How to use "anything" in a sentence


It makes me feel happier than anything

What more can I do? No voice inside my head suggests anything useful

This meant that they wouldn't do anything until late the following day.

I don't feel anything

While I was taking them, I couldn't do anything well

I was like a child again, unable to do anything for myself

I know that even if I could travel back in time, I wouldn't change anything

I didn't like this idea, but I didn't say anything at the time.

I didn't do anything wrong

"Professor, do you know anything about medicine?"

I did not want to say anything about the sick man, but I was curious

The giant squid shot black ink out of its body, and none of us could see anything

She looked all round her, but she couldn't see anything with 'EAT ME' or 'DRINK ME' on it

But the Duchess did not say anything to her, so Alice asked, 'Please, why is your cat smiling?'

So he doesn't do anything for me

And I don't have time for anything.'

But they didn't say anything.

But the Mouse didn't say anything, because he was asleep.

'I can't do anything,' said Alice

You can't cook anything in that.'

She looked at him and said, 'I won't get you anything - not as much as a glass of warm river-water, you pig!' Then she looked at me and said, 'And how many babies have you killed today, you big ape?'

'Do you have a telephone number, or anything?' I asked.

But at first I didn't say anything to Jenny.

'I knew that a baby was on the way when I left Indianapolis,' said Jenny, 'but I didn't want to say anything

'Do you know anything about football?'

No one knew anything about it at all.

You won't be able to prove anything!'

Mrs Emma Green lived in the cottage next to the stableyard; she did not hear anything either

He did not see or hear anything when he entered it and discovered the body at 1.44

Although men went in and out of the court, she did not hear anything suspicious

But what choice did he have? The truth was more important than anything else.

I'll pay anything you like.'

The concierge, however, became suspicious, thinking that Marius was connected with the police, and refused to say anything.

Is there anything that I can do?'

She had never read anything like this before, and it affected her deeply.

I try to remember anything, but I cannot! I have no idea who I am.

I try not to think of anything but the direction I am moving in, but I am starting to remember things now

I do not understand anything else that they say, but I do understand these three words, and I smile again.

"Dangerous, yes," but she does not say anything else, and Branwell continues.

"And he never says anything threatening? He never says that he wants to hurt you?"

In the day, when it's hot and sunny like today, they don't worry about anything

Most do not see anything, but one always sees something, and one is enough.

The friend, Mr Harris, says that Miss Lee did not say anything to Mr Dawson and that the only thing Mr Dawson said was 'Hello'

Your heart is beating so fast that you do not feel anything but the strange mixture of fear and anger.

I need to know that anything I say here is not to be repeated

To escape and to not say anything to anyone

That's enough time for them to get the money from Banff but not enough to do anything else like phone the cops

West nods but does not say anything

But last night he didn't call for anything."

"Well, to see if they know anything."

"I can't smell anything."

"I don't want you to say anything stupid, Jimmy, because this is your last chance." He looks across the pool to his assistant

"But, Mr Wynn, how did you know he cheated? We didn't see anything on the cameras," Clive asks.

"I haven't heard anything," she said

She'd never seen anything like it before.

Cham kissed her, and before Sala could say anything else, he turned and ran out into the rain.

Sala had never seen anything from beyond the city

If it really was from outside, it could be dangerous to say anything about it

She managed not to say anything in front of her little brother, but Gran could see at once that she was upset.

You were excited and you couldn't concentrate on anything else, but you were also a tiny bit afraid

He hadn't done anything else for years

"Then don't say anything else

"Does this have anything to do with his dad's work?"

"We also don't know anything about the people who have brought this message," Gran pointed out

Cham was enthusiastic, but he didn't seem to think the news had anything to do with him

How could Cham know anything new about the rebels, living inside the pod? Anyway, Gran was right: it was worth it

"So why hasn't Wena told me anything?" Sala rubbed her eyes

"Cham doesn't even believe anything the rebels are telling us

Mom hadn't said anything yet

we don't have proof of anything."

you're not planning anything with that woman, are you? They teach us to report things like that." Report it? Sala's stomach turned to ice

We have to report anything we think is strange

"If the government comes here, they won't find anything," said Gran

Sala couldn't imagine anything worse in the whole world than someone trying to harm Gran, Mom, or Apat.

And the way they were smiling, none of the other parents seemed to suspect that anything was wrong.

Maxim had not said anything to me about love

I did not say anything

You won't have to say anything

Help yourself to anything you want.'

We turned on to the left-hand path, not saying anything

'I didn't say anything, did I?' The man's eyes were full of fear

'Maxim would tell me if he wanted anything done,' Frank replied.

You know I love you more than anything else in the world

'I'm not doing anything wrong,' he said

'I didn't do anything

'I won't say anything to Maxim.'

'Is there anything the matter, Madam? Are you feeling unwell?' Mrs Danvers said quietly.

He did not say anything about Mrs Danvers or Favell.

No one expected me to do anything

I did not say anything.

I'm going back to the bay to see if I can do anything.'

'I love you more than anything in the world.'

I did not say anything

'I put Manderley first, before anything else

Rebecca did not say anything

We sat there together for some minutes without saying anything

'I am afraid I don't know anything about that,' I said.

She waited, but I did not say anything

'I don't care about anything else

Do you know anything about those holes?'

Let me think about something else, anything...

Could you come over to Manderley at once? No - I can't say anything over the phone

'I didn't see anything,' he said

'I don't think he would tell you anything,' Colonel Julyan answered

We did not say anything

Maxim looked pale and tired, but he did not say anything

No one said anything for a few minutes

'Favell can't do anything,' Colonel Julyan told us

'But he will never say anything

I did not say anything

But they can't do anything to us.'

She thought of herself as a tough, competent, levelheaded woman who was able to deal with anything life threw at her, and she was disturbed by her continuing inability to accept Danny's death.

She certainly couldn't share with him her appraisal of the situation: Danny, sweetheart, don't worry about anything you might have heard through the wall

But Danny had wanted to go to the mountains more than anything else in the world

Vivienne valued her independence more than anything else

Indeed, she couldn't see how anything could go wrong.

He couldn't find anything wrong with the show

Every player at the table groaned, and they all had comments to make about the unlikely possibility that they might win anything from this dealer.

"Somebody broke in three times but didn't steal anything?"

"Why would someone break in and leave without taking anything?" Michael asked.

"You managed," she said, and that was as close as she could come to accusing him of anything.

"You were the one who started fucking anything that breathed, and then you flaunted each cheap little affair to hurt me

I don't feel anything for you

Not anything at all."

And why would a first-rate burglar leave without taking anything? Why break in merely to write on Danny's chalkboard and to wreck the dead boy's things?

"Is there anything more you need before I leave?"

"So is there anything more you need?"

She wasn't capable of anything as vicious as this

I can pour anything straight or over ice, but I can't even mix vodka and orange juice properly."

that alone will require a lot more manpower than the police can spare for anything except a murder case, a hot kidnapping, or maybe a narcotics investigation."

"Have you ever handled anything like this before?"

Tomorrow's a holiday, so we can't get anything done officially until Friday."

"We haven't heard anything about this."

The truth of it isn't anything like the version everyone's been told

But we don't have anything against you

No reason to evacuate people or panic or anything

It's not that you strike me as a dangerous person or anything

If I really believed there was even the tiniest chance of anything like that, would I be standing here so cheerful?"

I won't be needing anything."

But now that they know we're on to them, they might panic, might do anything

about the boat," Elliot said, not even knowing where he was going to go with that line, ready to say anything to keep Tom from putting up the garage door and throwing them out.

If you want to purchase a false passport, a counterfeit driver's license, or anything of that nature, you can pick and choose from several of the best document-forgery artists in the world, because this is where a lot of them live

But once those seeds are sown, once the parents of the other scouts and the entire city are clamoring for an investigation, Kennebeck's buddies won't have anything to gain by eliminating us

"I didn't say anything about what you'd choose if it were up to you

In the rush to get out of her house before the gas explosion leveled it, he hadn't noticed that she'd been carrying anything

He didn't say anything.

"I don't have anything worked out yet

Elvira stopped by the table and asked if they wanted anything more

"Listen," she said excitedly, "we thought someone was sending me messages about Danny being alive just to rub my face in the fact that he was actually dead - or to let me know, in a roundabout fashion, that the way he died wasn't anything like what I'd been told

Maybe there was an accident, but it wasn't like anything we were told

If the woman actually hadn't known anything of the cover-up, then the Network could have used her ex-husband and the legal system to delay the reopening of the grave

"You think he's licensed for instrument flying? Most businessmen-pilots and hobby pilots aren't certified for anything but daylight."

They don't know anything more about Project Pandora than what they picked up from that list of questions they took off Vince Immelman."

"You don't have anything to say about it," Dombey told him bluntly

"Can you think of anything better?"

"I didn't do anything."

They hadn't told him anything about Danny

"You will not be bothered by anything Elliot and I say to each other

"A Jeep or an Explorer - anything with four-wheel drive," Tina told Elliot

And since the banks are closed for the holiday, we couldn't do anything until next week

"Have we learned anything useful?"

"What if Danny didn't have anything to do with it? They might just be letting us in so they can trap us inside."

He seemed to be utterly vicious and capable of anything.

She could not have said anything else that would have had a fraction as much impact on them as the words she'd spoken

If you tell them anything about this..

For the past six or seven weeks, he hasn't been able to keep anything but liquids in his stomach

They don't see anything immoral about it

We don't need him for anything

He couldn't keep anything in his stomach because recently they've been reinfecting him, testing him to destruction, like I said

But we've checked our data a hundred times, and we can't find anything wrong with that diagnosis

There doesn't appear to be anything life-threatening about the parietal spot, but you sure should keep a watch on it."

Could this spot on Danny's brain have anything to do with the boy's psychic power? Were his latent psychic abilities brought to the surface as a direct result of the man-made virus with which he had been repeatedly infected? Crazy - but it didn't seem any more unlikely than that he had fallen victim to Project Pandora in the first place

His forehead was furrowed, as if he were concentrating, but that was the only indication that he had anything to do with the elevator's movement.

Although The Eyes of Darkness does not have the intensity, the humor, the depth of characterization, the complexity of theme, or the pace of later novels, readers have responded positively to it over the years, most likely because the device of a lost child - and the dedicated mother who will do anything to find out what happened to her little boy - strikes a primal chord in all of us.

So let's pay him a third time and hope he doesn't cut off anything as important as your head.

Of course I asked him to look carefully at the locked room, but we didn't find anything important.'

Well, I don't know anything about pips or papers

I'm not going to do anything."

Haven't you found anything which will help us?'

'Does that tell you anything?' asked Holmes.

'You are very fortunate to understand anything, Monsieur Delambre,' he said

will you promise to destroy that fly before doing anything else?'

I examined all the many flies we caught that day, but none had anything like a white head

She is twenty years younger than I am, very pretty, and unable to take anything seriously.

'Darling,' said Griselda, 'Why were you so angry with Colonel Protheroe? Was it anything to do with Mr Hawes?'

My curate, Hawes, wanted to know if my interview with Protheroe had anything to do with him

'If there is anything I can do...' I said.

'I don't suppose there's anything worth stealing,' said Lawrence

'Where she wouldn't hear anything that went on in the study

'She didn't say anything about it, and she would have done if she had heard it.'

'What about a silencer? Nobody would hear anything then.'

'Darling Len, you never know anything.'

'Well, have you anything you can tell us about it?' Melchett asked.

I will only say that nothing which was discussed had anything to do with the crime.'

'Well, if there was anything to be seen yesterday evening, Miss Marple saw it

Lady indeed! That woman could push a knife into you without feeling anything.'

Why would she take a suitcase into the woods at twelve o'clock at night? I don't expect it has anything to do with the murder

She said she hadn't heard anything

She never forgets anything.' He went into the next room and returned with a suitcase.

'So can you tell me anything about the lady who called to see Colonel Protheroe the night before he died.'

'Did you hear anything else?'

'She never knows where she's left anything

'But has it anything to do with the murder?' asked Griselda

I would do anything for Lettice.'

'I never dropped anything in your study,' she said

And the first thing she said was, 'I will not say anything at all to the police

I've been trying to protect Mrs Lestrange from anything that might upset her

'I'm not sure that "looks after" are the right words for anything that Mary does,' I said

I have always liked Mrs Protheroe but I soon realized that she would do anything Lawrence Redding told her

And Dennis, who would do anything for Lettice.'

'I'll do anything you want

That will stop her thinking anything about babies.'

I do not think I would have known anything about it myself if I had not met Ogilvy, the well-known astronomer

Nobody on Earth knew anything about the approaching missile.

Of course the two were quite unable to do anything, so they went back to the town again to get help

The sun went down before anything else happened

The view reminded me, more than anything else, of factories at night.

At a later date we began to feel less in danger of being seen because the sunlight outside was very bright, but at first anything approaching the house drove us back into the hall in fear

The curate, I found, was quite unable to discuss anything

'There won't be anything important for a million years or more - no music, no art and no nice little visits to restaurants

'"Oh, Jack!" she said, "I came here to see if our new neighbours needed anything

Mr Grant Munro did not say anything for two minutes, and his answer was one of which I love to think

However, I didn't say anything

'I don't see anything to laugh at,' I said.

At that moment, we all wanted mustard more than anything in the world.

Cat: Yes! You want me? Can I do anything for you?

Are you sure you don't want anything now?

He fell into the deep hole without knowing anything

You can put anything in a stew.'

George said, 'Well, I don't want to try anything new

Harris said, 'If you never try anything new, you'll never discover things

It isn't dirty or anything

The local fisherman's guide book doesn't say anything about catching fish

And he is as handsome as anything, and a good man, but you know..

Jesus! She doesn't wish herself dead or anything as stupidly final as that

He never does anything about them

'Jesus, is it possible that there is anything more important than that?'

If there is anything people in this country have, it is a big mouth.'

I had always known this, and I had never before felt anything more than a teacher's interest in my students

'I've never heard anything bad about Sir Percival., she said

'Who said anything about sacrifice?' cried Sir Percival, furious again

He won't ask Lady Glyde to sign anything today.'

'Did you hear anything?' she asked me

He was so concerned about the registers that he kept copies of them locked up at his home, in case anything happened to the originals

No one in Hampshire knew anything about her marriage, so when Sir F said that he had married her, no one suspected anything

In one test, the women were placed in special rooms with water where they could not hear anything or see anything