How to use "chief" in a sentence


The chief magistrate derives all his authority from the people, and they have conferred none upon him to fix terms for the separation of the states

But the chief of the Metropolitan Police, Sir Charles Warren, changed the order

She was taken to the police station, where Inspector Javert, the chief of police, sent her to prison for six months.

This was the chief of police, Inspector Javert.

The desk clerk showed him into the police chief's office, where a tall man with a wide face and a thin, tight mouth was trying to keep warm next to a tire.

'Are you the chief of police?' Marius asked.

The chief inspector told us to come, but he didn't say why."

"Your chief inspector said you could help

"Who does he think he is? Just because he plays golf with the chief inspector

Unfortunately, George Alexander, chief of the Nevada bureau of the Network, hadn't possessed the patience or the skill to determine the woman's true motives

When Kennebeck informed Alexander of Elliot Stryker's request for an exhumation, the bureau chief responded immediately with extreme force

The bureau chief was a slim, elegant, distinguished-looking man

Now George Alexander was the Nevada bureau chief of the nation's first truly secret police force - a fact that apparently did not weigh heavily on his liberal conscience.

He considered the requisitioning of this executive jet to be one of his most important accomplishments in the three years that he had been chief of the Nevada bureau of the Network

An executive jet for the chief of the vital Nevada bureau was not an extravagance, and Alexander believed his improved performance over the past year had convinced the old man in Washington that this was money well spent.

George was encouraged by the President to believe that eventually he would be promoted to the bureau chief of the entire western half of the country - and then all the way to the top, if only he could get the floundering western division functioning as smoothly as the South American and Nevada offices