How to use "work" in a sentence


I live there and I work for Ute Mountaineer, a sports equipment shop

Leona, one of the people I live and work with, is having a goodbye party on Monday night

Now that winter is over, she's going to another town in Colorado to work as a gardener for the summer

They work in the same business, too

They work for Outward Bound, a sports equipment shop in Moab, Utah

When I don't arrive for work, Brion After, my boss, will know that something is wrong

I am never late for work

I put more weight on the rope, but it still doesn't work

This doesn't work either and I feel suddenly hopeless

But even that doesn't work

'I thought he'd driven straight to work.'

When I don't arrive for work, he'll think something is wrong

I do everything I can to make it work

On Wednesday morning, Brion After was at work in the shop

I went to live with Moses, one of the other men in the group, and soon after that Jenny went to Washington to talk and work against the war

'I finish work in three hours, Forrest,' Jenny said

She came across to the bar after work, and we had a drink and talked.

Next day, when Jenny went to work, I went back to the bar

'I'm just going to work hard,' I told myself

Continue to work with the faith that unearned suffering is redemptive

With this faith, we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day.

With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation's wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan - to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations.

The joy, the moral stimulation of work no longer must be forgotten in the mad chase of evanescent profits

Our greatest primary task is to put people to work

And finally, in our progress towards a resumption of work, we require two safeguards against a return of the evils of the old order

With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God's work must truly be our own.

I too, have seen exciting things in my thirty years of work.

At this hour Charles Cross, a carman, was walking to work

It was another carman, Robert Paul, also on his way to work

They decided to continue on their way to work and tell the first policeman they met.

They saw a policeman, Constable Jonas Mizen, not far away in Baker's Row, told him about the woman, and then walked on to work

On his way to work at Spitalfields market he often checked the passage because strangers sometimes came in

Then he left for work and passed Spitalfields Church at about 5.32 a.m.

By six o'clock he was ready for work and went downstairs to the backyard

She probably came to England for domestic work

He visited her around 7.30-7.45 on the evening of Thursday, November 8th to tell her he had no work and could not give her any money

John McCarthy said later, 'It looked more like the work of a devil than of a man.' And Mrs Prater, who looked through the window, said, 'I can never forget it if I live to be a hundred.'

Why had the Ripper burnt them? When Abbeline discovered only one small piece of candle in the room, he thought that the killer had made a fire with the clothes because he needed more light to do his terrible work.

It was truly the work of a devil.

At the time the newspapers called it 'unique and mysterious' and the work of a homicidal maniac.

When the police found a leather apron at the scene of the Hanbury Street murder, they hunted a man called John Pizer, a Polish boot-maker who always wore a leather apron for his work

Out of work, and with no food in the house, he had been arrested for trying to steal a loaf of bread

'I used to work in Paris, but my husband died and I lost my job.' She could not tell Mme Thenardier the truth, which was that she had been made pregnant by a young man who had then abandoned her

'I left Paris this morning to look for work in Montreuil,' she continued

'I have to find work, and that's not easy with a child but no husband

Fantine, meanwhile, found work in Montreuil and asked for news of her daughter every month

When Fantine first arrived in Montreuil, she had immediately found work in a factory

She tried to find work as a servant, but no one would employ her

'You own the factory where I used to work!' she shouted at him

Inspector Javert walked into his office, and stood in silence waiting for him to look up from his work.

'I'm sure you have other work to do.'

I want you to continue your excellent work as inspector of police.'

Marius paid little attention to his friend, and continued his quiet life of work, study and daily walks.

Without 'Ursula', his life had become meaningless, work disgusted him, walking tired him, solitude bored him.

He now had five letters, all the work of one author: the man who lived with his family in the next room.

Picking up a pen that lay on the table, she wrote on a piece of paper, Be careful! The police are coming! She showed Marius her work and then, changing the subject quickly, for no reason at all, she gazed into his eyes and said shyly, 'Do you know, M

'It's a work of art,' Jondrette informed him

The tall, grey-haired man was doing useful work on the larger barricade, and Eponine (whom everyone thought was a boy) worked hard too

You're happy now, and so my work is complete.'

The stranger explained in great detail how he used to work for the government in foreign countries and that, now he was retired, he wanted to move to South America with his wife and daughter

She has a black uniform, which she always wears at work in the restaurant, and on the uniform is a badge with her name

And I remember that after I eat, I wait for her in the car park until she finishes work, and she is surprised to see me there

Every evening when I return home from work."

"Where do you work, Mrs Thornton?"

I work in Leeds

"You work in Leeds, but you don't drive? I think your sports car can get you there a lot faster than the bus to Keighley and then the train to Leeds."

Maybe it can work.

You can't find work if you can't drive

Building work

Outside they can see the renovation work: there is scaffolding on the face of the old building, a new wall on the side of it, and three or four workmen are sitting on a bench eating lunch.

Owen is tall and fair with blue eyes and a healthy complexion from years of work and activity outside.

Exhausted from a long day at work and made passive by the slow journey home.

They were all shouting angrily, "Work! We want work!"

"So they're demanding the packing work instead."

Anyway, there are loads of robots doing the work for now."

"Is he looking for work again?" Cham smiled, and shook his head

Their mom was still out at work.

Climbing is thirsty work." But there was something odd in his voice again, and a strange expression on his face

And when there's so little work available, most people have no hope of changing their lives

Your mother is in a very unusual position, you know - Cham's dad only gets bits and pieces of work now and then

how would it work?" she asked

When Sala arrived home, Mom was back from work, and Apat and Gran were there, too

I've been so busy at work the last few days, I feel I've not been home much at all."

"Niki and I passed the laboratory the other day - there were loads of people looking for work."

"It's his work."

If this was happening at the meat laboratory, it would soon be happening everywhere, and he wouldn't get any work at all.

She found Gran sitting with Mom, talking and drinking tea; for once, Mom had got home from work early.

"Does this have anything to do with his dad's work?"

"At work."

'I work for her

I work for her, you know that

I work very hard

'It must have been a lot of work,' I said

He would do most of the work.'

'I don't mind the work,' said Frank, looking at me

Soon the servants would be starting work

She had taken several steps up in her career during the past year, and she had relied on hard work as a sort of morphine, using it to dull her pain until the wound fully healed.

She managed to be both a fine dancer and a good mother, although that was not always easy; she loved Danny, and she enjoyed her work and she thrived on double duty.

His desk occupied one corner; tubes of glue, miniature bottles of enamel in every color, and a variety of model-crafting tools stood in soldierly ranks on one half of the desk, and the other half was bare, waiting for him to begin work

"We made the damn thing work!"

He wore blue jeans, a cheap blue work shirt - and about two hundred thousand dollars' worth of rings

He loved his work

He had seen Tina's work in some lounges around town, and he had surprised her when he'd offered her the chance to co-produce Magyck! At first, she hadn't been sure if she should take the job

Vivienne had been scheduled to work this afternoon, but she'd canceled

After five rings, she realized that he was at work, and she hung up.

Vivienne began work in the kitchen

She believed in the moral value of hard work, and she always gave her employers their money's worth.

He was interested primarily in learning more about the mind that could create a work like Magyck! He had seen less than one-fourth of the program, yet he knew it was a hit - and far superior to others of its kind

These things were as they always had been, since she had first come to work here, before Danny had died.

Tina was on an adrenaline high, grinning, breathless, barely able to absorb the overwhelming response to her work

"You can go straight from office work to scuba diving without changing clothes."

He says I'd just make the performers nervous and cause the technicians to look over their shoulders for the boss when they should have their eyes on their work."

Unless he'd changed shifts in the past six months, he didn't go to work until noon

"But if you just put your name on our work list, we'll most likely have a man there by four o'clock this afternoon, tomorrow morning at the latest

As she had struggled to move up from dancer to costumer to choreographer to lounge-revue coordinator to producer, Michael had been displeased with her commitment to work

I'm sure there's a lot of work to do on a show like Magyck! Even after, it opens

She headed toward the Golden Pyramid, where she had an office, and where work was waiting to be done.

When she had suspected Michael of doing the dirty work, she had been disturbed and distressed, but she hadn't been frightened

Yet the taunting words on the chalkboard and the destruction in the bedroom seemed to be the work of someone who felt that she should be held accountable for the accident

This was where the work got done

As Tina pored over a final bill for carpentry work on some of the Magyck! Sets, Angela, her secretary, stepped in from the outer office

She'd work for another hour, until five o'clock, and then go home

She smiled when she thought of him, then picked up the sheaf of papers that Angela had given her, anxious to finish her work.

Tina quickly shuffled through the pages, seeking more of the sick prankster's work

When we finished our work a couple minutes ago, I came up to see if you were here

Tina kept a well-stocked bar in one corner of her office for those infrequent occasions when a business associate needed a drink after a long work session

But this isn't Michael's dirty work."

So it'll work out for the best either way." She returned from the window, sat on the couch again, beside Elliot

I still work at that a couple of days a week because it's a good way to keep in shape

"If it doesn't work out, we can always jump in the car and go to McDonald's for a hamburger."

The conversations were like those in which he was involved at work, eight or ten hours a day, five days a week and he didn't intend to spend a holiday nattering about the same damned things.

Which set of letters do you guys work for? Not the FBI

You work for some set of letters the public hasn't even heard about yet

Yes, we work for a government agency

"The agency we work for doesn't officially exist," Bob said

A door stood at the far end of this narrow, rectangular work area

"We just need time to think about it, time to work out a plan

and then fiddle with the computer at work?"

It was Danny who reached out for me when I was at work..

He hadn't expected to find the man at work

The active poison itself had already penetrated the victim's body, done its work, and begun to break down into a series of naturally occurring chemicals that would raise no alarms when the coroner later studied the results of the usual battery of forensic tests

His ships, sealed in their glass worlds, relaxed him; he liked to spend time with them when he had a problem to work out or when he was on edge, for they made him feel serene, and that security allowed his mind to function at peak performance.

Kennebeck had lifted himself out of poverty through hard work and steely determination

Alexander knew nothing of hard work; he had ascended to the top of his field as if he were a prince with a divine right to rule.

The sound of her laughter startled Elliot, but then he had to admit to himself that he did not feel menaced by the work of this poltergeist

"You can't blame me because the work is dirty

"We can't work it out tonight," he said wearily

His time was enormously valuable to the country; his work was sensitive and often-required urgent decisions based upon first-hand examination of information to be found only in distant places

That had been exciting, challenging, important work

Only bureau chiefs, their immediate staffs, station chiefs in major cities, and senior field officers who had proved themselves and their loyalty - only those people knew the true nature of their employers and their work

"I don't believe for a minute it's going to work

Then maybe I'll be relaxed enough to make this automatic writing work."

"We still have dangerous work ahead of us

Perhaps the lateness of the hour and the fading light would work against them, but approaching in the night might actually be to their advantage

"Wait! The phone doesn't work."

"And if you want it easy," Alexander said, "you shouldn't have come to work for me

The plateau was basically the work of nature, but man's hand was in evidence

When the young guard discovered that his revolver wouldn't work, he threw it.

Blinking away tears, Elliot pointed the pistol at the older guard, who had drawn his revolver by now and had found that it didn't work either

Danny seemed able to work miracles with inanimate objects, but he could not control people, like the guard upstairs, whom Elliot had been forced to shoot

"I work here," Dombey said, puzzled by the question.

The whole Danny Evans project is the work of a few megalomaniacs."

The things done to Danny Evans don't constitute 'great work.' They won't earn anyone immortality

But in reality the work goes on

The problem is that some flaky people are attracted to this kind of work because of the secrecy and because you really do get a sense of power from designing weapons that can kill millions of people

"You're trained what to do from the day you start to work here

There are a lot of people here who have some sense of social responsibility about this work

"Because the work has to be done

'Your brother is a professor, yes? Is his work connected with your business?'

'No, my brother is, or was, doing research work for the Air Ministry

'What sort of research work?'

'Perhaps it was set that way last night when work stopped.'

She confessed to the murder of her husband and proved easily that she knew how to work the steam hammer

Have you asked the Air Ministry people? They knew all about the work.'

I only saw him the next morning, tired after a whole night's work.

If you cannot work, I'll call Professor Augier, and he and all your other friends will save you

'She's too grand to talk to a girl who has to work to earn money

Although I did hear her saying, she wanted to work herself

'I'll call the station,' said Slack, 'and then we'll get to work on this room.'

'I suppose,' I said, 'that someone else has asked her to work for them.'

And then, before he's even been buried, his daughter comes here and says I don't do my work properly.'

And I suddenly thought that perhaps it did not work.'

However, for most of the time the daily routine of work, food, drink and sleep went on as it had done for countless years.

I was walking the roads to clear my brain, and then - fire and death! All our work - everything destroyed

Usually, when it had done its work, the Martian cleared the air by blowing steam at it.

In twenty-four hours they did twenty-four hours of work.

But no human being saw as much of them as I did and lived to tell the story, and I can say that I have seen four, five or six of them slowly performing the most difficult work without sound or any other signal

He ate more than I did, and did not seem to understand that we had to stay in the house until the Martians had finished their work if we wanted to stay alive

They just used to rush off to work - I've seen hundreds of them, with a bit of breakfast in their hand, running to catch their train, frightened they'd be sacked if they didn't

'In fact, it may not be so difficult to learn how their fighting- machines work

There I saw the work he had spent a week on

But I believed in him enough to work with him all that morning at his digging.

'But the work?'

'Oh, one can't always work,' he said, and in a flash I understood the man clearly.

In some places thieves had been at work, but usually only at the food and wine shops

I tried to work out a plan of action

I followed them to my study and found, lying on my writing- table, the page of work I had left on the afternoon of the opening of the cylinder

I remembered how I could not concentrate that morning, hardly a month before, and how I had stopped work to get my newspaper from the newsboy

People called me 'a lazy little devil', and said, 'go and do your work.' They did not know I was ill with liver disease

Those blows were good for me, because after each blow I went to do my work

We all knew that our illnesses were caused by too much work.

'Our minds are tired from too much work

The hard work on the boat will make us hungry, so we'll enjoy our food

George will write the list, and I'll do the work.'

I wanted to organise the packing - not do it! I wanted George and Harris to do all the work

George went to work, and Harris and I finished our breakfast

Harris said, 'George! Why can't George be here to do some work? Why doesn't he help us with this heavy boat? What does he do at the bank? He sits behind a piece of glass all day and does nothing

I work! Why doesn't he work? I'm going to have a drink!'

When he saw that no one was in the water, he returned to his work.

Now that George was on the boat, we decided to make him work

He did not want to work, of course.

I didn't think this was dangerous work, but it was

After ten minutes of hard work, Harris was inside the cover! He was fighting to get out

This was hard work

George and I saw that it was difficult work

But when we peeled our first potato, we understood that this was not exciting - it was hard work

I was doing too much work on this trip

I always think that I work too much

It's not because I don't like work

You can't give me too much work

I'm very careful with my work, too

Some of the work in my office has been there for years

Harris laughed and said, 'George! Work! Have you ever seen George work?'

'How do you know if I work, Harris? You're always sleeping, except at meal times

'Oh, please! I do more work than old J,' Harris said.

'Well, it's difficult to do less work than old J,' George added.

'Old J thinks he's a passenger and doesn't need to work,' Harris said.

Life is not much fun if you work as a typist in an office, and you earn so little that you can't even buy yourself a nice pair of shoes

She just wishes she could sleep deep and only wake up on the day of her first car ride to work.

'Since every other girl she knows has ruined herself and made money out of it, why shouldn't she? Her friends don't earn any more than she does, but every day they wear new dresses, shoes, and so on, to work

'I can't work here anymore

I spent my days drawing and selling my work at nearby shops

Other women wrote about better female education, but Mary's work was really important.

Today, Malala and her father, Ziauddin, work in many countries

In some countries, children have to work to get money for their family.

Educated women have better health and they work more, says the World Bank

On 1st December 1955, after a long day's work at the shop, Rosa Parks got on the bus to go home

Shirin lost her job as the president of the city court, and she had to work as a secretary.

For years, Shirin Ebadi fought to work in law

In 2003, Shirin was given the Nobel Peace Prize for her work in democracy and human rights, and for fighting for the rights of women and children

When she was young, she helped with the family's farm work

In 1992, she got the Nobel Peace Prize for her work.

These movements are also fighting for women's right to work, to earn equal pay and to own property

Feminists have also worked hard to stop sexual assault and other crimes against women at work and at home.

The third wave, which began in the 1990s, continues the work of second-wave feminism

The fourth wave started around 2012, and it is about sexual harassment and crimes against women at work

Second-wave feminism was about more than the vote; it was about sexuality, family and work

For example, in France, married women could not work if their husbands did not agree to it

Simone de Beauvoir wrote her most famous work, Le Deuxieme Sexe (The Second Sex), in 1949

Later in the 20th century, writers like Betty Friedan and Gloria Steinem from the USA and Germaine Greer from Australia continued Simone's work

In the 1980s, she spent a lot of time in prison because of her work

Fourth-wave feminism uses social media to talk about the problem of harassment in the street and at work

Women and work

When women started to do paid work in the 19th and early 20th centuries, almost half of it was cleaning and cooking in other people's homes

It was hard, dirty work, and there was not much free time

They also worked long hours and got very low pay - and it was very hard work.

But people thought that this work was not important, and women had to leave their jobs when they married.

War is usually a bad thing, but it has sometimes been good for women and work

In World War One (1914-1918), men left home to fight, and women were needed to work both in the army and in their home country.

This meant that women had to go out to work because they needed to feed their children.

Newspapers and magazines told women to keep a nice, clean home while their husbands were at work

This was because a lot of men did not come home from the war, so women had to work to look after their families.

More women were going to college and wanted to go out to work

Today, the number of women at work continues to go up

Today, in many countries, women need to go out to work to help their families

The fight for work and equal pay has not been won

Women still do most of the work in the home, which means that many of them are working a lot more than men

In many parts of the world, women cannot work outside of the house, or cannot work where they want to

They are often paid less, and sexism and sexual harassment at work are a problem every day

Women are 50 percent of the world's people, and, when they cannot work, it is a big problem for the world.

But, in the 20th century, women started to study and work in science more and more

In 1903, Marie Curie was given the Nobel Prize in Physics with her husband, Pierre, for their work on radioactivity

Pierre died in an accident in 1906, but Marie continued their work.

Marie Curie's work was very important

The Curies' work helped to make X-rays, which are very important in medicine today

Marie was very good at this important and dangerous work.

But men scientists in France gave Marie a lot of problems, and she never got enough money for her work

At the end of the 1920s, Marie became very ill because of her work, and she died in 1934.

Later in the 20th century, there were more women in science, and some of them did very important work

Their work was published in 1939.

Rosalind is most famous for her work on DNA while at King's College, London.

Her work helped other scientists discover how DNA is made.

James Watson, Francis Crick and Maurice Wilkins got the Nobel Prize for this work in 1962.

Because the Nobel Prize can only be shared between three living scientists, Rosalind's work was not spoken about when the prize was given to James, Francis and Maurice

Her work helps us to understand our world.

She also teaches at the University of Washington, and she gives talks about her work

Let Zorro do his work," says Don Diego.