How to use "cop" in a sentence


In the mirror he sees the cop car park behind him, and he watches a young, tall cop get out.

He watches the cop walk slowly to the car

But before he can decide what, the cop is at the door, and Dan drops his cigarette.

The cop looks at him and nods, but says nothing

"I suppose it's this road: the desert makes it easy to forget to watch your speed," he says, and he thinks he sees the cop look at his hand.

"Yep," the cop says, "these roads are funny like that

The cop nods but does not take them

"Is there a problem, officer?" And he looks at the gun on the cop's belt

"Just get out of the car please," the cop repeats.

Dan nods and gets out, and he thinks again that there is something strange about the cop's uniform

He walks around to the trunk, the cop behind him, and he pushes the button

If the cop asks to look in his bag, he can reach in, grab the bat and take a swing...

"Sir?" the cop says.

But in the reflection of the red paint he sees the cop raise his hand, and in the soft evening light he sees the knife, and for a moment he does not understand.

The cop falls too, and there is a moment of confusion, but then Dan pushes himself up onto his feet and runs

He sees the cop car and runs to it and pulls open the door.