How to use "wood" in a sentence


After some time, she came to a wood

She began to walk through the wood

Alice put the little animal down and it ran happily away into the wood.

'I've slept for nineteen years on a piece of wood

She had soon left the colourful lights and the happy laughter of the village behind her, and was running down the hill into the frightening darkness of the wood

She was almost at the end of her strength, and she was still not out of the wood

At the foot of the smaller barricade, half-hidden by broken stones and pieces of wood, there was a hole in the road covered with an iron grille

Valjean leapt forward and, using all his strength, he moved the stones and wood, opened the grille, lifted Marius on to his shoulders and climbed down into the darkness.

As she was going through the wood, she met with a wolf, who had a very great mind to eat her up, but he dared not, because of some woodcutters working nearby in the forest

Inside, the school smells of wood and polish, and on the walls there are antique pictures of old teachers and respected students.

The windows had pieces of wood over them

I went up towards the wood

The intense cold had caused the wood to contract and warp

She followed him into the wood-paneled inner sanctum.

A blood-freezing image rose at the back of her mind: the house torn apart by a colossal blast, shrapnel of wood and glass and metal whistling toward her, hundreds of sharp fragments piercing her from head to foot.

The table, the chairs, the credenza, and the hutch all glowed warmly because of the prodigious amount of furniture polish that had been buffed into the wood with even more vigor than he had employed when shining his dazzling shoes

And all because it reminded you of something very different, something about a bag of wood for the fire.'

Then suddenly there was the sound of breaking wood

The coincidence was that the call was made at exactly the same time as the pretend shot from the wood

I learned that they were shooting into the wood in which the second cylinder had fallen

Then suddenly, the trees in the wood ahead of me were pushed to the side and a second enormous tripod appeared, rushing, as it seemed, straight towards me

I got to my feet at last and, keeping low, managed to get into a wood near Maybury without the machines seeing me

Staying in the wood, I moved towards my own house

Hidden by a wood, it seems they were not noticed by the Martian nearest to them

Each of the Martians, standing in the great curve I have described, had used the tube he carried to fire a large cylinder over whatever hill, wood or other possible hiding-place for guns might be in front of him

The Martian was thrown back by the violence of the explosion, and in another moment the burning wreckage, still moving forwards, had broken the Martian like something made of wood

Then I returned through the wood towards my home

I started hitting the tin with a piece of wood

'I'll get the wood and make a fire,' George said