How to use "bending" in a sentence


The innkeeper approached and, bending towards the man, said in a fierce whisper, 'Get out

The bishop, who had been bending sadly over a plant damaged by the basket, looked up and said gently, 'I think I was wrong to keep the silver for so long

Then, bending over the unconscious body, Valjean stared at Marius with hatred in his eyes.

Then, just as he was bending to splash water from the river on Marius's face, he was aware of someone else standing behind him

Gran was bending over a tomato plant, but as Sala entered, she straightened up slowly

Her guide was bending down, playing with her boot; and then she signaled with her fingers, inviting Sala on

Because I was bending down

As it passed it gave a deafening howl that was louder than the thunder - 'Aloo! Aloo!' - and a minute later it was with another one, half a kilometer away, bending over something in a field

They had passed me and two were bending over the fallen one.