How to use "beneath" in a sentence


There was, however, still a trace of beauty in the sixteen-year-old lace, like pale sunlight beneath the thick clouds of a winter's dawn

At last, exhausted, he stopped beneath a large grille that brought him much-needed light and fresh air

At one point he had to walk waist-deep through water, and almost sank as the ground turned to sand beneath his feet

He pulls the collar of his stolen coat up to cover his face, and he checks that no one can see the grey prison uniform that he is still wearing beneath it.

On the first, a black carriage, drawn by four black horses with evil glaring eyes, rushed along a night highway, beneath a gibbous moon, and a headless man held the reins, urging the frenzied horses forward

He stepped from beneath the sheltering branches of the trees

Two uniformed men were anxiously fiddling with the control consoles beneath a series of twenty wall-mounted video displays

From somewhere deep inside of him, from far down beneath all the pain and fear and anguish, Danny found a smile for her

At the same time, far away in the south-east, the shapes of three warships appeared, beneath clouds of smoke.

This face had no nose - I do not think they had any sense of smell - but it had a pair of very large, dark eyes, and just beneath these a kind of v-shaped mouth