How to use "worth" in a sentence


These dark days, my friends, will be worth all they cost us if they teach us that our true destiny is not to be ministered unto but to minister to ourselves, to our fellow men.

'But what about the candlesticks? I gave you those as well, don't you remember? They're silver like the rest, and worth at least two hundred francs

What do you think it's worth?'

It's worth about three francs.'

'It's worth losing a day together if we want to be happy for the rest of our lives.'

A simulator cost five units per hour, which was a lot - but it was worth it for the escape it offered from the city.

"Most things worth fighting for involve a little danger

How could Cham know anything new about the rebels, living inside the pod? Anyway, Gran was right: it was worth it

There was one last Ultranet Talk Hour with Cham before the end of the month, but Sala decided it wasn't even worth trying to talk to him about leaving

He wore blue jeans, a cheap blue work shirt - and about two hundred thousand dollars' worth of rings

At a few minutes past eleven o'clock, a secretary from San Diego put five dollars in a slot machine and hit a jackpot worth $495,000; word of that even reached backstage in the showroom

She believed in the moral value of hard work, and she always gave her employers their money's worth.

At last, the future looked worth living

An overturned stool lay beside him, and approximately five hundred dollars' worth of green chips were scattered on the carpet

After all, he had never killed an ordinary citizen or a person of real worth

'I don't suppose there's anything worth stealing,' said Lawrence

'But you're wrong about there being nothing worth stealing