How to use "angrily" in a sentence


The Mouse looked angrily at her and swam quickly away.

'What are you doing out here, Mary Ann?' he asked angrily

'Well, what's it doing up there? Take it away!' said the Rabbit angrily.

'Seven centimetres is a very good size,' said the Caterpillar angrily

'Then why did you say, "Have some wine"? It wasn't very polite of you,' Alice said angrily.

Butter isn't good for a watch.' He looked angrily at the March Hare.

Alice got up angrily and walked away from the table into the woods.

The Queen turned away from him angrily

'Do something now, or I'll cut off everybody's head!' said the Queen angrily.

'If you're an idiot,' he said, angrily, 'how do you know how to do that?'

He answered angrily, 'Can't you see? I'm trying to sleep.'

He walked angrily out of the room, leaving the mayor and the prostitute alone together

'Be quiet, you dirty prostitute,' Javert interrupted her angrily

'You've killed her!' he cried angrily, turning to Javert with a fierce look in his eyes.

'What took you so long?' Mme Thenardier said angrily when she saw the little girl.

'What do you want?' Marius repeated angrily.

'He must have been the cleverest of them all, 'Javert murmured angrily to himself.

'You heartless boy,' he said angrily

They were all shouting angrily, "Work! We want work!"

'I wish,' I said angrily, '..

'Come on, Jasper, for God's sake,' said Maxim angrily

'Don't be silly,' said Maxim angrily

There was a sound in the boat-house and Jasper ran up to the doorway, barking angrily.

She looked at me angrily.

She looked at me angrily.

I rang the bell for a maid and when she came, I spoke to her angrily

Favell laughed angrily

Fling! She thought angrily.

He's more important because he's a human being, not because he's a source of data, Dombey thought angrily, but he didn't voice the thought because it would have identified him as a dissident and as a potential security risk.

'But why must you know?' she asked, almost angrily.

He turned on me angrily

I saw one old man with a big box and a number of flower-pots, angrily arguing with a soldier who wanted him to leave them behind.

'Of course she'll sign the document,' said Sir Percival angrily.

Don't you trust me?' cried Sir Percival angrily.