How to use "brave" in a sentence


I need to be brave and try again.

Farragut, the captain of the ship, was a strong and brave man

Then one day I got back to the hospital and a Colonel Gooch said, 'Gump, we're going back to America together! You're going to see the President of the United States, and he's going to give you a medal because you were very brave.'

A lot of army people were there, and they immediately started shaking my hand and telling me that I was a brave man and that they were pleased to meet me.

His father, a brave officer who had fought for Napoleon and nearly died at the Battle of Waterloo, had really loved him and his mother very much

'Never mind.' He sat on the bed next to the helpless but brave old man, and said, 'Let's discuss things quietly

The brave man was in terrible danger, but Marius still could not fire the gun

The new king, Louis-Philippe, was a brave and clever man who loved his country

There was a tall, grey-haired man whom nobody knew, but whose strong, brave face had impressed everybody

'He looked a brave young man.'

The first assault was beaten back by the brave rebels, but the soldiers attacked again and again

'Do you realize, Monsieur, how brave this man was? He rescued me from the field of battle and carried me through the sewers of Paris

A large brave dog to bark and growl at any intruders

Yes, a brave dog to protect you instead of just a lazy cat that lies in dangerous places.

Then Sala forced herself to be brave

The whole family went to the pod center, with Cham's mom telling his sisters to be brave, and his dad pale and quiet

"And..." She paused, then forced herself to be brave

"Storming right up to the front door, demanding answers from Bellicosti - that would be emotionally satisfying, brave, bold - and stupid."

Mom..." His face spasmed, and his brave smile dissolved, and an agonized groan escaped him

Helene, first of all I rely on you to be brave, because you alone can help me

'I don't know what has happened, my love, but I promise to be brave.'

The less brave of the two attackers ran away, and the other one followed cursing him

I knew my cousin was brave enough for any emergency, but he was not the sort of man to understand danger quickly and do something about it

It was nearly eleven o'clock before we felt brave enough to go out again

'You are a brave man.' And suddenly I held his hand

She knows it will take some time before she'll be brave enough to ask for things like that from him

She was brave, and she spoke about girls' education a lot

She was very brave

The Nobel Committee said she was a brave person who never worried that she was in danger

The fight for votes there was led by some very brave women

She was very brave, and she knew that women had to win this fight

This is thanks to brave women like Emmeline Pankhurst and Hatoon al-Fassi who fought so hard and won.

People will remember Amelia Earhart because she was brave and because she achieved so much for women and flight

In a letter to her husband, George Putnam, during her last flight, she showed how brave she was

The two young women were very brave, and they were empowered

Time magazine gave the "Person of the Year" for 2017 to the brave women who spoke about the problem of sexual harassment and assault.

Many women became brave because they saw other brave women in the MeToo movement