How to use "bones" in a sentence


I can see the bones in my arm through the hole

I've done it! I've broken both bones in my arm.

She took a deep breath and went into the market, where the air was so cold that it pierced her bones, and where the harsh fluorescent lighting was too bright and too bleak to encourage fantasies.

She felt a sympathetic resonance in her teeth and bones.

When she thought of clubbing him, he looked at her, and she saw his face: a fleshless skull with rotting skin stretched over the bones, burning red eyes, a yellow-toothed grin

I feel it deep in my bones

His arm was skin and bones, a pathetic stick

She turned her head round with such force that I heard the bones crack in her neck

I also saw some human bones, with all the flesh eaten off

Near the top of Putney Hill I came across more human bones, eaten clean and left lying around

I was curious and I stopped to find the twisted and broken dog-cart with the whitened bones of the horse