How to use "withdrew" in a sentence


In the kitchen, she withdrew a bottle of Wild Turkey from the cupboard by the sink

He put down the black physician's bag, opened it, and withdrew a compact cassette tape recorder

From an inner pocket, he withdrew a few sheets of folded typing paper.

"Sure." From his shirt pocket, he withdrew a laminated ID card with the gas-company seal, his picture, his name, and his physical statistics.

From his coat, he withdrew the pistol and put it on the seat between him and Christina, the muzzle pointed toward the dashboard.

Then she went to the desk, opened the center drawer, and withdrew a folder of hotel stationery

Elliot withdrew another one from the leatherette case and handed it to her

The boy blinked, and with what appeared to be great effort, at the cost of more than a little pain, he withdrew one arm from under the covers and reached out toward her