How to use "white" in a sentence


It's warm and sunny with just a few white clouds in the sky.

Today, it's a dirty white colour

A man who looks like a policeman is standing with two nurses in white coats on the hospital steps

A white light coming from the ship made everything easy to see

It had soft white sand and 200-foot-tall palm trees

He had white bandages on his head

He was cold and white

Suddenly, a white rabbit ran past her

He had his best clothes on, and in one hand he had a white hat.

Some were white and some were brown.

One white mushroom was as big as Alice

'And your hair is now very white;

She quickly ate a little from the white mushroom in her left hand

Alice ate some of the white mushrooms

But this tree's got white flowers! We don't want the Queen to see it

'They were white, and - and-'

The King's face went white.

Next evening, Jenny arrived at our house, wearing a white dress, and with a pink flower in her hair

This note was a promise that all men, yes, black men as well as white men, would be guaranteed the "Unalienable Rights" of "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." It is obvious today that America has defaulted on this promissory note, insofar as her citizens of color are concerned

The marvelous new militancy which has engulfed the Negro community must not lead us to a distrust of all white people, for many of our white brothers, as evidenced by their presence here today, have come to realize that their destiny is tied up with our destiny

I have a dream that one day, down in Alabama, with its vicious racists, with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of ''interposition" and "nullification" - one day right there in Alabama little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers.

And when this happens, when we allow freedom to ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual:

He spoke calmly, but his face was white.

She had a comb, a white handkerchief, and a broken piece of looking-glass

Her stockings were white, her bonnet black, and she was wearing boots

She was wearing a red handkerchief around her neck, a black jacket, men's boots, and an old white apron

Near the piece of material, in white chalk on the wall, was a message:

Looking up, Cosette saw a huge, white-haired man standing next to her

The man, who was perhaps sixty, had white hair and a serious but friendly-looking face

Leblanc, because of his white hair, and the girl Mile Lanoire, because of her black dress,' his friend replied.

It was a plain, white handkerchief with the initials U.F

A white face was turned towards him and the voice asked, 'Do you recognize me? It's Eponine.'

Every day, according to one of the servants, a white-haired, well-dressed gentleman came to ask for news of the sick man.

Standing beside her on the doorstep was a white-haired man with a strangely nervous smile.

I try to remember the image, and I see that there is a piece of cloth in her mouth so that she cannot speak and that she is tied to a large grey stone by thick white ropes.

When I look to see why, I see that she is not there: the white ropes are still tied to the stone, but she is not.

We all have the same white and orange uniforms, the same caps, the same silver sunglasses

Big white teeth as sharp as crocodiles'

Red, white, blue, green, orange, gold

Red, white, blue, green, orange, gold

The tables are covered in white, and the lights are low and atmospheric

Eleanor smiles shyly and moves the elegant white silk scarf that lies around her neck above her black dress

She adjusts the white scarf around her neck.

It cannot be burnt skin under the elegant white scarf.

Today he just wants to get out of the hot courtroom, away from the serious lawyers in their black gowns and white wigs and go and enjoy the sun.

He takes the back stairs, passes three or four lawyers in their black gowns and white wigs and feels sorry for them: it is so hot today

And he thinks of the white shirt in the trunk of the car: the white shirt with blood on it

He feels his legs shake and falls down onto the red and white snow by the waterfall.

On the other side of the valley, the white waters of a waterfall flowed over the rocks

One wall of the apartment was just plain white, with a hologram you could turn on and off

All the technicians wore white coats; they looked serious and professional

He had cool blue eyes and super-white teeth.

Perfectly white snow

There was a special table and a snow-white cloth to cover it

The sea was bright green, with white-topped waves

Maxim looked white and ill

The flowers were pink, white and gold

I looked down at the clear white flowers

In the bay was a green and white buoy, but no boat.

Maxim's face was white

The small table was put near the fire and covered with the white cloth

Her skin was very white

The white and green buoy was still there

His face was white and his mouth hard

I have always liked the picture of the girl in white,' Mrs Danvers went on in the same friendly way.

There was Giles in his white Arab costume

His face was completely white

I walked back to the dressing-table and looked at my white face and red eyes in the mirror

I put the white dress and the wig back into the box

I knew her tall, slim figure, her small face and clear white skin

There were dark shadows on her white face.

Beyond the terrace was a white wall of fog.

We listened, staring into the white fog together

Maxim went very white

There was no need for Maxim to look so white and troubled.

On the wider levels, long dinner tables, covered with white linen, were set at right angles to the stage

With seven massive production numbers, five major variety acts, forty-two girl dancers, forty-two boy dancers, fifteen showgirls, two boy singers, two girl singers (one temperamental), forty-seven crewmen and technicians, a twenty-piece orchestra, one elephant, one lion, two black panthers, six golden retrievers, and twelve white doves, the logistics were mind-numbingly complicated, but a year of arduous labor was evident in the slick and faultless unfolding of the program.

In her mind the two words burned, white on black: NOT DEAD.

In the refrigerator was a half-empty bottle of white wine

Already, a platoon of white-coated waiters, waitresses in crisp blue uniforms, and scurrying busboys had begun serving the dinners

The tables were draped with white cloths and burdened with food: five hot hors d'oeuvres, lobster salad, crab salad, pasta salad, filet mignon, chicken breasts in tarragon sauce, roasted potatoes, cakes, pies, tarts, fresh fruits, berries, and cheeses

A neighbor's white cat crept across the lawn, stalking a wind-tossed scrap of paper

The frost left the window, and outside the white cat still chased the scrap of paper.

On the right, beyond the craps tables, halfway down the long room, elevated from the main floor, the white-marble and brass baccarat pit catered to a more affluent and sedate group of gamblers; at baccarat, the pit boss, the floor man, and the dealers wore tuxedos

Standing before her in the sunshine, his white shirt shimmering with squiggles of reflected light that bounced off the parked cars, he favored her with that self-satisfied, superior smile that made her feel as cold as this winter day ought to have been.

Michael was milk-white, trembling

"Tina? My God, you're white as a ghost!"

Aware that her answer had disappointed him, she looked down at her hands, which were laced together so tightly that her knuckles were white.

The judge was a tall, dour-looking man with curly white hair

"Ah." He pushed a curly strand of white hair back from his forehead

He wore a dark blue suit, white shirt, and blue tie, and he carried a physician's bag

Bright blood streamed from the ragged stump of the coachman's neck, and gelatinous clots of blood clung to his white, ruffled shirt

An imposing, barrel-chested man in rumpled chinos and a white T-shirt snapped on the garage light and peered curiously at them

The cashier was a white-haired man, owlish behind a pair of thick spectacles

The white-haired cashier came out from behind the counter

As the white-haired cashier grasped the plug in his arthritis-gnarled hands and wiggled it back and forth in the wall socket, trying to free it, Tina almost told him to stop

Laden with dust and with the powdery white sand that had been swept in from the desert, the air abraded their faces and had an unpleasant taste.

With that in mind, Bruckster wore a cheap green polyester leisure suit, black loafers, and white socks

Dealers in black trousers, white shirts, and string ties were ascending.

"But that's what I've been trying to tell you," Kennebeck said, pushing a lock of snow-white hair back from his forehead

In the cold air, white clouds of exhaust vapor swirled around his legs.

The headlights flashed on and off so rapidly that, they created a stroboscopic effect, repeatedly "freezing" the falling snow, so that it appeared as if the white flakes were descending to the ground in short, jerky steps.

The cold spell won't last." He squinted into the smaller room, where the boy lay motionless on a hospital bed, under a white sheet and yellow blanket, trailing monitor wires

It wasn't the gauzy, insubstantial stirring of windblown flakes, but an unnatural and purposeful rising of an entire mound of white

He found a man dressed in a white, insulated ski suit

He expected to see the entire white-shrouded lawn begin to move and rise in the forms of ten, fifteen, twenty other assassins.

A white Ford sedan had just turned the corner, moving slowly

A few seconds later, the white sedan raced into the intersection.

Hensen, a powerfully built man with white-blond hair and cat-yellow eyes, was afraid of flying

When the plane settled down once more, Alexander looked out the window at the milky-white, moonlit, feminine roundness of the clouds below, and he thought of the Evans woman

His insulated suit was green with white stripes; hers was white with green and black stripes

He crashed into a desk, sending a pile of white and pink papers onto the floor, and then he fell on top of the mess that he had made.

At the far end a window filled the center of the other short wall and apparently offered a view of a cold-storage vault; it was white with frost

Another man, younger than the first, clean-shaven, also dressed in white, was sitting at a computer, reading the information that flashed onto the display screen

The young man in white was impressed too

I began to laugh but stopped when I saw my uncle's white face.

His face was white.

My brother lay flat on his stomach across the conveyor line which carried the white-hot pieces of metal up to the hammer

Its head is white instead of black, and it has a strange sort of leg.'

Dandelo was a small white cat who had come into our garden one day and remained with us

'But it has such a funny white head!' he said.

He said its head was white

I examined all the many flies we caught that day, but none had anything like a white head

Nothing can ever make me forget that dreadful white hairy head with its two pointed ears


all white.'

And then, coming from the direction of Horsell, I noticed a little black group of men, the first of whom was waving a white flag

When I saw how white her face was, I began to comfort her and myself by repeating all that Ogilvy had told me about the impossibility of Martians capturing the Earth.

I remember the dinner table that evening very clearly even now: my dear wife's sweet, worried face looking at me from under the pink lamp-shade, the white cloth laid with silver and glass, the glass of red wine in my hand

Her face, I remember, was very white as I drove away.

When for a moment I raised my head to breathe and throw the hair and water out of my eyes, the steam was rising in a white fog that hid the Martians completely

Then suddenly the white flashes of the Heat-Ray came towards me

He was dirty and white-faced.

One of the ladies, a short woman dressed in white, was screaming

They walked to where the lady in white was struggling to hold the frightened horse

Mrs Elphinstone - that was the name of the woman in white - refused to listen to his argument, and kept calling for 'George', but her sister-in-law was very quiet and sensible and agreed to my brother's suggestion

A great cloud of dust, white under the strong sun, made everything within five metres of the ground grey and unclear

His face was white and shining

Beyond these were the larger ships - a great number of coal ships, ships carrying goods, and neat white and grey passenger ships from Southampton and Hamburg.

When I had last seen this part of Sheen, it had been a street of comfortable white and red houses

After that, the streets became clear of powder and I passed some white houses which were on fire

And there, amazed and afraid, as I too stood amazed and afraid, were my cousin and my wife - my wife white and tearless

Her face was turned away from us when we entered the room, but we could see she was wearing a red dress and long white gloves

A big car arrived outside the house, a huge machine from the white man's land

There, behind me, stood a woman dressed completely in white.

'Thank you!' she said, then the carriage drove off, and the woman in white was gone.

The carriage stopped and the driver spoke to the policeman: 'Have you seen a woman dressed in white?'

'I like a quiet life, and recently I had such an adventure that I don't want another one for years.' As we ate breakfast side by side like two old friends, I told Miss Halcombe about the woman in white

This woman in white was probably a student there

She was a fair, delicate girl in a simple white dress

Her clothes were old, so I gave her some of Laura's white dresses

I told her that blonde girls look nice in white

She kissed my hand and said, 'I'll always wear white! It'll help me to remember how kind you've been to me!' Poor little soul!'"

'The woman in white must be Anne Catherick!' she said.

Her white dress shone in the moonlight

There stood Miss Fairlie, alone outside in the moonlight, looking exactly like the woman in white! I suddenly realised that the 'something missing' was this: my realisation of the disturbing similarity between the fugitive from the asylum and my student at Limmeridge House.

But it can't be the same man! I must be going mad! Ever since I saw the similarity between Miss Fairlie and the woman in white, I've connected them in my mind

She explained Mr Hartright's concern that Sir Percival Glyde might be the aristocrat the woman in white had talked about

He held her arm so tightly that he left dark bruises on her white skin

The mystery of the woman in white had finally been solved

She is famous because she did not stand up! When Rosa was a young woman, in many places in the USA, black people - who were called "coloureds" at that time - and white people could not sit together.

From a young age, Rosa knew that "there was a black world and a white world," as she said later

One of the places where black people and white people did not mix was on buses

On this day in December, the bus began to fill with white people

After a short time, the bus was full, and the driver noticed that some white people were standing up

This meant that the white people could sit down.

Those astronauts were all white men.

His face is white

His face is white.