How to use "wife" in a sentence


His wife is Monique and his son is called Andy

Who was this woman? Was it his wife? My leg hit a table and Captain Nemo turned around.

A husband and wife may be divorced, and go out of the presence and beyond the reach of each other; but the different parts of our country cannot do this.

The manager, Walter Purkiss, and his wife were in their bedroom on the second floor

A carman, John Davis, occupied the attic at the front with his wife and three sons

He lived with his wife at the club, which they managed together

Mr Diemschutz, anxious about the safety of his wife, went into the club to look for her

'This money will be useful,'Thenardier said to his wife

'Without even intending to,' his wife replied.

He survived the Battle of Waterloo but unfortunately, in the same year, his wife died

But my eldest daughter will tell you that my wife is sick and none of us have had any food for four days

Then, turning to his wife, he said, 'Quickly! Put out the fire!' While she poured water on the flames, the man broke the chair with his foot and told his younger daughter to break a window

A broken window - in this weather! My wife ill in bed and our younger daughter injured.'

Leblanc and 'Ursula' tried to comfort her, Jondrette approached his wife and said in a whisper, 'Take a good look at that man.'

'I tell you I'm sure.' Jondrette was speaking to his wife

'Really?' His wife looked puzzled

He told the two girls to leave the room and then, when alone with his wife, he said, 'And I recognized the girl too

'We'll know what to do about it.' And then, as he was going to leave the room, he turned to his wife and said, 'You know, it's lucky he didn't recognize me

'Yes,' his wife said.

Jondrette quietly told his wife to dismiss the carriage, and when she had left the room, turned back to his visitor.

Jondrette was on his left, his wife was standing on his right near the door

Thenardier then took the letter and gave it to his wife.

Thenardier was advancing towards his prisoner, knife in hand, when his wife cried, 'Something fell!'

Your wife will have to count the sous when she goes to the market, won't she?'

Make her your lover but not your wife.'

Today you have insulted my future wife

The stranger explained in great detail how he used to work for the government in foreign countries and that, now he was retired, he wanted to move to South America with his wife and daughter

'The man you think is your wife's guardian is a murderer and a thief

It concerns money that belongs to your wife

I know that your wife is dead, but take the money and start a new life in America with your daughter

Is she my wife? My girlfriend? I think that she is, and I suddenly feel afraid for her

Then he hears the sound of his wife's laughter from the terrace bar of the hotel, and he shakes his head.

"The sort of person like my monster of a wife."

But when his wife laughs, she sounds like a donkey.

The type of husband who is happy to go out on the huge, horrible loch, in the dark, with his monster of a wife.

The romantic picnic filled with all the food his wife loves

"Look," continues Oliver, "my wife wants to take a boat out

"Don't you speak English? My wife wants to go out now

Then he looks at his monster of a wife.

"Very clever," Edward agrees, "but unfortunately the wife is always a suspect in a murder."

The wife is a pretty little thing with red hair

His wife Rhea is a good woman and pretty too, but sometimes he cannot help but look at Junior and wonder.

I want you to know that I have a good, happy life with my wife

He looks ill, doesn't he? His wife died suddenly last year

I remembered what Mrs Van Hopper had told me about de Winter's wife.

and that your wife is dead.'

Your wife

Your wife

I never saw his wife

I would be Maxim's wife

And I was going there as the second wife of Maxim de Winter.

One afternoon, I was having tea alone when the wife of the bishop called

'Manderley looked so beautiful,' the bishop's wife went on

'We came to a garden-party too, one summer,' the bishop's wife went on

Maxim will love me as his wife and forget about Rebecca.

As you know, Mr de Winter identified the other body found in the sea as his wife

They all said that Maxim had married his young, second wife within a year of Rebecca's death

'Mr de Winter, I want to find out exactly how your late wife died

'Will someone take my wife outside? She is going to faint.'

'I don't suppose your new bride wants to be known as the wife of a murderer.'

'This is Jack Favell, my late wife's cousin

You've been lucky, haven't you? You and your young wife can go back to Manderley now

Joel Bandiri was with Eva, his wife of eight years, and two of their friends

Helen Mainway, Charlie's wife, sat at his left side

No woman had affected him so strongly since Nancy, his wife, who had died three years ago.

But the moment that she wanted to be something more than a trophy wife, he rebelled.

It could tell her each man's preferred brand of liquor, each wife's favorite flower and perfume, the make of car they drove, the names and ages of their children, the nature of any illnesses or other medical conditions they might have, their favorite foods, their favorite colors, their tastes in music, their political affiliations, and scores of other facts both important and trivial

Nancy, my late wife, and I decorated our first home

"I didn't realize you'd lost your wife," Tina said

Michael Evans hates his ex-wife."

In the process of trying to hurt his ex-wife, he'd waste several days of the court's time, and the end result would be exactly the same as if he'd never been given a chance to protest."

My wife has a real good sense of color."

Me and my wife and our little girl

Or maybe he did know and just didn't give a damn about his ex-wife

In September 1887 my wife was visiting some of her family, so I was staying with my old friend Sherlock Holmes in Baker Street

One thing I am sure of: my brother's wife certainly did not know how to set and operate this hammer.'

Either he had gone mad, or else he had a reason for letting his wife kill him in such a strange and terrible way.

"Hello, Natalie," he says to his wife

'I am sorry that I am so useless at taking care of the house,' said my wife, whose name is Griselda

'It is not surprising that his first wife left him.'

'My duty as the wife of a vicar

Father's new wife, Anne, hates me.' She got up

'Don't you think,' said my wife, 'that Miss Cram might just like having an interesting job?'

'Dear Len.' My wife kissed me

'He came out of prison yesterday and is promising to punish me! Why? Because when I, as a magistrate, sent him to prison, I did not consider his wife and children

The man was much better, and his wife said she had not telephoned me.'

'Where's your wife?'

I decided to leave them and found my wife and Miss Marple in the sitting room.

And all the time he was keeping a second family - a former servant, and five children! What a terrible shock to his wife and daughter.'

'My wife knew, and my nephew Dennis, and Colonel Protheroe himself mentioned it that morning in the village

So I said, "If the vicar and his wife are satisfied, that is all that matters." And she laughed and said, "Oh! But are they?"'

Your wife has been seen coming out of Mr Redding's cottage in a secretive manner

At five-thirty, he telephoned the vicar from the North Lodge, pretending he was the wife of a dying man.

I have also decided that since now I'm going to be a real "wife and mother" I must look after the house as well

My wife was just about to kiss me when suddenly she pulled away.

One night, when the first missile was probably less than 15,000,000 kilometres away, I went for a walk with my wife

My wife was shocked when she saw me, because I looked so tired and dirty

'Don't, dear!' said my wife, putting her hand on mine.

My wife, at least, did not think my experience unbelievable.

With wine and food and the need to help my wife feel less afraid, I slowly became braver and felt safer.

I remember the dinner table that evening very clearly even now: my dear wife's sweet, worried face looking at me from under the pink lamp-shade, the white cloth laid with silver and glass, the glass of red wine in my hand

At about six in the evening, as I had tea with my wife in the garden, I heard an explosion from the common, and immediately after that the sound of gunfire

My wife and I stood amazed

After that I took my wife's arm and ran with her out into the road

'But where can we go?' said my wife in terror.

I drove the cart down the road and, leaving it with my wife and servant, rushed into the house and packed a few valuables

I helped my servant into the back of the cart, then jumped up into the driver's seat beside my wife

We got there without any problems at about nine o'clock, and the horse had an hour's rest while I had supper with my cousins and left my wife in their care.

My wife was strangely silent during the drive, and seemed very worried

If I had really understood the meaning of all the things I had seen, I would have gone back to join my wife in Leatherhead immediately

The strength of the Martians worried me so much that I had decided to take my wife to the south coast, and leave the country with her immediately

'It's no kindness to your wife,' he said, 'for you to get killed.' In the end I agreed to go north with him under cover of the woods

There was a man with his wife and two boys and some pieces of furniture in a cart, and close behind him came another one with five or six well-dressed people and some boxes and cases

My brother learned that the two women were the wife and younger sister of a doctor living in Stanmore, The doctor had heard about the Martians at the railway station, on his way home from seeing a patient, and had sent them off, promising to follow after telling the neighbour

I was very worried about my wife

I had an idea of going to Leatherhead, although I knew there was little chance of finding my wife there

I began to feel that I had failed my wife, and decided to leave this dreamer of great things and to go on into London

Then came the thought of myself, of my wife, and the old life of hope and tender helpfulness that had ended forever.

And there, amazed and afraid, as I too stood amazed and afraid, were my cousin and my wife - my wife white and tearless

And it is strangest of all to hold my wife's hand again, and to think that I have thought of her, and that she has thought of me, among the dead.

'I have been married for three years, and my wife and I were very happy until last Monday

But, Mr Holmes, I am sure that my wife loves me.'

'Effie, my wife was a young widow only twenty-five years old, when I met her

Until this recent incident my wife and I lived very happily there.

When we married, my wife put all her money in my name

'That night I did not tell my wife about the strange face and the rude woman, but I did tell her that people were now living in the cottage.

'That same night something strange happened! In the middle of the night, when I was not completely asleep, I became aware that my wife was dressed and was leaving the room

What was my wife hiding from me?

'The next day I had to go to the City, but I was so worried about my wife that I returned early to Norbury at about one o'clock

As I stood there, imagine my surprise, Mr Holmes, when the door suddenly opened and my wife walked out!

What link could there be between that creature and my wife?

I discovered that my wife had been to the cottage again, so I went to the cottage

I walked into the house and found no one, but upstairs I found a comfortable room, and on the mantelpiece stood a full-length photograph of my wife

'When I saw my wife again I told her that there could be no peace between us until she told me the truth

'When did your wife ask you for the money?' asked Holmes.

'Have you ever met anyone who knew your wife in America?'

'I will tell you everything,' cried his wife with a proud face

He lifted the little child, kissed her, and, with the little girl in his arms, he gave his other hand to his wife.

'Wasn't there a picture in The Crystal over the weekend of his daughter's wedding? And another one of him with his wife and children and grandchildren?' said James.

The man was too lazy to look after the interests of his own niece! I went to Limmeridge the next day and told him that no one should sign a marriage settlement like this - it gave the husband a large financial interest in the death of his wife! But Mr Fairlie did not want to listen

When they return - with Sir Percival's friend Count Fosco and his wife (Laura's aunt Eleanor) - will go to live with them in Hampshire

'If you insist on our marriage, I'll be your faithful wife,' she said, 'but I'll never love you!'

And her husband? What can I say of Count Fosco? He has certainly tamed his wife, and he looks like a man who could tame a tiger

'If your wife signs the document, everything will be all right

I wanted to hit him, but I was only a woman, and I loved his wife so dearly!

I tried to be a good wife, but Percival was so cruel! One day in Rome, a lady called Mrs Markland came to visit us

I walked up to Percival and said, 'You can't keep your wife as a prisoner in her own house! There are laws in England to protect women from cruelty and injustice!'

Then he turned from me and nodded to his wife

The Count took his wife's arm and said, 'She is simply wonderful! I'm at your service, Eleanor

'I mean I agree with my wife.'

Can't you see that Miss Halcombe has more intelligence than most men? She is a noble creature, full of strength and courage, and she'll use it all to protect that foolish little wife of yours

Now, explain to me about your wife's money.'

While my wife lives, I get three thousand pounds a year, but that's not enough to pay my debts.'

'Do you love your wife, Percival?' asked the Count.

'Yes, and your wife gets ten thousand pounds!' cried Sir Percival

'My wife knows it, and a drawing teacher called Walter Hartright knows it

He's in love with my wife, and she loves him too

'She looks like my wife

As soon as Miss Halcombe and my wife are well enough, they'll go to stay with their uncle in Cumberland

Here lies Laura, Lady Glyde, wife of Sir Percival Glyde, born 27 March 1829; married 22 December 1849; died 25 July 1850.

When she dies as Lady Glyde, our money problems will be solved, and your secret will be safe! Anne spoke to your wife by the lake

Anne, my wife and I then drove to London.

People thought that a woman's only job was being a wife and mother

Maybe this was because his wife, Clementine, agreed with it.

Don Carlos, his wife and daughter stand up

Don Carlos' wife and daughter look after Captain Ramon's injured shoulder

His wife and daughter cry.