How to use "wearing" in a sentence


Next evening, Jenny arrived at our house, wearing a white dress, and with a pink flower in her hair

There were a lot of people there, and Jenny was wearing a long dress and singing

Students began to come in, most of them wearing dirty jeans

Her hair was all the way down her back, and she was wearing sun-glasses - at night! She was wearing blue jeans and a shirt with lots of colours on it

She was wearing a blue dress, black woolen stockings, men's boots, and a black straw bonnet

He was wearing a dark jacket and trousers, and a black cap with a peak

Her stockings were white, her bonnet black, and she was wearing boots

She was wearing a red handkerchief around her neck, a black jacket, men's boots, and an old white apron

In the case of Elizabeth Stride, from the descriptions by Constable Smith and Israel Schwartz we have a man between 28 - 30 years old, 1.65m to 1.70m tall, wearing dark clothes and a hat with a peak, or perhaps a deerstalker

He was not tall, stout, and was wearing a black hat

And, because she was carrying an expensive doll and was no longer wearing rags, not many recognized Cosette.

The beggar was still there, in the same position, wearing the same clothes

The next day, Marius returned to the Luxembourg Gardens wearing his best clothes

Marius looked up quickly and saw that his visitor was a thin girl wearing just a skirt and shirt

Still wearing the same rags, with the same bold look in her eyes and the same rough voice, she had somehow become more beautiful

But why are you wearing that dirty old hat? 'When Marius gave no answer, she went on, 'And you've got a hole in your shirt

He was wearing smart black clothes, and a gold watch chain hung from his jacket pocket.

'And here is the coat I was wearing!'

He pulls the collar of his stolen coat up to cover his face, and he checks that no one can see the grey prison uniform that he is still wearing beneath it.

I wish I was wearing a lot of make-up and had expensive clothes.'

She was wearing it the night before she died

The girl's wearing a very simple dress

I'm wearing a veil and lots of jewellery

Beatrice was wearing a long green dress

Only Maxim was wearing evening clothes.

Male dancers, wearing black tuxedos for the opening number, stood tensely, an eye-pleasing collection of lean, handsome types.

He was wearing a beige suit, a dark brown shirt, and a beige-patterned tie

Through the fish-eye lens in the door, she saw a young, clean-cut man wearing a blue cap with an unidentifiable emblem on it

He was wearing a gas-company uniform, and he was carrying a large tool kit with the gas-company emblem on it.

He was wearing Gucci loafers, an expensive suit, a handmade silk shirt, and a gold Rolex watch

You aren't wearing boots."

Tina, wearing rubber-soled sneakers with canvas tops, was surely as miserable as he was

He wished that they weren't wearing such dark clothes

He was wearing a gold signet ring

He was wearing a sidearm - a monstrous revolver - and he was fast with it

Jack Morgan, the pilot, glanced at George Alexander and said, "This will be hairy." He was wearing night-vision goggles, and his eyes were invisible.

He was tall, broad-shouldered, in his fifties, and he was wearing medical whites

"And he's wearing a green and yellow hat."

"He's wearing a green and yellow hat!" one policeman says.

I was wearing my bathing dress

'You don't think it might be someone else wearing the gardener's boots?'

She was wearing them on Thursday.'

Under the railway bridge I found a group of soldiers - engineers, I think, men wearing small round caps, dirty red jackets and dark trousers

Her face was turned away from us when we entered the room, but we could see she was wearing a red dress and long white gloves

Harris was wearing a red and orange blazer

In fact, I am wearing them now