How to use "world" in a sentence


He always helps me to organise the names and places of the wonderful strange sea creatures that we find in the oceans of the world

This ship, and my own life, is a secret to the outside world

I do not want to see that world again

No man in your world can ever see these things

Where did he come from? Why did he leave "our" world?

The Indian Ocean had the most beautiful rocks, plants and fish in the world

"Would you like to go pearl fishing? This is the richest part of the world to fish for pearls."

It was the only one of its kind in the world

He wanted the pearl to grow, alone there in the cave, until it was truly the most fantastic pearl in the world.

I saw things that no man from my world will ever see

'Nobody likes Dinah down here, but she's the best cat in the world

And then, in Boston, I realized that I loved you, and I was the happiest girl in the world

And suddenly I was in the final, playing with a Russian, Honest Ivan, the best player in the world

Why should there not be a patient confidence in the ultimate justice of the people? Is there any better or equal hope in the world? In our present differences is either party without faith of being in the right? If the Almighty Ruler of Nations, with his eternal truth and justice, be on your side of the North, or on yours of the South, that truth and that justice will surely prevail, by the judgment of this great tribunal, the American people.

"Woe unto the world because of offences; for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that mam by whom the offence cometh!" If we shall suppose that American Slavery is one of those offences which, in the providence of God, must needs come, but which, having continued through His appointed time

I shall spare no effort to restore world trade by international economic readjustment; but the emergency at home cannot wait on that accomplishment.

In the field of world policy, I would dedicate this Nation to the policy of the good neighbor: the neighbor who resolutely respects himself and, because he does so, respects the rights of others; the neighbor who respects his obligations and respects the sanctity of his agreements in and with a world of neighbors.

That is why our constitutional system has proved itself the most superbly enduring political mechanism the modern world has ever seen.

It has met every stress of vast expansion of territory, of foreign wars, of bitter internal strife, of world relations

I am prepared under my constitutional duty to recommend the measures that a stricken nation in the midst of a stricken world may require

The world is very different now

Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans - born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage - and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world.

To that world assembly of sovereign states, the United Nations, our last best hope in an age where the instruments of war have far outpaced the instruments of peace, we renew our pledge of support - to prevent it from becoming merely a forum for invective - to strengthen its shield of the new and the weak - and to enlarge the area in which its writ may run.

And if a beachhead of cooperation may push back the jungle of suspicion, let both sides join in creating a new endeavor, not a new balance of power, but a new world of law, where the strong are just and the weak secure and the peace preserved.

In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger

The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it - and the glow from that fire can truly light the world.

My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.

Finally, whether you are citizens of America or citizens of the world, ask of us here the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you

'What a sad story it is! A young man like that suddenly gives up his business and retires from the world.'

The world is a very sad place!' Now I thought I understood Mr Slinkton

'What a sad place the world is!' Mr Slinkton sighed quietly.

'You're a man of the world, Mr Sampson,' he began

Today he is probably the most famous killer in the world, Jack the Ripper

This was published on October 1st, the day that the world finally had a name for the Whitechapel killer.

The world had been unfair to him, and he wanted revenge

When he had been angry at the world, he had felt calm and sure of himself

For twenty-five years he had been alone in the world

All he had in the world was the five-franc piece he intended to give her father in prison

In this way, bathed in happiness, they lived untroubled by the world.

Just as Marius thought that her sad soul had finally left her body, she slowly opened her eyes, and said in a voice so sweet that it seemed already to come from another world, 'You know, M

For the sake of Cosette's happiness, he would have to try and save the life of the man she loved - the man he hated more than any other in the world.

She wanted to throw herself into Marius's arms, but was unable to move, afraid to show the world that she loved him.

The light of an unknown world was shining brightly in his eyes.

There is nothing else that matters in this world except love.'

"What sort of person wants to have a holiday in this remote, ugly part of the world?"

And when Big Jones finds you, that is when you go see the world...

He takes you to one of his old factories on the Thames, and then he shows you the boxes and the addresses of all the different locations in the world.

all around the world."

After we eat, you will think this place is the best in the world.

"The QM2, Darling, is the finest ocean liner in the world

He had about three hundred bucks left in the world

He decided to come to the biggest, richest, most important gambling city in the world, and he decided to cheat.

We're miles up above one of the loudest cities in the world

Sala and Cham live in an enormous overcrowded city that they are forbidden to leave, for their own protection: the world outside the city was contaminated during the wars.

In a simulator, it was hard to forget that there were four walls just five or six steps away - but in a pod, you lost your awareness of the world around you

Sala's grandmother remembered life before the Oil Wars, when people could travel freely and see other parts of the world

Now Gran believed in encouraging people to enjoy the real world, instead of constantly escaping to the simulators or the ultranet

They did not want anyone going into the contaminated world beyond - it was much too dangerous, they said.

I've always believed that he died in the outside world, in the contamination." She rolled the fruit between her fingers

Or will we only ever see the world virtually? Of course, the virtual world was interesting

"Well, I suppose I'm thinking that maybe, just maybe, there is still life in the outside world - and maybe someone from that world has found a way across the city boundary."

How wonderful to think that there might still be a different world out there - a world where you could do all those things for real!

nine floors down, she stepped out into a different world

It was so quiet and calm: a world the storm couldn't reach

He truly didn't believe the fruit came from another world beyond the city boundary - and she couldn't really blame him

This was the only world they were ever likely to experience

Apart from the virtual world, of course..

"But I think it's like another world

A virtual world where we can see each other and talk and everything

They watched as the fish moved slowly between the waving ocean plants, silent and peaceful in their watery world.

When the dolphins started playing with us, it was out of this world."

There's more to the world than this city, believe me

I'm just saying - maybe the world out there is not as terrible as the government would like us to believe."

Sala realized that for Gran, the rose fruit meant something real; it spoke of a world that Sala could only begin to imagine

"If there's a better world out there, we have to find it."

There's another world out there

I have to live in the real world, Sala."

"You're going on a journey: an excursion to a new world

See the world, smiled a beautiful woman

Dive inside the world of a cell.

And yes - there's a whole world out there

A different world

There's another world out there, Cham

This world, the city with its wrist chips and simulators, was the only one they knew, but Gran often talked about life before the Oil Wars - how they used to walk freely in the forests, grow flowers and fruit, sing songs around fires on the beach, and travel to wonderful places

But none of Cham's grandparents were alive, so maybe it wasn't surprising that he found it hard to believe in another world.

And if, like Eston says, they really live freely in the outside world, you wouldn't want to stay here, would you?" Mom nodded

The only thing that made the time pass more quickly was her family's dream of the world outside

That's what makes the world safe."

After two years, he'll be dying to see you and the real world again!"

Sala couldn't imagine anything worse in the whole world than someone trying to harm Gran, Mom, or Apat.

We are both alone in the world

This little valley, hidden away from the world, was full of the scent of flowers.

I don't belong to your kind of world

You know I love you more than anything else in the world

I was too young for Maxim, I knew too little about the world

'I love you more than anything in the world.'

When I married her, people told me I was the luckiest man in the world.'

'I was fonder of Rebecca than of anyone else in the world,' Favell went on

The Lido was one of those incredibly lavish productions that could be seen nowhere in the world but Vegas, for it was only in Las Vegas that a multimillion-dollar show could be staged year after year with little concern for profit; such vast sums were spent on the elaborate sets and costumes, and on the enormous cast and crew, that the hotel was usually happy if the production merely broke even from ticket and drink sales

She was steadily becoming a respected name in the closely-knit Vegas entertainment world, and she believed that she was on the verge of great success.

But Danny had wanted to go to the mountains more than anything else in the world

Many were still in the communal dressing rooms, while other girls, already costumed, waited in the halls or at the edge of the big stage, talking about children and husbands and boyfriends and recipes, as if they were secretaries on a coffee break and not some of the most beautiful women in the world.

In a world of planned obsolescence, Vivienne took pleasure in getting long, full use out of everything that she bought, whether it was a toaster or an automobile

After several visits there, she had decided that it must be one of the dullest cities in the world

"What a world we live in," said the woman at Anderlingen.

Maybe a large family isn't such a wise idea these days, what with the economy in trouble and all the turmoil in the world

We'll sell it this way: 'Spend the magic night of your anniversary in the magic world of Magyck!' Something like that

As he drew near, he opened his arms, as if it was the most natural thing in the world for him to hold and comfort her, as if he had held her many times before, and she leaned against him in the same spirit of familiarity

"I'm the world's worst bartender

And I'm positive it can't be a stranger, which rules out most of the world."

In half the countries in the world, there were secret police, modern gestapos, and citizens lived in fear of a late-night knock on the door

And if, by some million-to-one chance, the boy had been alive when he'd been buried, why would it take an entire year for her to receive a vision from the spirit world?

The spirit world? Visions? Clairvoyant experiences? She didn't believe in any of that psychic, supernatural stuff

Frightened, dazed by the incredible speed at which her world had begun to disintegrate, she did as he said.

He was deeply involved in that world for thirty years

If you want to purchase a false passport, a counterfeit driver's license, or anything of that nature, you can pick and choose from several of the best document-forgery artists in the world, because this is where a lot of them live

We could go around the world on the cards alone

"But the world is full of illogical things that are nonetheless true

Besides, there are more hotels and motels in Vegas than in any other city in the world."

Sitting in a bathtub full of bloody water, staring at something fearsome beyond the veil between this world and the next

He didn't try to pretend otherwise with himself, no matter what face he had to present to the world

Apparently, Billy liked his view of the world to be as neat and uncluttered as everything else about him; if he started believing in ghosts, he'd have to reconsider his opinions about a lot of other things too, and then life would become intolerably messy.

"Lonely part of the world, isn't it?"

Lots of people out there in the rest of the world - they believe in chemical and biological warfare

Each time that he personally killed someone, he felt as if he were establishing another link to the world beyond this one; and he hoped, once he had made enough of those linkages, that he would be rewarded with a vision from the other side

The world would regard him as a freak, and everyone would want to gawk at him, put him on display

They would be replaced all over the world by stations for transmitting and receiving objects

I had just finished cutting some meat, which was very tough, and said, waving the knife in a way that was not at all appropriate for a vicar, that anyone who murdered Colonel Protheroe would be doing the world a favour.

I said the things to her that it was my duty to say, remembering all the time how that morning I had said that a world without Colonel Protheroe would be a better place.

'There is a lot of wickedness in the world

'Because only the day before the crime he said that anyone who murdered Colonel Protheroe would be doing the world a favour.'

'So you don't know much about the world

In the last years of the nineteenth century, no one believed that this world was being watched closely by intelligences greater than our own

With great confidence, people travelled around this world and believed that they were in control of their lives

The planet Mars, I need not remind the reader, goes around the sun at an average distance of 224,000,000 kilometres, and receives from the sun half of the light and heat that is received by this world

It must be, if scientific thinking is correct, older than our world, and life on its surface began a long time before this Earth cooled down

However, the next day there was no report in the newspapers except one small note in the Daily Telegraph, and the world knew nothing of one of the greatest dangers that ever threatened Earth.

The world seemed so safe and peaceful.

You can understand the wave of fear that swept through the greatest city in the world at dawn on Monday morning

We stayed there all Sunday night and all the next day - the day of the panic - in a little island of daylight, cut off by the Black Smoke from the rest of the world

'I have been still too long,' he said, loud enough for the Martians to hear, 'and now I must tell the world

'They will simply go round the world.'

And they've taken over the capital of the most powerful country in the world

I stood staring into the pit, and my heart grew wonderfully happy as the rising sun lit up the world around me

From there the happy news had flashed all over the world; a thousand cities, living in great fear, suddenly- turned on all their lights.

All the ships in the world seemed to be coming to London in those days

How wonderful this is! We go to bed, and then we dream under the stars! We dream that the world is young again.'

And, this was just the beginning! George is the worst packer in the world

When George dies, Harris will be the worst packer in the world.

At that moment, we all wanted mustard more than anything in the world.

The adult world can be a cruel place.

At first, he thought that it was the end of the world.

It's men like you, George, who slow down the progress of our world.'

Is typing the only job there is in this world? You are a teacher, are you not?' said Mercy.

The education of girls is still a very important topic around the world.

In many places in the world, girls and women are still fighting for an equal education.

Malala became famous, both in Pakistan and around the world, as a fighter for girls' education

People in Pakistan and around the world hoped that she could get better

In the next few years, Malala met with girls around the world, and she met with many politicians, like the President of the USA, Barack Obama

130 million girls in the world do not go to school, and 15 million girls of primary-school age will never go into a classroom

The education of girls is still an important problem for countries around the world

As Malala has said, "One child, one teacher, one book, one pen can change the world."

From a young age, Rosa knew that "there was a black world and a white world," as she said later

Today, there are still many women fighting for human rights in different parts of the world

Now, she travels around the world speaking about human rights.

in the future it is going to be made easier for women all over the world to win their fight when their time comes." Emmeline Pankhurst (1858-1928)

Finland also had the world's first women Members of Parliament (MPs), in 1907

Little by little, women have got the vote in almost every country in the world.

All over the world, feminist movements have fought, and are still fighting, for women's right to vote

It has a long history in the West and in other parts of the world.

All over the world, feminists fought to change family laws that gave husbands control over their wives

People really liked the book, and Betty talked about it all over the world

The world was changing fast.

In the Arab world, Nawal El Saadawi is very famous

Nothing is more perilous than truth in a world that lies." People have called her "the Simone de Beauvoir of the Arab World".

Women from all over the world can write to the website about the things that happen to them.

But it's not true; women all over the world are still fighting for their rights.

In some places in the world, that still happens.

In 2012, she was named in the Time 100, a list of the 100 most important people in the world

In many parts of the world, women cannot work outside of the house, or cannot work where they want to

Women are 50 percent of the world's people, and, when they cannot work, it is a big problem for the world.

She was one of the most famous scientists the world has ever known.

In Marie Curie's time, science was a man's world

She was the first woman to achieve big things in this world

Today, still only 30 percent of the world's scientists are women

Her work helps us to understand our world.

She said to the BBC, "I wanted the world to get better, and I knew it could not get better if it was going to be ruled by men." Nancy was an MP until 1945.

On 21st July 1960, Sirimavo Bandaranaike became the first woman prime minister in the world.

She became the world's first woman prime minister, and she led her country's government three times

She spoke about the rights of women in the world

Usually, in the world, the number of women in a country's parliament is 23 percent

There are more and more women prime ministers and presidents in the world, and they are also becoming younger

She is the world's youngest female prime minister, and the fourth-youngest woman or man prime minister

Half of the people who live in the world are women

Many people hope that, in the future, 50 percent of the world's governments will be women.

She wanted to be the first woman to fly around the world.

On 1st June, Amelia and Fred Noonan left Miami and began their 29,000-mile journey around the world

Still, she told her mother that she was going to be number one in the world

She was number one in the world in women's tennis

He won the Wimbledon men's tournament in 1939, and he was the world number one tennis player in 1941, 1946 and 1947

Things are changing fast in the world

In some parts of the world, for example, very young girls have to get married

More than 700 million women in the world today were married before the age of eighteen

MeToo was used a lot from October 2017 on social media to show that there is a lot of sexual assault and harassment of women, everywhere in the world

That night, social media became very busy, as MeToo started everywhere in the world.