How to use "curb" in a sentence


Vivienne Neddler parked her vintage 1955 Nash Rambler at the curb in front of the Evans house, being careful not to scrape the whitewalls

Elliot's Mercedes was parked at the far curb, and she was six or eight feet from the car when the sudden outward-sweeping shock of the explosion shoved her forward

He glanced at the rearview mirror and saw a black van pull away from the curb, half a block behind them.

He parked at the curb, switched off the headlights, and cut the engine.

It drifted to the curb and braked abruptly

Tires squealing, he pulled the Chevy away from the curb, into the street.

It spun across the street, jumped the curb, crashed through a hedge, destroyed a plaster birdbath, and came to rest in the middle of a snow-blanketed lawn.

When they had gone two blocks, he said, "Turn right at the next corner." After two more turns and another three blocks, he said, "Pull it to the curb