How to use "who" in a sentence


As I walk, I think about the history of the people who were here before me

It's part of who I am.

Suddenly, I know who he is

A man who looks like a policeman is standing with two nurses in white coats on the hospital steps

It is I who should be angry with you."

Anyone who touches it feels great pain."

"I have a man who needs help

"I think he's a scientist who never had any success

But I know one man who said he saw one."

No one who enters the Nautilus ever leaves

So who am I? That's the question.'

'But who will give us the chocolates?' the Mouse asked.

'And who is Dinah?' the Dodo asked.

And who do you think I saw in the school cafe? Jenny Curran! She was all grown-up now, with pretty black hair, long legs, and a beautiful face

But there was a boy in the cafe who started calling me names, and saying things like, 'How's Stupid?'

I found a young man who was sitting in his room playing the harmonica.

It blew the food all over us - me, and all the men who were sitting at the tables.

And who do you think one of them was? It was Bubba!

'She left school and went off with a group of people who were against the war,' he said.

We began to move back to the hill, but Doyle suddenly saw more enemy soldiers who were going towards our men! We waited until they got to the top, then Bones began shooting with the machine gun

Halfway out, I saw another man who was hurt

Then our helicopters came, and the enemy soldiers who were left ran away.

Two days later, I went back to the fish market and talked to a man who was selling shrimps.

The President was a great big old man who talked like somebody from Texas, and there were a lot of people standing round him in the flower garden.

It was the doctors at the hospital who decided to send me to NASA - that's the space centre at Houston, in Texas.

And it was in the jungle that I met Big Sam - a man who taught me to play chess

I was going past a hotel when I looked in the window and saw some people who were playing chess

I was just walking out again when I saw a little old man who was playing chess with himself at a table near the door

'Just who are you?' he said after the game.

We were a day or two early for the tournament, and Mr Tribble took me to see some people who were making a film

We were watching a man who was crashing through a window in a film fight, when a man walked over to us

But who do you think we met there? Sue, the ape! He was in another film!

Then I looked up and saw a woman who was standing near him.

I looked at the boy, who was still playing with Sue

This momentous decree came as a great beacon light of hope to millions of Negro slaves who had been seared in the flames of withering injustice

And those who hope that the Negro needed to blow off steam and will now be content will have a rude awakening if the nation returns to business as usual

But there is something that I must say to my people, who stand on the warm threshold which leads into the palace of justice: In the process of gaining our rightful place, we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds

There are those who are asking the devotees of civil rights, "When will you be satisfied?" We can never be satisfied as long as the Negro is the victim of the unspeakable horrors of police brutality

It is found in nearly all the published speeches of him who now addresses you

Those who nominated and elected me did so with full knowledge that I had made this and many similar declarations, and had never recanted them

It is scarcely questioned that this provision was intended by those who made it for the reclaiming of what we call fugitive slaves; and the intention of the lawgiver is the law

Again, if the United States be not a government proper, but an association of States in the nature of contract merely, can it, as a contract, be peaceably unmade by less than all the parties who made it? One party to a contract may violate it - break it, so to speak; but does it not require all to lawfully rescind it?

That there are persons in one section or another who seek to destroy the Union at all events, and are glad of any pretext to do it, I will neither affirm nor deny; but if there be such, I need address no word to them

To those, however, who really love the Union may I not speak?

For instance, why may not any portion of a new confederacy a year or two hence arbitrarily secede again, precisely as portions of the present Union now claim to secede from it? All who cherish disunion sentiments are now being educated to the exact temper of doing this."

This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it

If it were admitted that you who are dissatisfied hold the right side in the dispute, there still is no single good reason for precipitate action

Intelligence, patriotism, Christianity, and a firm reliance on Him who has never yet forsaken this favored land, are still competent to adjust in the best way all our present difficulty.

With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation's wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan - to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations.

In the field of world policy, I would dedicate this Nation to the policy of the good neighbor: the neighbor who resolutely respects himself and, because he does so, respects the rights of others; the neighbor who respects his obligations and respects the sanctity of his agreements in and with a world of neighbors.

But we shall always hope to find them strongly supporting their own freedom - and to remember that, in the past, those who foolishly sought power by riding the back of the tiger ended up inside

If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich

Finally, to those nations who would make them-selves our adversary, we offer not a pledge but a request: that both sides begin anew the quest for peace, before the dark powers of destruction unleashed by science engulf all humanity in planned or accidental self-destruction.

The graves of young Americans who answered the call to service surround the globe.

The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it - and the glow from that fire can truly light the world.

I could see everybody who came into the insurance company

The story I want to tell is about a man who came into the company one day

He was a sensitive man who had suffered

'She wants to know who her shadow is.'

As he was doing this, another man came into the room - a man with grey hair who walked with a slight limp

You're the man who's already killed one innocent girl for her money

Slinkton now looked in horror at the man who was accusing him

Polly Nichols was not the first 'Unfortunate' who was murdered that year, so Scotland Yard chiefs sent their most experienced officer to investigate

This was Inspector Abbeline, a fine detective who knew the East End and its people very well

There he saw another man, who was lighting a pipe

Was this man the murderer's accomplice? Or was he an innocent witness who ran away like Schwartz?

He found two policemen in Commercial Road, who rushed to Dutfield's Yard

At sixteen she married a miner named Davies, who was killed in an explosion in the mines

By 1886 she was living in the East End with Joe Flemming, who wanted to marry her

He was a reliable, kind man who did not want Mary to go out on the streets

Nearly four hours later Mary Ann Cox, who lived in Miller's Court, saw Mary walking along Dorset Street with a man

John McCarthy said later, 'It looked more like the work of a devil than of a man.' And Mrs Prater, who looked through the window, said, 'I can never forget it if I live to be a hundred.'

An identikit picture of the man can be constructed from the descriptions by the few witnesses who possibly saw him

The first witness was Elizabeth Darrell, who very probably saw the Ripper with Annie Chapman outside 29 Hanbury Street

Sarah Lewis, the witness who passed Christ Church at 2.30 a.m., said she saw a man standing by a lodging house opposite Miller's Court

Finally, we can exclude the man with the bottle of beer who was seen with Mary at 11.45 p.m

It describes him as a solitary man who worked alone, without the help of an accomplice

In 1902 Inspector Abbeline suspected a man called George Chapman, a publican who was arrested for poisoning his barmaid Maud Marsh

There were stories of a mysterious man known as 'Leather Apron', who demanded money from prostitutes and beat them if they resisted

When the police found a leather apron at the scene of the Hanbury Street murder, they hunted a man called John Pizer, a Polish boot-maker who always wore a leather apron for his work

They attacked anybody who looked suspicious

The anger of the crowd also turned against Jews, who were threatened and abused

The townspeople, who had never seen him before, watched with interest as he stopped for water at a fountain

The innkeeper, who was also the cook, was busy with his pots and pans, preparing a meal for a group of travellers who were laughing and joking in the next room.

I know who you are

The Bishop of Digne was a kind old man who, many years earlier, had given his palace to the town hospital

His doors were never locked, so that anybody who needed his help could find him easily.

'Brother.' Mile Baptistine turned to the bishop, who was sitting by the fire

'The man who came last night! He's run off with our silver!'

The bishop, who had been bending sadly over a plant damaged by the basket, looked up and said gently, 'I think I was wrong to keep the silver for so long

Valjean, who did not remember having made such a promise, was silent.

This time, however, he did not catch it and it rolled along the ground towards Valjean, who immediately put his foot on it.

'I used to work in Paris, but my husband died and I lost my job.' She could not tell Mme Thenardier the truth, which was that she had been made pregnant by a young man who had then abandoned her

The dog and the cat, who ate with her, were her only companions.

The Thenardiers, who were loving and gentle to their own daughters, Eponine and Azelma, treated Cosette like a slave.

Fantine, who did not have ten francs, but who was afraid that her daughter would freeze to death, went to the barber's shop

There was one man, however, who did not like M

In fact, when she saw who it was, she spat at him.

The man who had just saved her from prison was also the man who had caused all her troubles

If he's found guilty of stealing from the bishop - who, as you know, died a couple of years ago - and of robbing the small boy, he'll spend the rest of his life in prison.'

'How is she?' he asked the nurse, who was watching her as she slept.

Madeleine, who was holding her hand, turned and saw Inspector Javert

Fantine, who had heard what M

Cosette, who had forgotten about the bread, came out from under the table.

But before she could deliver the blow the old man, who had seen everything, interrupted her.

Cosette, who had returned to her place under the table, looked up from her knitting and watched them sadly

Mme Thenardier rushed across the room towards Cosette who, afraid that she would be punished, put the doll gently on the floor and began to cry.

'That nasty little girl, who isn't even my own daughter, who I feed and look after out of the kindness of my heart, has been playing with my daughters' doll.'

'1500 francs,' Thenardier, who had already done his arithmetic, replied.

He then carried Cosette, who was sleeping in his arms, along a dark corridor and up some stairs to the room he had rented since his escape from Montreuil

His only neighbour was an old woman, who did his housework and kept his stove burning

He often gave money to beggars, which was unwise, because he soon became known in the area as 'the beggar who gives money to beggars'.

The old woman, the only other person who lived in the building, always went to bed before nightfall

Running to the door, he put his eye to the large keyhole and saw the back view of a man who was walking towards the stairs

He went back upstairs for Cosette, who was waiting for him patiently, holding her doll.

Gillenormand hated everybody who liked Napoleon

He thought that Pontmercy was no better than a beggar, a penniless adventurer who only wanted his money

Gillenormand always told him that his father had been no good - that he was a poor soldier and a drunk who had abandoned him after his mother's death

His father, a brave officer who had fought for Napoleon and nearly died at the Battle of Waterloo, had really loved him and his mother very much

Life was hard for him, but he never forgot the promise he had made his father: that he would find Thenardier, the man who had saved his father's life, and help him in any way he could.

The man, who was perhaps sixty, had white hair and a serious but friendly-looking face

The girl, who was aged thirteen or fourteen, always wore the same badly-cut black dress

'Do you know who they are?' Marius asked him one day.

Finally he left the Gardens in the mad hope of seeing her in the street, but instead he met Enjolras, who invited him to a meal.

He now had five letters, all the work of one author: the man who lived with his family in the next room.

'Ah, this is for the old man who goes to church every day

'If they had had another neighbour,' he thought, 'one who had noticed their suffering, perhaps they could have been rescued by now.'

'The old man who goes to church

She! Everyone who has ever loved will feel the force of that small word

Moving closer to her, he said, 'Do you know the address of those people who've just left your room?'

Jondrette, who had just come in, was shaking snow from his shoes.

Marius, however, who had been going to fire the gun as a signal for the police to arrive, shook so much that he almost fell off the cupboard.

'That's the name of the man who saved my father's life at the Battle of Waterloo

For 1500 francs you took away a girl who was bringing me lots of money.'

'I don't know who you are, but I know what you are

The person who gives you this note will bring you to me

She picked up the piece of paper and handed it to her husband, who read it quickly.

When everybody had been arrested and taken from the room, Javert noticed the prisoner, who was standing, head bowed, by the window

He sent money every Monday to Thenardier, who was in prison, which meant that he had even less money for himself

He'll be so happy to see me that he won't care who I marry

'Tell me about it,' he said to Marius, who stared back with silent amazement, unaware that the word 'grandfather' was responsible for the change in the old man's behaviour

'Cosette!' he cried, not caring who heard him

Charles X, who had become king in 1824, believed that he had total power over the French people

The new king, Louis-Philippe, was a brave and clever man who loved his country

Neither could he understand the concept of freedom of speech, and he often sent soldiers into the streets to attack people who were making public protests.

The second killed a deaf old woman who was trying to shut her window.

There were several street children, excited by the sound of battle, who also joined them

One of these children was Eponine, who had dressed like a boy so that no one would tell her to go home

New people arrived all the time, bringing with them gunpowder and weapons to fight the soldiers who would be arriving very soon.

Enjolras, who was the leader of the rebels, organized the building of a second barricade and the manufacture of bullets from melted silver

Marius saw a soldier attacking Enjolras, who had fallen backwards and was calling for help

Marius, who had thrown away his guns and was now without a weapon, began to move towards a barrel of gunpowder he had seen near the door of the wine shop

He remembered clearly the young man in the Luxembourg Gardens who had shown such great interest in Cosette, and he was certain that this was the man she had written to.

He went out into the night and sat on the doorstep, his heart filled with a terrible hatred for the man who was trying to steal Cosette from him

I have a letter for a girl who lives here.'

So, the problem was solved! The man who threatened his happiness was going to die - was perhaps already dead.

Jean Valjean, who had arrived unnoticed at the barricade, had been listening to the argument and had quickly understood the situation.

'It's sad,' he murmured to Marius, who was standing next to him

Enjolras, inside the wine shop, turned to Javert, who was still tied to the post.

They stood with their backs to the door, shooting up at the soldiers who were climbing down towards them from the barricade

Soon, all the rebels were dead, including Enjolras, who was the last to die

Valjean took thirty francs from his pockets and showed it to Thenardier, who stared with disbelief

He had been more interested in catching Thenardier, who had escaped from prison and was known to be in the area.

Javert shouted to the driver who was waiting for him to bring his carriage close to the river

Gillenormand, who was still standing by the window.

'A fool who prefers fighting to dancing and having fun

He noticed his grandfather's tenderness towards him, but he could not forget the old man's unfairness and cruelty to his father, who had died penniless and unloved

'She comes here every day in the shape of an old man who asks for news of you

He told her that the money came from a man who preferred to remain unknown

It was arranged that the couple, who could not believe their sudden, new-found happiness, would live with M

Second, there was the mysterious stranger who had saved his life

That he was Jean Valjean, a criminal who had spent nineteen years in prison and who had stolen silver candlesticks from a trusting and kind-hearted bishop

He had discovered that Valjean's money really belonged to somebody called Monsieur Madeleine, a wealthy manufacturer from Montreuil who had mysteriously disappeared

He had tried without success to find the man who had saved his father's lite at Waterloo, and now the man had come to him! He immediately asked the servant to show the man in.

Jean Valjean, who knew the mayor's background, reported him to the police and took advantage of his arrest to take over half a million francs from his Paris bank

He produced a muddy piece of cloth and showed it to Marius, who immediately went pale and rose unsteadily to his feet

'He was the man who saved my life

I don't know whether the person who gave them to me is pleased as he looks down on me from above

Once upon a time there lived in a certain village a little country girl, the prettiest creature who was ever seen

Little Red Riding Hood set out immediately to go to her grandmother, who lived in another village.

As she was going through the wood, she met with a wolf, who had a very great mind to eat her up, but he dared not, because of some woodcutters working nearby in the forest

The poor child, who did not know that it was dangerous to stay and talk to a wolf, said to him, "I am going to see my grandmother and carry her a cake and a little pot of butter from my mother."

I'll go this way and go you that, and we shall see who will be there first."

"Your grandchild, Little Red Riding Hood," replied the wolf, counterfeiting her voice; "who has brought you a cake and a little pot of butter sent you by mother."

The good grandmother, who was in bed, because she was ill, cried out, "Pull the bobbin, and the latch will go up

He then shut the door and got into the grandmother's bed, expecting Little Red Riding Hood, who came some time afterwards and knocked at the door: tap, tap.

Little Red Riding Hood, hearing the big voice of the wolf, was at first afraid; but believing her grandmother had a cold and was hoarse, answered, "It is your grandchild Little Red Riding Hood, who has brought you a cake and a little pot of butter mother sends you."

I try to remember anything, but I cannot! I have no idea who I am.

Is there somebody in the fog? Somebody who has Catherine? Someone who wants to hurt her, who wants to kill her?

If the person who has Catherine hears me, she is in danger

But I suppose that's just who I am: a romantic.

His hair is blond, his eyes light, and I think that this is not the man who has Catherine

And then the guard is at the door, a short fat man who looks at us, smiles and then opens it without a single question

The type of husband who is happy to go out on the huge, horrible loch, in the dark, with his monster of a wife.

"There's a man who follows me," she begins

I know who the man is

He cannot: not for someone who can do that

"Are you on holiday, mate?" asks the other, who sits down at the table.

The scream comes from Big Jones, who suddenly lets go of the knife.

"Ha!" Gerry laughs, and he runs to his gun and points it at Big Jones, who falls to the floor and tries to kick the crocodile

So who?

For a moment there are people all around him, and he thinks he will never get there, but then he pushes past some kids who shout at him, and he is there

But it was not the man who pushed Jake and took the bag: it was a policeman; the man is underneath four NYPD officers.

"No, I can't, I must find the captain: he promised to tell me all about the new people on board today; you know how I must know who I am sailing with." She looks at the men

"A beautiful, young couple who are happy and in love."

He also enjoys deciding who is innocent and who is guilty, but today that is too easy.

What? Oh, who cares about her? She'll probably like prison, the crazy cow: more people for her to hurt

He has to say something to someone, but who? The judge? Maybe.

They are savage, terrible people, who love violence

Someone who thinks they can enter your house in the middle of the night!

And an old man who looks at Barry for a moment before returning to his prayers

And the man in the dark winter coat and black hat, who appeared from behind the trees.

"There's a family who comes here, maybe three or four times a year

Around the old but impressive school, there are green gardens and grounds that continue for miles, and at the windows of the building there are the thirty faces of serious young men, who watch them strangely.

"Oh really, and who are you?"

Back in the courtyard Smith stops by the workmen, who are still sitting and eating their lunch

And he looks back at the workmen, who are enjoying a slow lunch.

Behind him he can hear Junior, who sounds like he is very scared.

But before he can do this, Junior, who does not know what is making the noise, remembers his dad's words:

There is Hank Wynn and his assistants and bodyguards, Kenny and Clive, who stand patiently and listen to his speech

"Is it? Man, you know, the sick thing is that no one knows who it is

The strange man, the man who looks like the evil character from her thriller; his eyes are open now.

Sala and her friend Niki pushed past the people who had gathered in the rain outside the meat-growing laboratory

"But who would want to do that?"

"People who want to earn money and energy units," said Ding

"The one you tell stories about? The one who..."

"The one who gave you the fruit."

It meant that she earned a regular salary, unlike Cham's parents, who were always worrying about money

The one who gave you the fruit."

"But who would have sent it without a note? Gran thinks..

"Well, I guess you're not the only one who's afraid."

It was the woman who had given her the fruit.

But who are you? Where did it come from?"

"But who knows what there might he under the water!" laughed Cham."

This was such an intelligent, sensitive creature, who seemed to know exactly who she was.

If that rose fruit came from outside, who knows what may be possible."

She'd bumped straight into the man, who'd dropped a bagful of dried food packets, spreading them everywhere.

"Tell me who you are first."

Sala stared at Gran, who held out the note

Thank those who took the risk to find you

"We also don't know anything about the people who have brought this message," Gran pointed out

"That's our name for everyone who signs up," said Leti

At last, when Dani and Tian had nothing more to ask, Leti smiled and spoke quietly to another technician, who was standing nearby

They met with friends, especially Palo and Ding, who were entering the pods as well

People who still have relations on the other side, and who might risk trying to leave."

"The one who brought the rose fruit

"I saw the woman who gave us the fruit and the letter

The one who..


But I believe that this is best for all of us." He looked over at Dani, who nodded in agreement

During the Oil Wars, they had to train us how to keep our minds strong, in case we were caught by people who wanted to change the way we thought."

Young people who did it would stop thinking independently

You know - against people who wanted to change the way you thought."

It was Zee, who had guided Cham and Sala through their dolphin experience

She loved to meet people who were rich and famous

'The man who owns Manderley

Everyone who left the restaurant had to walk past this seat.

He called to the waiter who came up at once

I told him about my father, who had been a painter

He knew who I was looking for, of course.

Everyone who works at Manderley is here

Someone tall and dark, who watched and listened.

But who was the man? And why had he come when Maxim was away in London?

I wondered who Favell was

Never mind who told me

Maxim still thought of me as a child - someone who must not hear unpleasant things

You have to find out who it was

It's Rebecca who's lying there on the cabin floor

And you would never know who his father was."

We are the only two people who know what happened that night, Maxim.'

Do you want to know who the murderer is? He's there, standing by the window

'Unless you can find someone who saw him do it.'

I think I can find someone who saw him.'

Someone had seen it all happen - someone who was often down there in the bay - Ben.

'There's an idiot who was always around the cottage,' Favell said

'You know who I am, don't you?' he said

'We must find out who this person was,' said Colonel Julyan

We began to kiss each other, like guilty lovers who had never kissed before.

'The woman who called herself Mrs Danvers was very ill indeed

'So, who can run the fastest?'

'So who are you?'

Perhaps he had wandered away from the wrecked bus and had been found miles from the scene of the accident, without identification, unable to tell anyone who he was or where he came from

She thought of herself as a tough, competent, levelheaded woman who was able to deal with anything life threw at her, and she was disturbed by her continuing inability to accept Danny's death.

She would never forget him, that sweet child who had been such a large part of her, but she would no longer have to live her life around the gaping hole that he had left in it

At ten o'clock in the morning, she was scheduled to meet with two tour-booking agents who were considering reserving eight thousand tickets to Magyck! During the first three months of its run

She was proud, unable to bear the thought of appearing to be hysterical to a couple of macho cops who would grin at her and, later over doughnuts and coffee, make jokes about her

Now, anxious to complete her search for the burglar - who was beginning to look as imaginary as all the other burglars she had stalked on other nights - she opened the door to Danny's bedroom

Neddler, the cleaning lady who came in twice a week, to vacuum and dust his unused bedroom as if nothing had happened to him

She was aware of his reputation as a perfectionist who demanded superhuman efforts from his people

Carol Hirson, a cocktail waitress who was a friend of Tina's, had told her about the unlucky Texans a few minutes ago

She wasn't the sort of person who would snap over a thing like this

The only other person who had a right to be in the house was the cleaning woman, Vivienne Neddler

She shouldn't jump at the first man who wanted her

With that attitude plus a few money-management skills, they were able to hang on longer than most slot players who plunged at the dollar machines after getting nowhere with quarters, and because of their patience and perseverance, the duchesses won more jackpots than did the tide of tourists that ebbed and flowed around them

The duchesses, who for the most part were widows and spinsters, often ate lunch and dinner together

He kept looking at Christina Evans, who was as dazzling as the show she had created.

No woman had affected him so strongly since Nancy, his wife, who had died three years ago.

Sitting in the dark theater, he smiled, not at the comic magician who was performing in front of the closed stage curtains, but at his own sudden, youthful exuberance.

Except, of course, that the boy who had once slept here had been dead for a year

The person who paid a fair price for something was likely to place far more value on it than the one who got the same item for nothing

Helen Mainway chattered excitedly about the spectacular special effects, and Elliot Stryker had an endless supply of compliments as well as some astute observations about the technical aspects of the production, and Charlie Mainway poured a third bottle of Dom PS 233; rignon, and the house lights came up, and the audience reluctantly began to leave, and Tina hardly had a chance to sip her champagne because of all the people who stopped by the table to congratulate her.

By ten-thirty most of the audience had left and those who hadn't gone yet were in line, moving up the steps toward the rear doors of the showroom

On the left, slot machines ran the entire length of the casino, bank after nerve-jangling bank of them, brightly and colorfully lighted, attended by gamblers who were more vocal than the card players but not as loud as the craps shooters

Tina pressed through the milling onlookers who filled the wide center aisle, and she located Michael almost at once

Heart attacks are more frequent around the slot machines than anywhere else in the casino, and a lot of the victims are people who've just lined up three bars and won a bundle.

But if Michael hadn't torn up Danny's room, if Michael hadn't written those words on the chalkboard, then who had?

"You've never been the kind of person who makes enemies," he said

He still persisted in regarding her as a flighty woman who wanted to take a fling at being a Vegas producer

And before you give me any more of that treacly talk about your great love of family, let me remind you that it wasn't me who tore our family apart

It wasn't me who jumped from bed to bed."

"You were the one who started fucking anything that breathed, and then you flaunted each cheap little affair to hurt me

It was you who didn't come home at night

It was you who went away for weekends with your girlfriends

"So I'm not a giver, huh? Then who gave you the house you're living in? Huh? Who was it had to move into an apartment when we separated, and who was it kept the house?"

But then, who had done it? No one else had a key

Michael was the only person who had ever blamed her for Danny's death

Yet the taunting words on the chalkboard and the destruction in the bedroom seemed to be the work of someone who felt that she should be held accountable for the accident

As she drove across the intersection and into the entrance drive that led to the Golden Pyramid Hotel, Tina couldn't shake the creepy feeling that she was being watched by someone who meant to harm her

A lot of our regular junketeers and high rollers couldn't make it to the VIP opening of Magyck! I'd like you to get their names from the computer, plus a list of the wedding anniversaries of those who're married."

She scanned the list of VIP customers who hadn't attended the opening of Magyck! Using a red pencil, she circled those names that were followed by anniversary dates, trying to ascertain how large a promotion she was proposing

The number was 1001012, identified as the access for "Comps," which meant "complimentary guests," a euphemism for "big losers," who were never asked to pay their room charges or restaurant bills because they routinely dropped small fortunes in the casino.

Because so much material in the hotel's files was extremely confidential information about high rollers, and because the Pyramid's list of favored customers would be of enormous value to competitors, only approved people could obtain this data, and a record was kept of everyone who accessed it

The names and addresses of VIP customers who had missed the opening of Magyck! - Along with the wedding anniversaries of those who were married - began to appear on the screen, scrolling upward

But who?

He would turn toward her, surprised, and she would finally know who he was.

Could he be the man who'd been harassing her?

And the other adult who went along, Tom Lincoln - he was supposed to be almost as good as Bill

"Obviously, it's somebody who at the very least dislikes you, if he doesn't actually hate you

Someone who wants you to suffer

I can't think of anyone I know who'd be capable of this sort of thing even if they did hate me enough to contemplate it

And I don't know of anyone but Michael who places any of the blame for Danny's death on me."

"Well, the person who's harassing you has a melodramatic streak a mile wide."

You're a person who meets problems head-on

Besides, if it was you who wrote on the chalkboard and smashed things in the boy's room, then it was also you who came in here during the night and programmed the hotel computer to spew out that stuff about Danny

It won't help you discover who's been harassing you."

"Anyway," she said, "even if reopening the grave doesn't help me find who's responsible for these sick jokes - or whatever the hell they are - at least it'll settle my mind about Danny

Even if he does somehow get a whiff of it, he'll have to locate another judge who'll be willing to stay or vacate the exhumation order."

You're the kind of person who meets every problem head-on."

Smith, and other artists who made their homes in the western United States and who usually took their subject matter from either the old or the new West.

We represented some people no one else would touch, entrepreneurs who had a lot of good ideas but not much money for start-up legal fees

She never was sure who initiated the first kiss

Good, healthy lovemaking with a man who cared for her would have helped her recover much faster than she had done, for sex was the antithesis of death, a joyous celebration of life, a denial of the tomb's existence.

Certainly, the unknown person who was harassing Tina might have violent intentions

Determined not to let them see that he was frightened, aware that any sign of fear would be taken as proof of weakness, Elliot said, "Well, you've got one hell of a weird approach for someone who's just taking a public opinion survey."

"Are you the bastards who've been harassing Tina?"

"Are you the ones who keep sending her messages?"

"Are you the ones who wrecked the boy's room?"

They appeared to be genuinely surprised by this news, and Elliot was pretty sure they weren't the people who had been trying to scare Tina

Besides, though they both struck him as slightly wacky, they didn't seem to be merely hoaxers or borderline psychopaths who got their kicks by scaring defenseless women

"Hell, you won't be able to tell them who we were or where they can start looking for us

These days, you're crazy if you open your door without knowing exactly who's on the other side of it."

The bear-who-would-be-a-man shambled toward him

Elliot glanced at Bob, who was still standing at the breakfast table, the packet of syringes in his hand.

It was the tale of a boy, Kevin, who fell off a roof and took a bad knock on the head, thereafter slipping into a deep coma

I took it off the guy who tried to kill me."

"I'll bet the bastard who rigged my furnace is in that truck."

"But who-"

The door rumbled down, concealing them from anyone who might drive past.

"So who the hell are they?" she asked,

To him, evidently, anyone who drove a Mercedes had to be the right kind of people.

Obviously, it pleased Tom to think that people who could afford a Mercedes were not so smart after all

No matter who was searching for them, no matter how large the organization pitted against them, this city was too big to harbor danger for them in every nook and crevice

Even if he really doesn't know why his organization is interested in the exhumation, he'll at least know who his bosses are

No matter who they are, they're not omniscient

If you're looking for a freelance hit man, someone who deals in carload lots of illegal weapons, maybe a mercenary who can put together a small expeditionary force for an overseas operation - you can find all of them here

"What kind of government agency would have the authority to circumvent the law like this? What kind of agency would be empowered to kill innocent civilians who got in its way?"

Maybe we'll come up with someone who can help us."

"Like who?"

I'm pretty sure we can find a reporter who'll go with that much and write a story about how a bunch of nameless, faceless people want to keep us from reopening Danny's grave, how maybe something truly strange lies at the bottom of the Sierra tragedy

"Is that who's been in Danny's room? Did someone from Project Pandora write on the chalkboard..

Michael and I were the only ones who were strongly advised not to look at the remains

Danny was the only one who was too badly..

Chilled, Tina said, "But how much could the kids have seen? You're the one who said security was easy to maintain when one of these installations is located in the wilderness

He's just like the two men who came to see me

We'll have to talk to the man who saw it last."

"He's the one who had to designate it an accidental death

We might eventually have to talk to him, but first we should pay a visit to the mortician who handled the body

None of these people had to worry about professional killers, bizarre conspiracies, gas-company men who were not gas-company men, silencer-equipped pistols, exhumations

She turned to see who had entered the restaurant.

Tina wanted to walk through the diner and grab each of the customers by the throat, shake and threaten each of them, until she discovered who had rigged the jukebox

And they haven't been coming from someone who wants to expose the true story of the Sierra accident

Danny was the one who wrote those words on the chalkboard

It was Danny who reached out for me when I was at work..

And the people who're holding him don't know he's doing it! They're blaming the leak on one of their own, on someone from Project Pandora."

Furthermore, keno was a game that didn't have any appeal for either smart gamblers or cheaters, the two types of customers who most interested the security men

The Network badly wanted to eliminate everyone who might press for the exhumation of Danny Evans's body, and the agents targeted against Elliot Stryker and Christina Evans had thus far failed to carry out their orders to terminate the pair

He was a handsome, easygoing guy who ambled rather than walked

Left-wingers and right-wingers differed about certain details, of course, but their only major point of contention centered on the identity of those who would be permitted to be a part of the privileged ruling class, once the power had been sufficiently centralized.

"I just spoke with the men who're watching Stryker's house," Alexander said

He was the best and brightest young officer who ever served under me

So if they can't open the grave and see for themselves what we've done to Danny Evans, what are they going to do instead? They're going to do the next best thing - talk to the person who was supposedly the last one to see the boy's corpse before it was sealed in the coffin

"So they'll go to see the mortician who supposedly prepared the boy's body for burial."

Because it was important for the men who worked in the large room to have an unobstructed view of the smaller inner chamber at all times, four angled ceiling vents in both rooms bathed the glass in a continuous flow of warm, dry air to prevent condensation and clouding

Am I the kind of woman who gets in the way?"

"Listen, if I could get my hands on the people who're trying to keep us from finding Danny, I wouldn't have any compunctions about killing them

It's the way we were meant to be, so who's to say it isn't right?"

During the first year, he'd taken commercial flights or rented the services of a trustworthy private pilot who could fly the conventional twin-engine craft that Alexander's predecessor had managed to pry out of the Network's budget

And George Lincoln Stanhope Alexander, who was an heir to both the fortune of the Pennsylvania Alexander's and to the enormous wealth of the Delaware Stanhopes, had absolutely no patience with people who were penurious.

At least half of the people who worked for it did not even realize it existed; some thought they were employed by the FBI; others were sure they worked for the CIA; and still others believed that they were in the hire of various branches of the Treasury Department, including the Secret Service

Only bureau chiefs, their immediate staffs, station chiefs in major cities, and senior field officers who had proved themselves and their loyalty - only those people knew the true nature of their employers and their work

She said, "People who believe in the occult have a thing they call 'automatic writing.' Ever hear of it?"

"The next time I read a story in the newspaper about some guy, who says he was picked up in a flying saucer and taken on a tour of the universe, I won't be so quick to laugh

"I read a newspaper story once about a guy who bought a Rolls-Royce with his card

Earlier this morning it had occurred to Elliot that he and Tina were the only people who knew that the official story of the Sierras accident was a lie

Carlton Dombey, who had come on duty twenty minutes ago, sat at one of the tables against the north wall

"Well, you're the one who raised the question."

"He's trying to figure out who the devil we are," Elliot said

Was it Danny who opened it? Elliot wondered

Blinking away tears, Elliot pointed the pistol at the older guard, who had drawn his revolver by now and had found that it didn't work either

They crossed the room, passing the guard who was bound and gagged in his chair

The cab was at such an angle from them that they couldn't see who was in it.

"I'm the one who has the gun," Elliot said sharply

Dombey, who clearly did not share his associate's compulsion to play hero, remained docile in his chair

He's the only person who's ever survived it

Alexander was increasingly confident that they would reach the installation unscathed, and he was aware that even Kurt Hensen, who hated flying with Morgan, was calmer now than he had been ten minutes ago.

Iraq has a big bio-chem warfare project, and Libya, and God knows who else

"As far as we know, he's the only one who ever has."

She's going to tell me who the traitor is

She's going to tell me who helped her get into the labs even if I have to break her fingers one at a time to make her open up."

As long as you're the only ones outside of here who know what happened, you're marked people."

I'm going to make them believe he was the one who cooperated with you

There are a lot of people here who have some sense of social responsibility about this work

If I can make them think that Zachariah was the one who spilled the secrets to you, if I can protect my position here, maybe I'll be promoted and have more influence." He smiled

Was it one of the security people, or was it someone on the medical staff? I'd like to think it was a doctor, one of my own, who finally did the right thing."

"It was a doctor who let us in here."

To Hensen, who had the submachine gun, Alexander said, "Like I told you, waste Stryker right away, but not the woman."

The Eyes of Darkness is a modest little thriller about a woman, Tina Evans, who lost her child, Danny, when he was in an accident on a trip with his scouting troop

Although The Eyes of Darkness does not have the intensity, the humor, the depth of characterization, the complexity of theme, or the pace of later novels, readers have responded positively to it over the years, most likely because the device of a lost child - and the dedicated mother who will do anything to find out what happened to her little boy - strikes a primal chord in all of us.

They might have been talented folks who, in the past, had produced works to rival those of Shakespeare and who, in the future, might produce thousands of pages of sheer genius

The other three quarters of the time was spent - so it seemed to me - in a competition to come up with idiotic plot or character changes with the intention of seeing who could plunge me into the longest spell of speechlessness

The Eyes of Darkness was assigned to a writing team, two quite personable women who seemed bright and enthusiastic

No one threatened my life; neither of these women had an unkempt beard (or a kempt one for that matter); neither of them presented us with a body-odor problem; and neither of them indulged in furious political rants that sprayed spittle on those of us who just wanted to make a TV movie.

The studio executive who brought the project to the network is, I am told, no longer in the business

The legendary producer who brought the project to the studio is dead, probably because he was a beloved friend of the bad-luck writing duo.

My father, Joseph, had a brother, my uncle Elias, who went to live in America when he was young

'Three days later my poor father went to visit an old friend who lived some miles away

They wanted to stop equality for black people and to kill anyone who didn't agree with them

But in 1869 Uncle Elias, who belonged to this secret group, suddenly left America with all their papers, and so the group could not go on

but who are you? What is your name? Where do you live? I said, where do you live!'

He wanted to be away from Paris but near skilled workmen who could build things for his experimental so I offered him one of the old workshops of the factory

What else could it do but go to others it loves, to Henri, to you - you who might know and understand what needed to be done!'

'Protect my boy from what? Don't you understand? I'm here so that Henri won't be the son of a woman who went to the guillotine for having murdered his father! Don't you understand that I would much prefer the guillotine to the living death of this asylum?'

Dandelo was a small white cat who had come into our garden one day and remained with us

I had just finished cutting some meat, which was very tough, and said, waving the knife in a way that was not at all appropriate for a vicar, that anyone who murdered Colonel Protheroe would be doing the world a favour.

But Mary, who is a servant at the vicarage, just put a dish of unpleasant-looking cabbage on the table and left the room.

So it is better to leave things to Mary, who gives us awful things to eat

So she complained to Colonel Protheroe, who is a churchwarden.

So I will have a love affair with the artist who is painting my picture

I thought about Dr Stone, who was a well-known archaeologist

But I felt worried because I now knew that Anne Protheroe was the kind of woman who would stop at nothing when her emotions took control

'Oh! I didn't mean I was going to put a knife in his back, though I'd thank anyone who did

I wonder if she knows who killed him

But it was Mary, not Dennis, who brought us the sensational news next morning

'So Dennis thinks he knows who committed the crime

I am sure I know who did it

So, Colonel Melchett, it was I who killed my husband.'

'He knew that it was you who killed your husband?'

'But they are the only two people who had a reason for killing Protheroe.'

I can think of at least seven people who might be very happy to have Colonel Protheroe dead.'

'She's too grand to talk to a girl who has to work to earn money

Well, who would be happy with a stepmother? I wouldn't put up with it.'

'I wish you would tell me,' I said, 'who your seven suspects are.'

'Someone else? Who - who?'

Inspector Slack whispered to the Chief Constable, who nodded

Colonel Melchett remained, and Slack who was looking at the note

'Because only the day before the crime he said that anyone who murdered Colonel Protheroe would be doing the world a favour.'

'Well, this person began by saying, "You are a very unpleasant old woman who tells lies!" Me, Colonel Melchett! "And now the police are after you."'

'So, that is three people who heard the shot,' said Inspector Slack

'We've now got to find out who fired it

'But it wasn't Mr Redding who made the call

'That old woman who cleans for him wiped them off yesterday morning

'Well, what about the lady who called on Colonel Protheroe the night before the murder?'

And I'm going to find out who.'

The last person to give evidence was Mrs Archer, who cleaned Lawrence Redding's cottage

'Awful, isn't it? Not knowing who did it.'

Because he had read a few books, he thought he knew more than a man who has studied the subject all his life and...'

'So can you tell me anything about the lady who called to see Colonel Protheroe the night before he died.'

She said, "By this time tomorrow night, you may be dead." So when I heard about the murder, I said to Rose, "It's her who did it!"'

'It reminds me of the man who went round the village pretending to be the Gas Inspector

You've got to be rich to marry a girl who expects to have everything she wants.'

'He asked me if I wanted to find my husband's murderer, and I said, "Yes." And then he asked me whether I suspected anyone, and I said, "No." And then he said, did I think the person who committed the crime knew the village, and I said they certainly seemed to

There's a good man in Much Benham, who knows all about old silver and I've sent a car to fetch him

You must understand that I heard this from someone who knows the truth.'

In St Mary Mead, a person who knows the truth is always someone else's servant

'So, who was that?'

She's the only old lady who hasn't written to me today.' I was right.

'Miss Marple, who do you suspect? You said that there were seven people.'

'So you really think that you know who killed Colonel Protheroe?' I asked.

I suppose it is Mary who looks after it?'

'That was someone who wanted to confess, and we were cut off.'

But I know who is guilty of the crime

And, of course, he is not the sort of young man who would marry a woman who has no money

Because it was Mrs Protheroe who shot Colonel Protheroe - not Mr Redding.'

And I began to think of other people who might want Colonel Protheroe dead.'

And Dennis, who would do anything for Lettice.'

Because someone who had just committed a murder would, of course, try to behave normally

So we quickly started to talk about the Protheroe case, and of 'Dr Stone', who had turned out to be a well-known thief

We, the people who live on this Earth, must seem to them at least as different and less developed as monkeys are to us

He met some local people who were up early, but the story he told and his appearance were so wild that they would not listen to him

As soon as Ogilvy saw me, he called me to come down, and asked me if I would mind going over to see Lord Hilton, who owned the land

It was the head of the shop assistant who had fallen in, looking black against the hot western sky

They may stay in the pit and kill people who come near them, as they cannot get out of it

A kind of arm held a complicated metal case, out of which the Heat-Ray flashed as it killed anyone who was still moving

The soldier who had stayed with me stepped up to him

I saw one old man with a big box and a number of flower-pots, angrily arguing with a soldier who wanted him to leave them behind.

But none of them were written by anyone who had actually seen a Martian

Quite a number of people who had been expecting friends to arrive by train were standing at the station

My brother spoke to several of the refugees but none could give him any news of Woking, except one man who said that it had been totally destroyed the previous night.

All of the six million people who lived in the great city were beginning to move

After this it seemed that the three Martians spoke together, and those who were watching them report that they stayed absolutely quiet for the next half-hour

The police who had been sent to direct the traffic, exhausted and angry, were fighting with the people they had been called out to protect.

He saw few other refugees until he met the two ladies who later travelled with him

The other, younger one was hitting the man who held her arm with a whip.

It was no time for fair fighting, and my brother quieted him with a kick, then took hold of the collar of the man who held the younger lady's arm

Still recovering, my brother found himself facing the man who had held the horse's head, and realized that the cart was moving away along the road

The man, who looked very well built, tried to move in closer, but my brother hit him in the face

The man who had run away had now stopped and turned and was following my brother at a greater distance.

My brother, who had seen the situation at the stations in London, thought that was hopeless

It is said that many who swam out to these ships were pushed away and drowned

Many became stuck together under Tower Bridge, and the sailors had to fight against people who tried to get on from the riverside

These were mainly people from the northern suburbs who had only heard of, but not seen, the Black Smoke.

But I do not know who these people were or what happened to them

People who have never seen these things can hardly understand how alive they looked.

The curate, who had been lying silently with his arms over his head, looked up as I passed, cried out quite loudly and came running after me.

'You're the soldier who came into my garden.'

'Well, people who intend to escape them must get ready

'The Martians will probably make pets of some of them; train them to do tricks - who knows? And some, maybe, they will train to hunt us.'

'There are men who would do it cheerfully

But we who stay free risk turning into wild animals.

'The people who stay will obey orders

People who were still alive would start to return, and life would come back to the empty streets

Then I found myself in a house of kind people, who had found me

She went to America when she was very young and lived in the town of Atlanta, where she married a man called Hebron who was a lawyer

'Have you ever met anyone who knew your wife in America?'

'And who is the blackmailer?' I asked.

She pulled out a locket, and inside the locket was the picture of a very handsome and intelligent man, but a man who was obviously of African descent.

The only one who didn't like the idea was Montmorency, my fox-terrier

Can you hear spirits singing sad songs - the songs of those who died in these waters?' he will take you by the arm and say, 'I understand, my friend

It was Mrs Poppets, who woke me up the next morning

In the maze, they met some people who had been there for forty-five minutes

Harris, who is a little cruel, said, 'Now you're going to have a bad day on the river

I remember that George once saw a young couple who were walking by the side of the river

'Well, who's going swimming first?' asked Harris.

'Aren't you going to get it out?' said George, who continued laughing.

I thought about King John, who signed the Magna Carta at Runnymede, in II5

It's men like you, George, who slow down the progress of our world.'

'Thirty-two,' said Harris, who was sleepy.

Harris said, 'On this boat, I'm the only one who works.'

I'm the only one who works

I can't understand people who are afraid of a little rain.'

Harris, who was sitting next to the window, pulled back the curtain

So Mercy finds a boyfriend who suits her needs

Would it really be so dangerous? Doesn't one government car look like another - the hugeness of it, the dark glass, the driver in uniform? She can already see herself stepping out of the car to greet the other girls, who look at her with eyes like knives

And marriage - well, it's you who are delaying it

Look at all these people who are running after you,' said Connie.

And she is not the type who would borrow money just to buy a pair of shoes; she would just wear her old pairs till things got better

It's women like you who keep all of us down.'

'Mercy, who are you going out with?'

Here is a fifty-year-old 'big man' who thinks he is somebody

And a twenty-three-year-old child who chooses a silly way to fight life's problems

Mercy would move back to the house, perhaps find a man who was more - ordinary, let's say

'Ruin, ruin, ruin! Christ! See, Connie, the funny thing is that I am sure you are the only person who thought it was a disaster to have a sister who was the girlfriend of a big man.'

'Okay; now all is over, and don't let's argue about it.' 'Was it you who arranged the coup, I wonder? Just because of your sister? It wouldn't surprise me.'

do you mean the army officer who has just been given the job of..

'Because I hope that there's one you don't know - one who lives in Hampshire.'

I hope you aren't the kind of person who's unhappy without adventures.'

She was married twice: once to my father, who was a poor man, and then to Mr Philip Fairlie, who was rich

I wonder who she was?'

He was a weak, lazy hypochondriac who considered himself a man of artistic sensibility

A drawing teacher must spend his life in the company of beautiful women who can never be his

Until you came here, Laura was like hundreds of other women who marry without being attracted to their husbands

'Anne Catherick spoke to me of an aristocrat from Hampshire who'd caused her suffering

You must now write a will saying who you wish to leave the other twenty thousand pounds to when you die.'

Eleanor Fairlie was an irritating woman who talked too much and wore expensive clothes

And her husband? What can I say of Count Fosco? He has certainly tamed his wife, and he looks like a man who could tame a tiger

'And it's strange to hear you talk of right and wrong; a woman who had a passion for her drawing teacher!'

'Don't tell me the secret; just tell me who knows it.'

I explained who I was and asked to see Anne

I was married to a parish clerk who was a fool with no money

He then told me what he had done to the register and he explained what the law does to people who commit that crime

Mrs Fairlie was a foolish ugly woman who had somehow managed to marry one of the most handsome men in England.

I could now say goodbye to the ghostly figure who has haunted these pages as she haunted my life.

Members murder people who abuse their power

Anyone who joins the Brotherhood must stay in it for his lifetime

Anyone who betrays the Brotherhood will be killed by another member

There, at Blackwater Park, I met the magnificent creature who is inscribed on my heart as 'Marian'

The people who had been at the funeral were all invited to come and see that Laura, Lady Glyde, was in fact alive and well

She was an English thinker and writer who wrote about education and social equality for women

In 1788, she began working for a London book publisher, who published her novel Mary: A Fiction (1788) and some of her other books

Any woman who has the vote, and can read and write, can say thank you to Mary Wollstonecraft.

There have been many women who have fought for human rights in different countries

She is famous because she did not stand up! When Rosa was a young woman, in many places in the USA, black people - who were called "coloureds" at that time - and white people could not sit together.

The Nobel Committee said she was a brave person who never worried that she was in danger

Rigoberta Menchu is also an important woman who fought for the rights of Indigenous people in her country

She was the leader of the "suffragettes" - the name of a group of women who fought for the vote.

She said, "The men who are against us have to choose between giving us freedom, or giving us death."

There were also some men who fought for a woman's right to vote

Two examples were Members of Parliament Keir Hardie and George Lansbury, who both agreed with the suffragettes

Winston Churchill - who later became prime minister - started his career against the vote for women, but later he agreed with it

This is thanks to brave women like Emmeline Pankhurst and Hatoon al-Fassi who fought so hard and won.

The MeToo movement talks about famous men who have hurt or harassed women

In the 1950s and 1960s, the number of women who worked outside the home went up again.

This was a change from women in the past, who only worked a little because they got married and had children

One of these leaders is Sheryl Sandberg, who is the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Facebook.

It is also for men who want to make a more equal society.

One of the women who spoke about the problem was Carrie Gracie.

Her parents were teachers who believed in the education of women

There she met Pierre Curie, who became her husband

Marie Curie's name was not there! Then, a Swedish professor of mathematics called Gosta Mittag-Leffler, who was on the Nobel Committee, wrote a letter to Pierre Curie

For example, Lise Meitner (1878 - 1968) was an Austrian - Swedish scientist who worked on radioactivity and physics

Lise and Otto Hahn led the small group of scientists who first split the atom

Another woman who did not get a Nobel Prize is Rosalind Franklin

She was a British scientist who was born in 1920

Tu Youyou is a Chinese chemist who won the Nobel Prize in 2015

Now, there is a group of young women scientists who are doing wonderful things

Emily is an astronomer - a scientist who studies the stars in the sky

She loves answering questions from people who are not astronomers.

In 1906, she married Waldorf Astor, who was also a politician.

These are a few of the women who have led or are leading their countries as prime ministers or presidents

She won the "popular vote", which means that more of the Americans who voted, voted for her, but she was not elected.

Hillary Clinton is an example of a woman who has achieved a lot in politics, and there are others

The other woman was Benazir Bhutto, prime minister of Pakistan, who had her baby in 1990

Half of the people who live in the world are women

But, in 1960, a space programme was started by an American man called William Randolph Lovelace, who worked at NASA

She tested better than John Glenn, the man who went to the Moon! She passed her tests and was ready to go into space

She is still the only woman who has been on a journey into space alone

Men decided who could be in which sports.

One famous woman who was at the London Olympics in 1948 was Fanny Blankers-Koen, an athlete from the Netherlands

People called her "the flying housewife", which is a word for a woman who stays at home to look after her husband and children

Loveness Mudzuru and Ruvimbo Tsopodzi were two young women from Zimbabwe who were married to men when they were sixteen years old

They asked for money for women who have been sexually assaulted

Time magazine gave the "Person of the Year" for 2017 to the brave women who spoke about the problem of sexual harassment and assault.

"But who are you? Where do you live?" asks a young man.