How to use "come" in a sentence


I wait, but tonight the second voice doesn't come

'Why don't you come with us?' she asks

I ask them to come with me.

He'd better come

I'll be upset if he doesn't come.'

'He didn't come to the party last night,' Leona told him

I was beginning to think it wouldn't come

How much longer can I survive? Death could come at any moment

2.30 pm I've come to another huge canyon

They turn and come running towards me.

Where did he come from? Why did he leave "our" world?

Wait for two minutes, then come up after me

'Perhaps I'm going to come out in Australia! I'll have to ask the name of the country

Then it said, 'Walk that way and you'll come to a house

'Perhaps it will come back again?' she thought

I can think things OK, but when I have to say them or write them down, sometimes they come out all wrong

Why don't you come and listen?'

Then, and in the months to come, I just had to do the things that I was told to do

And this meant that the enemy was able to come back and find us, so we had to get out fast.

I was just thinking of getting out of there and having some breakfast when the President said, 'Boy, is that your stomach making that noise?' So I said, 'Yes,' and the President said, 'Well, come on, boy, let's go and get something to eat!' And I followed him into the house, and a waiter got us some breakfast.

Students began to come in, most of them wearing dirty jeans

You can come back and stay with us tonight.'

I want you to come with us today, and I want you to wear your army clothes.'

Why don't you wait at the side of the factory? It's almost lunch-time, and she'll probably come out.' So I did.

But there was worse to come

And so we've come here today to dramatize a shameful condition.

In a sense we've come to our nation's capital to cash a check

Instead of honoring this sacred obligation, America has given the Negro people a bad check, a check which has come back marked "insufficient funds."

And so, we've come to cash this check, a check that will give us upon demand the riches of freedom and the security of justice.

We have also come to this hallowed spot to remind America of the fierce urgency of Now

The marvelous new militancy which has engulfed the Negro community must not lead us to a distrust of all white people, for many of our white brothers, as evidenced by their presence here today, have come to realize that their destiny is tied up with our destiny

And they have come to realize that their freedom is inextricably bound to our freedom.

I am not unmindful that some of you have come here out of great trials and tribulations

Some of you have come fresh from narrow jail cells

And some of you have come from areas where your quest - quest for freedom left you battered by the storms of persecution and staggered by the winds of police brutality

To the proposition, then, that slaves whose cases come within the terms of this clause "shall be delivered up", their oaths are unanimous

"Woe unto the world because of offences; for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that mam by whom the offence cometh!" If we shall suppose that American Slavery is one of those offences which, in the providence of God, must needs come, but which, having continued through His appointed time

May He guide me in the days to come.

And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe - the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state but from the hand of God.

'Did you come to the office to take out an insurance policy?' I asked Mr Slinkton politely

I saw Mr Slinkton come into the outer office

'I have come back,' he said, 'because I want to find out what my friend has done with the insurance forms

Very early that morning someone else had come to see me at my house

As she was speaking we saw the old man's hand-carriage come into sight

You are in great danger! You must come with me and talk to that man in the hand-carriage

Ellen asked Polly to come with her to the lodgings in Thrawl Street

Cross asked him to come and look

Davis ran out into Hanbury Street, where he saw some workmen and shouted, 'Men, come here!' They followed him, looked at the body from the steps, then ran to find a policeman.

But they did not come out, so he went away as the church clock struck three o'clock.

She thought he was looking up Miller's Court 'as if waiting for someone to come out'

A woman saw me lying on a stone bench across the square and suggested that I come here

As soon as I find a job, I'll come and fetch her

'I've come to apologize, M

Fantine, thinking that the inspector had come for her, gripped M

'He hasn't come for you.' Then, gently rising from his chair, he moved towards Javert

'I know what you've come for,' he said quietly so that Fantine wouldn't hear

'I didn't come here to argue,' Javert said, stepping back nervously, afraid that Valjean was going to attack him

'If you don't come with me now, I'll have to call my men.'

At last, the soldiers gave up their search and went back in the direction they had come

Leblanc and his daughter did not come to the Gardens at all

They did not come for a whole week, and Marius began to feel depressed

'The sun's come out at last!' she cried, eagerly accepting the coin

'Please come in, my dear sir! Please enter, with your charming young lady.'

'But I'll take my daughter home and come back this evening with more money for you.'

Jondrette, who had just come in, was shaking snow from his shoes.

My dearest daughter, You must come at once

Why not come quietly?'

'If we go, you must come too

At last! After four years! Was it really him? He wanted to open his arms and hug him, but all he said was, 'What have you come for?'

'Have you come to apologize? Do you now see that you were wrong?'

I know I'm not welcome here, but I have come to ask for only one thing

'I have come to ask your permission to get married.'

Gillenormand called for Marius to come back, but it was too late

'What have I done? This time he'll never come back.'

'So you've come!' he cried.

Just as Marius thought that her sad soul had finally left her body, she slowly opened her eyes, and said in a voice so sweet that it seemed already to come from another world, 'You know, M

They were filled with hope that help would come soon, but the hope did not last long

The soldiers might discover the grille by the barricade at any moment, and come down in search of him.

He did not know what part of the city he was passing under or how far he had come

But at the door he half-turned and said, 'Monsieur, if you will permit me, I would like to come and see her

I wouldn't come often or stay very long

'You can come every evening,' said Marius

'I want you to come and live with us

That night he went home in despair, and the next evening he did not come at all.

He had tried without success to find the man who had saved his father's lite at Waterloo, and now the man had come to him! He immediately asked the servant to show the man in.

You're going to come home with us

'Now, Cosette,' he breathed softly, 'the time has come for me to tell you your mother's name

The wolf said to her, hiding himself under the bedclothes, "Put the cake and the little pot of butter upon the stool, and come get into bed with me."

She needs to come now, he knows, but he cannot shout for her

"Can you pass me over the bag? Then you can come and sit here next to me," he says as casually as he can.

well, why don't we come at night? Isn't it better at night, Nick?"

Slowly they all come back in, and Nick knows he has to say something

And he pushes through the snow, and he thinks that maybe, if he can get to the sound, he can flee into the mountains and never come back.

Every year" Greg said, "hundreds of tourists come here, right? Most of them are rich, and some of them are very rich

The chief inspector told us to come, but he didn't say why."

But when he didn't come to breakfast this morning, we began to worry." Smith looks at the clock

"Detective, the young men at this school are very clever and come from very important families

Now, not many people come to this side of the forest at this time of the year, but if you see someone you just put the gun down gently in a bush or under some leaves

If you have no gun, then there is no problem; we can come back for the gun another day

He decided to come to the biggest, richest, most important gambling city in the world, and he decided to cheat.

Do you understand that, Jimmy? Do you know how many kids like you come into my casino? No? Hundreds, thousands

She didn't know where those words had come from

But Cham had come in and closed the door, and they had started to talk

They're saying that the study programs in the pod will make you much more employable when you come out."

"So, where did it come front?" Gran, still pale, said nothing.

The color was beginning to come back into Gran's face now

But of course it can't have come in from outside..

Can we talk? I'll come over, if you like."

A message - from Cham! His smiling face, saying simply: "Can you come to mine?" Sala's heart flooded with happiness

Then you get it all back as energy units when you come out

"Gran said she thought it had come from..

come on..

She decided that they needed to talk about something different, because she'd come here to make things better, not worse.

But who are you? Where did it come from?"

"It's normal to feel a little strange when you first come out."

It was the first important crossroads they'd come to together

"The only thing I can ask is this: if I do Pod Life without you, will you still be here for me when I come out? Can you wait two years?"

I was going to ask you to come

We're delighted you've come," he said, smiling brightly

"Can I come?"

"I'd like her to come with me."

"I'm sorry, but you can't come any further with us

and anyway, maybe she would come back with exciting news for everyone.

This was crazy; she shouldn't have come

"Come in, come in," she said

She was over an hour late for meeting him at the simulator center, and because her ultranet connection didn't come back on until she was almost there, she couldn't even call him or send him a message

"So, come on, then," said Cham

Promise me we'll investigate this more closely when you come out."

We could come later

"Oh, come on, now," said Gran

"Cham! Oh! It's you! Come, come - we're all over here..."

If you come out of the pod, we can try and find it together

I need you to come out."

They'll come here."

What was that look in his eyes? A challenge or just a question? Whichever it was, Sala knew the moment had come.

Sala forced her mind to go still; the voices seemed to come from far away

How an excited look come into her small eyes.

For the first time, I wished that I had not come.

'Why do you ask me to come out in your car, day after day?' I said

'I've come to say goodbye,' I said

'Either you go to America with Mrs Van Hopper or you come home to Manderley with me.'

I don't want her to come to the wedding.'

The sun will be shining for you when we come to Manderley.'

I'll come up later.'

The dog, Jasper, came to me because in the past he had come to Rebecca.

I felt that Rebecca would come back into the room at any moment

The mistress of the house would come in and find me, a stranger, sitting at her desk.

And Maxim had not come back

We called and whistled, but he did not come.

'Jasper,' I shouted, 'Jasper, come here.'

The dog looked up, but he did not come to me

She won't come back, will she?'

'She won't come back.'

'I thought you would come with me,' I answered.

The colour had come back into it

It must have come from the raincoat pocket

'Well, Mrs Danvers had better come and see me

A strange name for a boat - "I'll come back"

And that boat would never come back now.

'I think you should come out,' I said

But who was the man? And why had he come when Maxim was away in London?

'Perhaps I'll come back and see you one day

Rebecca would never come back to this room again

The wind was blowing harder, and still she had not come back.

'I come into these room and dust them every day,' Mrs Danvers said

'If you want to come again, ask me

'Shall I come and have lunch with you today?'

'I'd like you to come very much, Beatrice,' I said.

I wanted Maxim to come home.

People come to tea sometimes, of course.'

Frank Crawley had come to lunch and the three of us were hoping to have a quiet afternoon

'You can't come in.'

'No, no,' I said, 'you can't come in

Tell Maxim that he can't come in either

I'll come down when I'm ready.'

You must come down for him,' she said.

But Maxim did not come.

He had not come to bed at all

'Frank,' I said slowly, 'Maxim did not come to bed last night.'

'Let me come up and see you.'

'I've got to come and see you,' he said.

Perhaps Maxim had left me and would never come back

A fog had come up from the sea

'Why did you ever come to Manderley?' she said

She won't come back, will she?'

'He wants to come here and speak to Mr de Winter at once

'Ask Captain Searle to come up and wait.'

He started to come here when I was away.'

And it will never come back

'I won't come in with you after all.'

'I didn't want you to come,' Maxim said

The rain was falling so heavily that I did not hear Frith come in.

I could not think why Favell had come.

It will be better if you come back in the morning.'

That's why I've come here to find out the truth

I'd never come back, I promise you.'

Could you come over to Manderley at once? No - I can't say anything over the phone

I saw a look of disgust come into Colonel Julyan's face.

Instead, he rang the bell and when Frith came in, he said, 'Ask Mrs Danvers to come here, Frith.'

The flowers would come every year, the birds would sing

We have come about the death of the late Mrs de Winter

'No one called de Winter has ever come to me.'

She had come to me the week before

She had come back to hear the result

But the pain would have come

The sound she'd heard had come as she was waking, a real noise, not an imagined one.

After all, as fantastic as it was, the show was only a come-on, a draw, with the sole purpose of putting a few thousand people into the hotel every night

At first, it had seemed terribly wrong that such a wonderful opportunity should come her way before she'd even had time to mourn her boy, as if the Fates were so shallow and insensitive as to think that they could balance the scales and offset Danny's death merely by presenting her with a chance at her dream job

In one of her terrible seizures of grief, in a moment of crazy dark despair, had she come into this room and unknowingly printed those words on Danny's chalkboard?

Last night, after drinking the bourbon, had she come back here in some kind of fugue and...?

Someone had come into the house while she was out and had printed those two words on the chalkboard again

These things were as they always had been, since she had first come to work here, before Danny had died.

The sliding closet doors began to move on their runners, and Vivienne Neddler had the feeling that some awful thing was going to come out of the dark space, its eyes as red as blood and its razor-sharp teeth gnashing

When the aisle in front of her booth was finally empty of well-wishers, Tina got up and met Joel as he started to come to her

"I guess you'll have to be here most nights for a long time to come."

For almost five minutes, the room seemed to have come alive.

Clearly, the intruder had come in after Mrs

She smiled uneasily and tried to remember that she had come here to accuse him of cruelly harassing her

"But my favorite is what we call the 'time-warp syndrome.' People come here from a lot of dull places, and Vegas is like an adult Disneyland

Her original intention had been to accuse him of ripping apart Danny's room; she had been prepared to come on strong, so that even if he didn't want her to know he'd done it, he might be rattled enough to reveal his guilt

After all, she'd lived with him for a long time, through years of happiness and years of misery, and she'd come to know the limits of his talent for deception and duplicity

"You managed," she said, and that was as close as she could come to accusing him of anything.

So you come to me with this story."

"You don't need an excuse to ask me what you've come here to ask

She turned away from him and started toward the rear entrance of the hotel, out of which they'd come a few minutes ago.

"You were wrong to think I'd come crawling back

It was you who didn't come home at night

But the room had been warm when Tina had first come in to use the computer, and now it was cool

She spun around in her chair, but no one had come into the room.

She took hold of the two lines - one heavy cable and one ordinary insulated wire - and they seemed to come alive in her hands, like a pair of snakes, resisting her

She took a step toward him, but then she realized that he might have come here straight from a computer in one of the other third-floor offices

And if he were lying, he wouldn't have told her the story about Charlie and coffee, for that could be substantiated or disproved with only a minimum of effort; he would have come up with a better alibi if he really needed one

"If he were alive," Elliot said patiently, "someone would simply come and tell you

"Come on, come on."

So will you cool it? Just come over here, sit down, let me inject you, give us a few answers, and we can all get on with our lives

"If you're working for a government intelligence agency, then go away and come back with the legal papers," Elliot said

We need to check our lines where they come into your house."

This was a bizarre notion, and she didn't know where it had come from, but she couldn't dispel it.

Vince would survive, although he might need hospitalization, and he wouldn't be able to swallow without pain for days to come.

Crazily, Tina felt as if her nightmare had not come from within her, but from without, as if some person or force had projected the dream into her mind in an effort to-

"I can't figure why they'd come for me first."

They hurried back the way they had come.

It wouldn't come down

"Sure as the sun will come up tomorrow," Tom said.

He'll have come to his senses and scrammed by now

Maybe we'll come up with someone who can help us."

"It'll come down."

If they had seen something, they'd have come back with at least a dozen different stories about it, none of them accurate

Killing all those people and trying to fake an accident - that was a whole lot riskier than letting the kids come back with their half-baked stories about seeing something peculiar in the mountains."

But it's the kind of theory that almost any smart, ambitious reporter will go for in a big, big way - if we can come up with enough facts that appear to support it."

"You said we ought to come up with more evidence before we go to the newspapers."

Danny survived the accident, but they couldn't let him come home because he'd tell everyone the government was responsible for the deaths of the others, and that would blow their secret military installation wide open."

but he's reaching out to me." She struggled to explain the understanding that had come to her in the diner

"Then how come he suddenly has all these amazing powers?"

Danny said he was sure Elmer wasn't going to come back because he'd been hit and killed by a truck

"And if you come up with one," Tina said, "I'll give it very serious consideration."

But when Bruckster had come into the hotel thirty minutes ago, Evans had been chatting with the players at his blackjack table, cracking jokes, and grinning as if nothing of any importance had happened in his life lately.

Harry Kennebeck had come from a dirt-poor family and, by his own estimation at least, made quite a lot of himself

"But he won't come

He'll come here to confront you, even if he knows it's risky

The poor man's blue-lipped mouth hung in a permanent gape, as if he were trying to deny all of the accusations of suicide that were to come.

"I'll fade back into the shrubbery and wait for them to come around the corner after us

It was true that every dollar had to count, for every dollar of the Network's budget was difficult to come by

Danny wants us to come to him

She felt a peculiar pulling sensation that seemed to come from within her hand, and she stiffened in surprise.

If we're lucky, we'll have Danny when we come out, and he probably won't be in any condition to trek through the Sierras in the dead of winter."

Carlton Dombey, who had come on duty twenty minutes ago, sat at one of the tables against the north wall

"And if you want it easy," Alexander said, "you shouldn't have come to work for me

Maybe a few of the top people come and go regularly by helicopter

No one yet had come out of the building to challenge them, which most likely meant that Danny had jinxed the video security system.

She couldn't control herself any longer, so she allowed her own tears to come, rivers of tears, a flood

The other three quarters of the time was spent - so it seemed to me - in a competition to come up with idiotic plot or character changes with the intention of seeing who could plunge me into the longest spell of speechlessness

I long ago wore out the three pairs of shoes that I was able to buy with my after-expenses and after-tax income from the project which, had it come to fruition, might have been titled I Think There's a Rat Chewing My Foot in Dean Koontz's Theater

'I've come to ask for help,' he said

"And where has this letter come from?" my father said

'And why didn't you come to me immediately? Your enemies have had almost two days to make a plan

Now where did those letters come from? Did you see?'

So when my sister-in-law phoned at two in the morning, asking me to come over, but first to warn the police that she had just killed my brother, I spoke in my usual calm manner.

Please call the police and come quickly.'

'Under the steam hammer! Please come quickly, Francois! I can't bear it much longer!'

'I'll come and see you again tomorrow.'

'Do you remember I once told you about some mysterious flying stones in India? They come flying into houses as it thrown from outside, even though the doors and windows are closed.'

'And I remember your friend, Professor Augier, saying that the only possible explanation was that the stones had been disintegrated outside the house, had then come through the walls, and been reintegrated before hitting the floor or opposite walls

Dandelo was a small white cat who had come into our garden one day and remained with us

I now expected that my husband would invite the Air Ministry people to come down, but he went on working.

The morning Andre tried this terrible experiment, he did not come home for lunch

Put the boy to bed and come back in an hour's time.

'May I come to you?' I said

Helene, come back in the morning

'Andre, may I come in?' I said.

You remember the ashtray? Perhaps if you had put it through again, it might have come out with the letters turned back the right way.'

There is a path from Old Hall, where she lives, to our garden gate, so most people coming from there come to the study window instead of going along the road to the front door.

He had come to stay at the Blue Boar Inn, while he examined an old burial ground on Colonel Protheroe's land

When we reached her gate, she said, 'Please, come in and tell me what you think of my new home.'

It was arranged very simply, but perfectly, and I wondered what had made Mrs Lestrange come to St Mary Mead

So, I'll come to the vicarage this evening, as we arranged, at a quarter past six.' And he walked away.

I was told that Mr Abbott of Low Farm was dying and asked to come at once.

We thought that Inspector Slack would come and ask me what it was I had wanted to tell him, so we were surprised when Mary told us that he had gone

Like to come along?'

The doctor had just come in and was eating a plate of eggs and bacon in the dining room

Please - please - come to me

Please come now

'But Mr Redding did not come to the house yesterday?' said Melchett.

'Did anyone else come?'

As Melchett and I left the bedroom, I saw a thin man come out of another room along the passage.

'Please can you come with me, Vicar,' he said

I thought that after we parted in the village, she must have come back here and - so I put the pistol in my pocket and left

And then some of the old ladies often come in.'

'Where are you going? Can I come, too?' asked Dennis.

I would be very grateful if you could come and see me this afternoon

'It was very good of you to come, Mr Clement

'How did the murderer come to the study? First way, along the road and through the gate

'Or come from there?'

'Whoever murdered Colonel Protheroe did not come this way! There's no sign that anyone climbed over this wall

There's no other way he could have come.'

And they don't need to come through the village

But if only that shot hadn't come just at the end of the call - well, I'd know where to look.'

'Would you like to come to my cottage?'

"After all these years" - that's what he said - "you dare to come here -" Then he said, "I refuse

Could you and the vicar come for lunch today? Something strange has happened, and I would like Mr Clement's advice.

Then today, I decided to come up here

I'm going to find out the truth, and that's why I asked Miss Cram to come here

Mrs Protheroe did come to the study, but only as far as the window, not inside the room.'

'Colonel Protheroe had arranged for a man to come down from London on Monday - tomorrow - to make a full valuation

'Well, I did come to ask you if you would take the service tonight instead of me.'

But what does he want to come and see me for? I don't like it! I never suggested that he was guilty

Perhaps you could come and see me this afternoon?

Please, dear Vicar, could you come to my house this afternoon and help me?

'So good of you to come

'Dear Vicar, you are so kind to come round so quickly

I will come over at half-past nine

Perhaps dear Griselda and Dennis would be very kind and come over here and entertain my nephew

If I do not hear, I will come at the time I have said.

They left at just after nine o'clock, and at half-past nine exactly, there was a little knock on my study window, and I opened the glass door for Miss Marple to come in.

'You'd better come here.' I gave him the address

'Hello - hello - hello - Will the doctor come round at once to see Mr Hawes

'So sorry, Colonel Melchett, but when I heard that Mr Hawes was ill, I felt I must come and see if I could do something.'

'Mr Clement, why did you come here this evening?'

So she must have come back on an earlier train.' She looked at me

So perhaps the sneeze that Mrs Price Ridley's servant heard might have been the shot? But anyway, Mrs Protheroe and Mr Redding went into the studio together - and then realized, of course, that I would not leave my garden until I saw them come out again!'

'But when they did come out, their behaviour was happy and normal

'But the shot was heard at 6.30 when Lawrence and Anne had come out of the studio

At that time it was quite clear in my own mind that the Thing had come from the planet Mars, and I felt impatient to see it opened

As soon as Ogilvy saw me, he called me to come down, and asked me if I would mind going over to see Lord Hilton, who owned the land

I think everyone expected to see a man come out - possibly something a little unlike us on Earth, but more or less a man

They may stay in the pit and kill people who come near them, as they cannot get out of it

You'll come in sight of the Martians, I expect, about a kilometer along this road.'

'They come from Weybridge and Walton, and they said guns have been heard at Chertsey, heavy firing, and that soldiers told them to move out at once because the Martians are corning

For a day and a half he stayed up there, tired, hungry and burnt by the sun before it was safe to come down

The man he held pulled himself free and ran off down the road in the direction from which he had come.

They went back a hundred metres in the direction they had come

In the evening many people came hurrying along the road near their stopping-place, escaping from unknown dangers and going in the direction from which my brother had come.

After the sailors could no longer come up the Thames, they went to the towns on the Essex coast to take people onto their ships

When it was clear to the curate that I intended to go alone, he suddenly decided to come

The tentacle did not come into the hall again, but I lay all the tenth day in the darkness, too frightened even to move for a drink

It filled me with terror to think how quickly that great change had come

I lit no lamps, afraid that a Martian might come through that part of London looking for food in the night

'Where have you come from?' he said.

'I have come from Sheen,' I said

I stopped, on hands and knees, because we had come to the bushes.

After a week or two running around the fields on empty stomachs they'll come and be caught quite happily.' He paused

As we worked I thought about the job, and soon some doubts began to come into my mind

Death had not come a day too soon

People who were still alive would start to return, and life would come back to the empty streets

In that case, the cylinder could be destroyed before it was cool enough for the Martians to come out, or they could be killed by guns as soon as the door opened

We can never know what unseen good or evil might come to us suddenly out of space

After this tragedy, she decided to leave America, and come back to England to live with her aunt.

If you come home with me, all will be well

"I will trust you," I said, "if you promise never to come here again."

That was yesterday, Mr Holmes, and then I decided to come and see you for help.'

I sent the servant a hundred pounds, and told her to come to this cottage

Now, come with me

When old ladies and gentlemen look at him, tears come to their eyes.

Maria, come here and hold the light

Tom, come here and give me the nail.'

Taxis usually come every three minutes.

Then we'll come out and have lunch

'Why don't you come in?'

They come and stand half out of the water

If you go swimming, they come to look at you and disturb you

But, I think we were right to come back when we did

If she had one of those university boys for a boyfriend, wouldn't he come and take her home every evening? Certainly, Joe would love to do exactly that - with his taxi

'What have I done? Why have you come home so angry?'

James has come home late

One of those things which, with luck, will keep them together for some time to come.

In fact, if I were her, I wouldn't come back here either

'Dow-dah-dee-day! How's my dear young man today? Grow up fast and come to take care of Auntie Mercy.'

I thought I'd come and ask you if it's all right.'

She has come to Limmeridge from Hampshire with her mother for a few weeks

I am afraid to come back this afternoon, so I am leaving you this note at six in the morning

'The rain has come at last.'

'Say what you've come to say and then leave,' she said in a cold, aggressive voice.

'I've come to tell you that your daughter is dead.' 'How do you know?' she asked indifferently.

Do not worry - we are safe - but come back quickly

He said he'd come for two reasons: first, to express his feelings for me (I refused to listen to them) and secondly, to repeat the warning in his letter

A little more than a year had passed since she had said that, and now her wish had come true

I took a cab to my friend Pesca's house and asked him to come to the opera with me

One day she'll come back to the lake, but this time I'll be there!'

The people who had been at the funeral were all invited to come and see that Laura, Lady Glyde, was in fact alive and well

In the United Kingdom, the vote did not come until 1918

This was because a lot of men did not come home from the war, so women had to work to look after their families.

But the first woman prime minister didn't come from Europe or the USA

One of the biggest stories of women's empowerment has come with the MeToo movement, which started in 2017

"But why can't you come tomorrow?" asks Lolita.

"You must not come here

I come from a good family and I am the Governor's friend

Please come to my home in Reina de Los Angeles

"Sergeant Gonzales, come quickly!" says the Captain

Please come in

He shouts, "Lolita, come with me

Suddenly The Avengers come to rescue Zorro and Lolita