How to use "available" in a sentence


It was one of the best illusions available in the simulator, because if you stood at the edge of the cliff, it really felt like you could fall.

And when there's so little work available, most people have no hope of changing their lives

"The tests will take most of the time available."

It was so huge that a DC-9 airliner could be rolled onto it without using half the space available - a feat that had been accomplished as part of a production number on a similar stage at a hotel in Reno several years ago

an infinity of new opportunities made available to her because of this first smashing success..

"There isn't one available," Dombey said

On this holiday weekend the hotel was officially booked to capacity; however, Elliot knew accommodations were always available

When Elliot was informed that a room was available, after all, for two nights, he signed the registration card as "Hank Thomas," a slight twist on the name of one of his favorite movie stars; he entered a phony Seattle address too

There was food available, although the prices were very high, and the three of them had a meal.