How to use "lunch" in a sentence


Why don't you wait at the side of the factory? It's almost lunch-time, and she'll probably come out.' So I did.

A lot of people came out at lunch-time

'Give me what you always give me for breakfast, lunch and dinner

Marius hugged Valjean warmly, addressed him as 'father' and invited him to lunch, but Valjean shook his head and said, 'Monsieur, I have something to tell you.'

Outside they can see the renovation work: there is scaffolding on the face of the old building, a new wall on the side of it, and three or four workmen are sitting on a bench eating lunch.

for lunch."

Back in the courtyard Smith stops by the workmen, who are still sitting and eating their lunch

And he looks back at the workmen, who are enjoying a slow lunch.

Now, she was sitting with Niki on their lunch break, and thinking about the months ahead.

She ordered a large lunch for herself

I was very rude after lunch.' The note was not signed, but I knew it was from de Winter.

It was half an hour before our usual lunch-time

'I want you to have lunch with me

It's very kind of you to lunch with me after my rudeness.'

Every day I had lunch with him at his table.

'My sister, Beatrice, is coming over to lunch with her husband,' Maxim told me

'Mrs de Winter always used the morning-room before lunch

Then, thank God, Frith came in to say that lunch was ready

Beatrice talked to Maxim all through lunch

When lunch was over, I could see that Maxim was tired

'What did she talk to you about after lunch?'

The following day, after lunch, Frith brought our coffee to the library as usual

I was too worried to eat any lunch

'Shall I come and have lunch with you today?'

Frank Crawley had come to lunch and the three of us were hoping to have a quiet afternoon

On the day of the Ball, Maxim and I had lunch with Frank

Maxim and I went back to the house after lunch

'I will give orders about the lunch,' she said

He told me he was bringing Colonel Julyan and Frank back for lunch.

I did not look at Maxim during lunch

'Thank you for the lunch,' he said to me

After an early lunch, I drove into the town with Maxim.

Then lunch

We had lunch somewhere and reached London at about three o'clock

The duchesses, who for the most part were widows and spinsters, often ate lunch and dinner together

Knowing this feast had been laid on for the party, few of those present had eaten dinner, and most of the dancers had eaten nothing since a light lunch

We were just finishing our lunch and I was pouring some wine into Henri's glass for him to dip a biscuit in

The morning Andre tried this terrible experiment, he did not come home for lunch

'I've thought about what you said at lunch,' she told me, 'and I've found some good things to eat.'

On Thursday, I was leaving the church and going home for lunch when I met Colonel Protheroe.

I went home, had lunch, and went out again to visit some people

'Was your master here for lunch yesterday?'

'What happened after lunch?'

'I'm already late for lunch.'

Could you and the vicar come for lunch today? Something strange has happened, and I would like Mr Clement's advice.

We then went into the dining room for lunch, where Lettice joined us.

'They came by hand after lunch,' she said 'All except one

I got back to lunch at about two, very tired because, as I have said, the day was extremely hot and dull

For lunch, we can take biscuits, cold meat, and fruit - but no cheese

Then we'll come out and have lunch

But, he got lost, too! Finally, the old keeper came back from lunch

We stopped at Kempton Park and had lunch under the trees

We continued slowly up the river, and stopped for lunch near Monkey Island

We had cold meat for lunch.

We towed the boat past Henley and stopped near Wargrave for lunch

After lunch, a gentle wind pushed us up the river past Wargrave and Shiplake

We put up the canvas cover before lunch

After lunch, Miss Halcombe told me about Mr Hartright's adventure on Hampstead Heath and her mother's letter describing Anne Catherick

After lunch, Sir Percival said, 'Will you sign this, Laura? It's just a formality

Sir Percival returned yesterday just before lunch

After lunch today, Laura went down to the lake alone again