How to use "bird" in a sentence


The sight and sound of the bird fills me with hope.

The bird is a sign of hope

I try and forget about the bird and pick up the camcorder

"And did it have a mouth and nose like a bird's?"

The largest bird spoke to Alice.

There was one chocolate for each bird and animal.

She can catch a mouse in the morning for her breakfast and a little bird in the evening for her dinner - Oh! I'm sorry!'

One old bird said, 'I really have to go home

Another bird called to her children, 'Come away, my dears! It's time for bed!'

It was a situation that only a bird could have escaped from

Here, we are free, and we have beauty all around us, but my heart breaks when I think of you trapped in that city, like a bird in a cage.

A bird began to sing, a high, clear sound

It was almost light now and a bird had started to sing

A bird swooped through the darkness overhead

It flapped noisily to the other end of the room and then back again, finally falling like a dead bird onto the floor at Elliot's feet.

'Well, anyway, Colonel Protheroe sent lots of poor fellows to prison just for shooting at a bird

'Only a bird,' he said