How to use "watch" in a sentence


I check my watch

I open my shorts and watch the yellow urine disappear into the sand.

I watch its smooth flight, following the line of the canyon

10.30 am I don't want to look at my watch

I sit behind the pilot and watch blood pour slowly down my arm.

"Just watch!"

It took a watch from its jacket and looked at it

'That's strange! A rabbit with a watch!' said Alice.

Perhaps I'll watch mouse-holes for her!'

Then he took out his watch and looked at it

'My watch says Monday,' the Mad Hatter said

Butter isn't good for a watch.' He looked angrily at the March Hare.

The March Hare took the watch from the Mad Hatter and looked at it sadly

Alice looked at the watch

'It's a strange watch!' she said

'So? Does your watch tell you the year?' asked the Mad Hatter.

'And my watch doesn't tell the time because it's always tea-time.'

'Do you want to watch TV?' the President asked suddenly.

Well, I went into the hotel to watch them, but it was a special chess tournament and it cost five dollars to watch, so I didn't go into the chess room.

From the dirty streets, dark passages and slum houses of Whitechapel hundreds of people went to watch the fire

He had a black tie and a big gold watch chain

Without another word, the robber took the wounded man's watch and purse, and disappeared into the night.

He was wearing smart black clothes, and a gold watch chain hung from his jacket pocket.

I watch the light fall and illuminate the hillside.

Then I tie their hands, and I look at my watch

Tall, arrogant, dressed in his expensive suit and with a watch that costs more than most people make in a year.

I look at my watch

Just one push, and then he can shout for the attendant and pretend to help but really just watch the monster go down into the loch

And they watch me every day, and I think that they watch me at night too."

And the brothers laugh as they watch Gerry and the truck drive up the road to Hobbs Creek while the great Australian sun begins to fall behind the horizon.

With a full belly you can sit and watch this all day."

They just watch those big screens, take pictures, eat and drink

Occasionally he just looks at his watch.

After the murderer kills the victim, they just watch the weapon melt

"I suppose it's this road: the desert makes it easy to forget to watch your speed," he says, and he thinks he sees the cop look at his hand.

So we watch, and we wait

Around the old but impressive school, there are green gardens and grounds that continue for miles, and at the windows of the building there are the thirty faces of serious young men, who watch them strangely.

Or maybe play a computer game or watch television.

Hank Wynn does not stop to watch what happens next

You are getting lazy without me to watch you.'

'We ought to have gone on the earlier train.' She looked at her watch

'Do you think the dead watch the living?'

It was easy for Mrs Danvers to watch me from one of their windows.

The coastguard looked at his watch.

When I looked at my watch again, it was three o'clock

We all stood on the terrace for a moment and then Colonel Julyan looked at his watch.

"We can stop in here and watch the first few numbers in Magyck! And then go to the restaurant."

He glanced at his watch

"Why don't you wait right where you are? You can watch these nice people beat me out of a lot of money."

Tina glanced at her watch

Well, just watch out for that hangover."

Besides, to properly watch your house..

He forgot to watch a pot, and it boiled over

Elliot got to the street in time to watch the Chevy pull away, tires squealing, engine roaring.

He grabbed her arm, swung her away from the burning house, the sight of which affected her as much as if it had been a hypnotist's slowly swinging pocket watch.

Elliot glanced at the garage door, then at his watch

"And Kennebeck's cronies have almost certainly put a watch on the place

He was wearing Gucci loafers, an expensive suit, a handmade silk shirt, and a gold Rolex watch

Alexander glanced at his watch

And I guess they were so sure of where we were headed, they didn't think it was necessary to keep a close watch on us

They can watch our progress on that, even if they can't get their hands on us till another chase car catches up

"You want to put a watch on it anyway?"

There doesn't appear to be anything life-threatening about the parietal spot, but you sure should keep a watch on it."

May I do it? It won't be very nice to watch, you know.'

The Inspector looked at his watch

'Oh!' He looked at his watch

I think she knows something and I want to watch her.'

In our desire to watch, we even fought each other within a few centimeters of being seen.

Or if they stayed permanently, they might not think it necessary to watch it all the time.

A jeweller's window had been broken open in one place, but the thief had clearly been chased away, because a number of gold chains and a watch were lying on the pavement

It should be possible to find the position of the gun from which the shots came, to watch this part of the planet carefully and be ready.

Even if that is true, for many years we will continue to watch Mars carefully, and all falling stars will make us afraid.

I sat down to watch.

It was interesting and exciting to watch this show

Still they watch her, horrified, and wondering what it's all about

For a long time I had felt nothing but hatred for Sir Percival, but I could not watch as he burnt to death in the vestry

Ten years later, she went with a friend to watch some pilots flying aeroplanes

Women have fought for the right to watch sports, to practise them and to enter tournaments.