How to use "wouldn" in a sentence


Can I eat them, I wonder? Even if I could, it wouldn't be enough to keep me alive.

This meant that they wouldn't do anything until late the following day.

I was beginning to think it wouldn't come

It wouldn't be long before I would be able to go climbing again

I know that even if I could travel back in time, I wouldn't change anything

'I know what you've come for,' he said quietly so that Fantine wouldn't hear

If he had, he wouldn't be coming back here again

I wouldn't come often or stay very long

Maybe this Pod Life thing wouldn't be so bad, after all

What if he wouldn't forgive her? She had really shouted at him, and now she felt awful

"I wouldn't stop you, Sala

If this was happening at the meat laboratory, it would soon be happening everywhere, and he wouldn't get any work at all.

And that you wouldn't talk."

And if, like Eston says, they really live freely in the outside world, you wouldn't want to stay here, would you?" Mom nodded

But this long stream of words wouldn't stop flowing

It was good to know that they could do something to test Eston's letter; but even so, it wouldn't tell them where Wena and Oban's group had gone

It would make everything much, much easier, wouldn't it?"

It was strange, going to Cham's apartment and knowing Cham wouldn't be there

You wouldn't talk about it or even think about it.'

'It's easy, isn't it? Why don't you jump? It wouldn't hurt

He wouldn't say why at first

You would like a son, wouldn't you? A boy to grow up at Manderley

'You wouldn't dare, Max,' said Favell

Of course, if she and Michael were in bed right this minute, it wouldn't be like that at all

They wouldn't make love

At the time, Tina was certain that Danny was aware of the nightly arguments she and Michael were having in their own bedroom, which was next to his, and that he wanted to move into the den so he wouldn't be able to hear them bickering

Besides, living in Sacramento, she wouldn't be a nickel duchess any longer; she wouldn't be anyone special; she would be just another elderly lady, living with her daughter's family, playing grandma, marking time, waiting to die.

The knob turned, but the door wouldn't open

Danny wailed and shrieked, and now the earth was even with his chin, but the man in black wouldn't stop filling in the hole

He would be sleeping, but she wouldn't feel guilty if she woke him, not after all the sleepless nights that he had given her

Michael couldn't or wouldn't

Her eyes were red, but she wouldn't pass for Dracula

She probably wouldn't get the answers she needed, and she would only be acknowledging her presence to whomever might be out there at another workstation

But when she attempted to type in her instruction, the keyboard was locked; the keys wouldn't depress.

And if he were lying, he wouldn't have told her the story about Charlie and coffee, for that could be substantiated or disproved with only a minimum of effort; he would have come up with a better alibi if he really needed one

He was so good that he could safely take young boys into the Sierras for sixteen years, a challenge a lot of other winter survival experts wouldn't touch

Maybe I'd hire private detectives, and they wouldn't catch anyone but me."

I'll admit I don't know you all that well yet, but I think I know you well enough to say you wouldn't react that way

If your inability to accept Danny's death was a serious problem, you wouldn't push it down into your subconscious

They wouldn't be this mysterious about it, would they?"

If Danny were alive, and if someone were trying to get that news to you, it wouldn't be done like this, not with all these dramatic hints

I wouldn't be able to fantasize about Danny still being alive."

I wouldn't want to have to mix this damn stuff three times."

"I was hoping you wouldn't ask."

"I wouldn't like that," Kennebeck said thoughtfully

He had a few chores to finish before she came, so they wouldn't have to spend a lot of time doing galley labor as they had done last night

Evidently sensing Vince's onrushing blowup and aware that it wouldn't help them accomplish their mission, Bob quickly said, "Listen, Stryker, we can't answer most of your questions because we don't know

If they had intended to let him live, they wouldn't have used their real names in front of him

And they wouldn't have wasted so much time coaxing him to cooperate; they would have used force without hesitation

Gas might be leaking under the concrete slab and building up down there, in which case it's possible you wouldn't detect it right away, but you'd still be sitting on top of a bomb."

Elliot ducked a wild roundhouse punch, stepped in close, still holding on to the pistol that the other man wouldn't surrender

Vince would survive, although he might need hospitalization, and he wouldn't be able to swallow without pain for days to come.

She put the magazine aside, cover-down, so she wouldn't have to meet Death's wormy, red-eyed gaze.

It wouldn't come down

"And I sure wouldn't choose to have my nice, peaceful, quiet life turned upside down

"Well, if someone had a guilty conscience, why wouldn't he approach you directly?"

A group of young boys wouldn't be a threat to the security of a secret installation."

She wouldn't let him interrupt

"But if he can send dreams to you," Elliot said, "why wouldn't he simply transmit a neat, clear message telling you what's happened to him and where he is? Wouldn't that get him the help he wants a lot faster? Why would he be so unclear and indirect? He should send a concise mental message, psychic E-mail from the Twilight Zone, make it a lot easier for you to understand."

Willis Bruckster was so sure he appeared dull and ordinary that he wouldn't have been surprised if a guard had looked at him and yawned.

Surely, if someone from Project Pandora had told her what had happened to that busload of scouts, she wouldn't have reacted to the news with equanimity

The risks would have been acceptable, however, and there wouldn't have been any need to kill anyone.

"I told you he wouldn't go back there."

And maybe he wouldn't have known how to handle Vince

But she sensed that he'd seen something important, and she wouldn't go easily until she knew what it was

"Listen, if I could get my hands on the people who're trying to keep us from finding Danny, I wouldn't have any compunctions about killing them

If the rescue attempt went smoothly, as Tina's dream seemed to predict, they wouldn't have any need for much of what they bought

"The government wouldn't go to all the trouble of hiding this joint out here just to house a handful of researchers or whatever

They wouldn't want a lot of daily traffic coming in and out of here on a forest road that's supposed to be used only by state wildlife officers

He was sweating in his Gore-Tex suit, praying that Danny wouldn't let him down

When the young guard discovered that his revolver wouldn't work, he threw it.

But if we closed up shop, if we stopped doing this sort of research just because we were afraid of men like Tamaguchi winding up in charge of it, we'd be conceding so much ground to our enemies that we wouldn't survive for long

"If I understand you, the Chinese could use Wuhan-400 to wipe out a city or a country, and then there wouldn't be any need for them to conduct a tricky and expensive decontamination before they moved in and took over the conquered territory."

She was having difficulty-wrapping Danny securely in the blanket because he wouldn't let go of her

If they all left, they'd just be turning the place over to men like Tamaguchi and Zachariah, and there wouldn't be anyone around to balance things

No, she wouldn't tell anyone what Danny could do

The engine wouldn't turn over immediately.

'You'd believe me whatever I said, wouldn't you?' And then she left the room.

'Where she wouldn't hear anything that went on in the study

'He wouldn't let me.'

'Because he wouldn't let me.'

Well, who would be happy with a stepmother? I wouldn't put up with it.'

'Mary had told him that you wouldn't be in till half-past six, and he was willing to wait until then

'But I thought that perhaps my husband wouldn't stay very long

'I wouldn't like to upset you or Mrs Clement.'

'Because a man like Archer wouldn't kill a man with a pistol

He wouldn't have needed to tell you that he couldn't wait any longer until after half-past six

If she had one of those university boys for a boyfriend, wouldn't he come and take her home every evening? Certainly, Joe would love to do exactly that - with his taxi

'Well, if I had the chance to behave the same way,' said Connie, 'I wouldn't make use of it.'

'And you promised you wouldn't tell her.' It was Father's voice now.

'Okay; now all is over, and don't let's argue about it.' 'Was it you who arranged the coup, I wonder? Just because of your sister? It wouldn't surprise me.'

In fact, if I were her, I wouldn't come back here either