How to use "desire" in a sentence


His desire for the girl was growing daily, and he dreamt of her every night

Marius and Cosette both did their best to raise Valjean's spirits, to show him how much they loved and needed him, to fill him with the strength and the desire to live again

Beneath his cordial, witty, slightly cool exterior, his secret response was that of a healthy male animal, and her awareness of it was more instinctual than intellectual, like a mare's response to the stallion's first faint stirrings of desire.

Gradually Michael's displeasure over her desire to succeed was complicated by a darker emotion: He grew jealous of her smallest achievements

But he was so involved with his fantasy that he wasn't aware that she had no desire to be a part of it

To his surprise, her fear rapidly changed to desire

In our desire to watch, we even fought each other within a few centimeters of being seen.