questions

I went into my bedroom and waited.

I waited a moment and then went downstairs and into the library

She waited, but I did not say anything

I waited

We waited in silence

We all waited, watching the door

Danny's cries and her response became increasingly shrill and desperate, for they knew that they must reach each other before nightfall or be lost forever; in the oncoming night, something waited for Danny, something fearsome that would seize him if he was alone after dark

The place was relatively quiet, except for the muffled oceanic roar of the VIP crowd that waited in the main showroom, beyond the velvet curtains.

Many were still in the communal dressing rooms, while other girls, already costumed, waited in the halls or at the edge of the big stage, talking about children and husbands and boyfriends and recipes, as if they were secretaries on a coffee break and not some of the most beautiful women in the world.

She headed toward the center booth in the VIP row, where Charles Mainway, general manager and principal stockholder of the Golden Pyramid Hotel, waited for her.

She waited impatiently as the five minutes crawled by; she was never comfortable in a casino when it was busy

A block farther, as she waited at a red light, she realized that she still had a mystery on her hands

Tina waited until at least a hundred names had been listed before she decided that the system had been programmed to print the lines about Danny only one time, only on her office's first data request of the afternoon, and on no later call-up.

While he waited for Alexander to finish with the night manager at the Flagstaff airport, Kennebeck moved from one model ship to another

For the most part, Reno's streets were clean and dry in spite of a recent snowfall, though occasional patches of black ice waited for the unwary motorist

She waited beside him, arms folded, hands tucked into her armpits for warmth.

They waited.

The intersecting hall began directly in front of them, across from the guardroom, and bored at least four hundred feet into the mountain; a long row of doors waited on each side of it, and other corridors opened off it as well.

I took her back and waited while she went up to her room

He started typing again and I waited

They stopped and waited for a few hours, but the doctor did not appear

These waited in a long line, ready for action, right across the mouth of the Thames, watching the Martian attack but powerless to prevent it.

I waited for about twenty minutes, and then she returned.

We waited twenty minutes for a taxi

We waited quietly

Connie cleared her throat and waited, afraid.

Laura continued walking, but I whispered to her, 'Stop! Don't make an enemy of the Count!' We stopped and waited.

She waited in the same place

"I'll go and speak to her now.' She ran out of the room, and I waited, trembling